Therapeutic Fasting

Therapeutic Fasting: Overview

The human body is designed with the capacity to fast.  Although fasting is safe as well as effective, it is advisable to be under medical supervision when on any extended fast.

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"Man lives on one quarter of what he eats.  On the other three quarters lives his doctor."
- Inscription on Egyptian pyramid, 3800 BC.

Fasting is very different to malnutrition.  A poor quality diet consumed for a month results in a lowered state of health.  Fasting, on the other hand, gives the body the opportunity to cleanse and heal itself.  When free from the responsibilities of digestion, the capacity for self-restoration is enhanced.

  • Fasting leads to detoxification and improvement in organ function simultaneously.
  • Fasting often achieves results where other methods have failed.
  • Therapeutic fasting accelerates the healing process and allows the body to recover from serious disease in a dramatically short period of time.
  • Fasting is inexpensive and universally available

Sometimes when people try to make major dietary changes without the benefit of fasting they become frustrated.  Beneficial changes that can take months or years with careful eating happen quickly if a fast is utilized.  Once a person begins to realize the health potential and can see the results, he or she is more likely to become committed to a lifetime of healthful living.

Nature tells us to fast.  When we have no appetite during an acute illness, fasting is nature's way to accelerate recovery.  Feeding the sick individual when his digestive powers are diminished only serves to further complicate the illness.

Function; Why it is Recommended

During an acute viral illness, fasting activates white blood cells and causes more interferon to be produced.

Conditions responding to fasting include: Headaches, hypoglycemia, diabetes, autoimmune diseases, cardiovascular disease, hypertension, acne and eczema, tinnitus, vertigo, fibromyalgia, glaucoma, cervical dysplasia, chronic neck and back pain, polymyalgia rheumatica, and many others.

Physicians who have used this approach have recorded improvement or recovery from conditions of every description that patients had been needlessly suffering with for years.  Besides the diseases already mentioned, one should assume that in the vast majority of chronic medical conditions this approach may give the disease sufferer the best chance to achieve a complete recovery and avoid a lifetime of suffering or medical treatments.

The withdrawal symptoms of addiction to such drugs as alcohol, cocaine, nicotine and caffeine are resolved quickly while fasting.  Most people are amazed at how easy it is to quit smoking while fasting.  Those who have fasted begin to respect their body in a new way that enables them to take better care of themselves in the future.


When non-human animals feel sick, they do not eat.  Listen to your body when you are sick and have no appetite.  Fast for a few days, then proceed to a light diet of fruit and salad vegetables for a few days and you will quickly recover your health.

Counter-Indicators and Warnings

Conditions for which fasting is not recommended include extreme weakness or debilitation, severe anemia, nutritional deficiencies, porphyria, evidence of weakened kidney or liver function, and pregnancy.  Malnourished patients with cancer or AIDS should not fast.  Medications should be tapered and discontinued prior to fasting whenever possible.

References & Further Information

A very useful book is Fasting and Eating for Health, A Medical Doctor's Program For Conquering Disease. by Joel Fuhrman, MD.  1995.

On This Page

Therapeutic Fasting:

Therapeutic Fasting can help with the following:


Addictions / Addictive Tendencies

Fasting makes it easier to overcome bad habits and addictions.  Many people have overcome tobacco and alcohol cravings, and even drug addictions, by fasting.

Cigarette Smoke Damage

Most people are amazed at how easy it is to quit smoking while fasting.  Fasting makes it easier to overcome a tobacco addiction by reducing the craving for nicotine.

Alcohol-related Problems

Fasting makes it easier to overcome bad habits and addictions.  Many people have overcome tobacco and alcohol addictions, and even drug addictions, by fasting.  Fasting rapidly dissipates the craving for alcohol.

Cocaine Addiction

Fasting makes it easier to overcome bad habits and addictions.  Many people have overcome tobacco and alcohol addictions, and even drug addictions, by fasting.  Fasting rapidly dissipates the craving for drugs.


Premature/Signs of Aging

According to research at the University of Southern California published in June, 2014, prolonged fasting reduces levels of the enzyme PKA, which is linked to aging.


Allergic Rhinitis / Hay Fever

Fasting lowers the allergic reactions producing hay fever.


Autoimmune Tendency

Dr. Joel Fuhrman, M.D. has spent much of his professional life treating disease by fasting his patients.  He has an entire chapter in his book, Fasting and Eating for Health, dedicated to the subject of autoimmune disease.  He is convinced that fasting with subsequent dietary changes is a much superior approach to autoimmune disease than conventional treatments.


Phlebitis / Thrombophlebitis

Increased fibrinolysis during fasting may account for the dramatic improvement seen when patients suffering from thrombophlebitis fast.

Hypertension (High Blood Pressure)

Fasting is a way to correct high blood pressure without drugs.  Fasting will normalize blood pressure in the vast majority of cases; the blood pressure will remain low after the fast if a person follows a health-supporting diet and lifestyle.

Not recommended for
Iron Deficiency Anemia

Fasting should be avoided in severe cases of iron deficiency anemia.


Not recommended for
Protein Deficiency

Fasting should not be used when there is malnutrition.


Dyspepsia / Poor Digestion

Fasting gives the digestive system a much-needed rest.  After fasting, both digestion and elimination are invigorated.

Crohn's Disease

Fasting is an important element of treatment if a sustained remission is to be expected.

Ulcerative Colitis

Short fasts can be beneficial, giving the entire organism an opportunity to restore its cellular and immunogenic integrity.

Environment / Toxicity

Eyes / Ocular


Cervical Dysplasia

Cervical dysplasia is helped by fasting.

Not recommended for
Pregnancy-Related Issues

Fasting should be avoided during pregnancy.



Weakened Immune System

Research at the University of Southern California published in June, 2014 suggests that a person's entire immune system can be rejuvenated by fasting for as little as three days.  Fasting appears to trigger the production of new white blood cells, which fight off infection.  Fasting not only forces the body to use stores of glucose and fat, but also breaks down a significant portion of white blood cells – many of which may be damaged or old.  This in turn "flips a regenerative switch" that prompts stem cells to create brand new white blood cells.

Chronic Fatigue / Fibromyalgia Syndrome

Fasting is reported to help in cases of fibromyalgia, but probably not chronic fatigue syndrome.

Not recommended for

Extended fasting should be avoided in AIDS patients, who tend to be malnourished already.


Cold Or Flu

It is generally best not to eat for at least a day when sick with a cold or flu.  Not eating will help your immune system to concentrate on the battle taking place.  Fasting is more likely to make a difference with the flu than with a simple cold.


Chronic Inflammation

Fasting promotes the resolution of inflammatory processes, as seen, for example, in rheumatoid arthritis.

Lab Values


Migraine/Tension Headaches

It is believed by those specializing in detoxification that the major cause of both tension headaches and migraines is the retention of toxins or tissue irritants within the central nervous system.  These chemical irritants may cause an oversensitivity of nerve tissues to other stimuli, resulting in headache.  Drugs for relieving pain are rarely necessary if headache sufferers are allowed to fast and detoxify at the first sign of headache symptoms.

During periods when you are not ingesting harmful food substances or drugs, your body will often use that opportunity to detoxify, which may initiate another headache.  This is the time when you must try to use non drug measures such as cold compresses, rest in a dark room, banding with Velcro, or biofeedback.

Headaches can also be caused and worsened by not eating.  The reason is that not eating triggers withdrawal symptoms as the body begins to detoxify and get rid of retained toxins.  Remember: For a short time you may feel bad so that for a long time you can feel good.  Persistent severe headaches that do not respond within a few days of fasting should always be further evaluated by a physician.


Edema (Water Retention)

Fasting promotes the drying up of abnormal fluid accumulations, such as edema in the ankles and legs and swelling in the abdomen.


In severe cases, additional methods of support besides diet may be needed and perhaps the best of these is fasting.  Fasting is a useful, inexpensive and universally available treatment for hypoglycemia.  The fast allows the entire system to restore its cellular integrity.

Not recommended for
Acute, Intermittent Porphyria

Fasting should be avoided in cases of porphoria.


Rheumatoid Arthritis

The fast allows the entire system to restore its cellular and immunogenic integrity.  Fasting can cause regression of some autoimmune and inflammatory disorders, such as rheumatoid arthritis. [Controlled trial of fasting and a one-year vegetarian diet eased symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis; The Lancet, 1991, 338]

Not recommended for
General Weakness

Fasting should not be employed if a general weakness exists due to malnutrition.

Neck / Spine

Nervous System


In severe cases, a short juice fast for four or five days with carrot, beet, citrus fruits, apple and pineapple may be used to hasten the recovery process prior to an alkalinizing diet.


Not recommended for
Multiple Vitamin Need

Major nutritional deficiencies may best be corrected prior to the start of a lengthy fast.  Supplementation during a fast is also a possibility.

General Mineral Requirement

Major nutritional deficiencies may best be corrected prior to the start of a lengthy fast.  Supplementation during a fast is also a possibility.

Organ Health

Liver Detoxification / Support Requirement

Fasting has a powerful effect on improving liver function, an effect which continues after the fast.  However, fasting should be avoided in cases of severe liver disease or failure.

Not recommended for

Extended fasting should be avoided in cases of compromised liver function.

Chronic Renal Insufficiency

Lengthy fasting should generally be avoided by people with renal failure.  Short-term fasts may be helpful, but must be done under an experienced doctor's supervision.



Fasting lowers the allergic reactions causing asthma.


Adult Acne

Fasting clears the skin and whitens the eyes.  It is a common experience to see skin eruptions clear while fasting.

Adolescent Acne

Fasting clears the skin and whitens the eyes.  It is common to see skin eruptions clear while fasting.

Tumors, Malignant

Not recommended for
Cancer, General

Extended fasting should be avoided by patients with a current known cancer who have experienced significant weight loss.  These patients tend to be malnourished already, and further nutrient restriction by fasting would make matters worse.

However, research at the University of Southern California published in June, 2014 showed that prolonged fasting reduces levels of a hormone that increases cancer risk and tumor growth.

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May be useful: may help with
May be useful:
may help with
Moderately useful: often helps with
Moderately useful:
often helps with
Very useful: is highly recommended for
Very useful:
is highly recommended for
Caution: is sometimes not recommended for
is sometimes not recommended for
Often counterindicated: is often not recommended for
Often counterindicated:
is often not recommended for
Should be avoided: is NOT recommended for
Should be avoided:
is NOT recommended for
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