More topics Related to Hypertension a treatment
“...and strokes (less than half, The American Heart Association has reported), moderate consumers of alcoholic beverages (beer, wine or distilled spirits or liquor) are generally less likely to suffer hypertension or high blood pressure, peripheral artery disease, Alzheimer's disease and even the common cold...”
...the condition
“...Some known contributors to this condition are excessive alcohol consumption, smoking, hypertension, prescription and non-prescription medications, poor diet, lack of exercise, poor circulation, and psychological problems...”
...the condition
“...Causes of abdominal/aortic aneurysms include ... High blood pressure (hypertension) speeds up damage to blood vessel walls...” a treatment
“...It has shown great promise for helping to reduce blood pressure in patients with mild hypertension, most likely by relaxing (dilating) blood vessels...” a treatment
“...insomnia, irritability, panic attacks (common aspartame toxicity reaction), marked personality changes, phobias, rapid heart beat (tachycardia – another frequent reaction), asthma, chest pains, hypertension (high blood pressure), nausea or vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, swallowing pain, itching, hives / urticaria, other allergic reactions, blood sugar control problems (e.g. hypoglycemia...” a treatment
“...Many small studies have concluded that low dose aspirin reduces the risks of pregnancy induced hypertension toxemia and severe low birth weight...”
...the condition
“...Risk factors include male gender, menopause in women, hypertension, elevated levels of low-density lipoprotein (LDL), decreased levels of high-density lipoprotein (HDL), quitting smoking, diabetes, obesity, having a personal or family history of heart...”
...related topic
“...which diet and therapies, such as herbal inhalation and massage, are dictated by individual's body type; 4,000 year-old traditional Indian system believed to be helpful to those suffering insomnia, hypertension and digestive problems.” a treatment
“...Hypertension: Bananas are extremely high in potassium, yet low in salt...”
...the condition
“...Blood clots (more common in those with pre-existing deep vein thrombosis, pulmonary embolism, hypertension, or clotting problems); Indigestion; Esophageal dilation (if a lap band surgery patient overeats); Hiatal hernia (lap band surgery only); Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD); Bowel...” a treatment
“...Research published in the American Heart Association journal Hypertension on the 4th February 2008 showed that drinking 500ml of beetroot juice a day can help reduce blood pressure levels...”
...the condition
“...During pregnancy or pregnancy-induced hypertension, the significant increase in vascular volume, particularly in the last trimester, triples the risk of facial neuropathy due to edema of the facial nerve and the resulting compression...” a treatment
“...the intercellular "cement" in healthy condition; are essential for the proper absorption and use of vitamin C; prevent Vitamin C from being destroyed in the body by oxidation; are beneficial in hypertension; help hemorrhages and ruptures in the capillaries and connective tissues and build a protective barrier against infections...”
...the condition
“...Medications that are used to treat BPD and other mental disorders can lead to obesity, which in turn can lead to diabetes, hypertension, chronic back pain, arthritis and fibromyalgia.” a treatment
“...Broad beans are rich in L-dopa, a natriuretic agent which might help control hypertension. Broad beans can be useful to individuals whose pituitary gland fails to produce of the right amount of human growth hormone...” a treatment
“...Its deficiency is associated with hypertension and palpitations...”
...the condition
“...Hypertension is another possible consequence of hyperinsulinemia...”
...the condition
“...Hypertension (high blood pressure) can accelerate the atherosclerotic process...” a treatment
“...Other uses include aiding memory and forgetfulness, insomnia, nervous system related pain, fatigue, hypertension and anxiety...” a treatment
“...screening beginning at age 20 for men and women with other risk factors for coronary heart disease, such as ... patients with multiple coronary heart disease risk factors such as tobacco use or hypertension...”
...the condition
“...Causative diseases include glomerulonephritis of any type (one of the most common causes), polycystic kidney disease, hypertension, Alport syndrome, reflux nephropathy, obstruction, kidney stones, infection, and analgesic toxicity...”
...our question about
Duration of suboptimally controlled diabetes
“...In Singapore, statistics have shown that out of the 500 newly diagnosed kidney failure patients each year, 50% were caused by diabetes and 9% were caused by hypertension. When sugar levels rise enough to spill into the urine, as in diabetes, blood vessels in the kidneys are damaged...”
...relationship to
Erectile Dysfunction (ED, Impotence)
“...Even former smokers with high blood pressure (hypertension) are 11 times more likely to be impotent than non smokers...”
...the condition
“...This condition is called portal hypertension. Varices...” a treatment
“...vegetable oils found in cookies, candies, baked goods, boxed to bake items, canned foods and most restaurant foods contribute to degenerative diseases including heart disease, diabetes, obesity, hypertension, stroke, depression, hypoglycemia, thyroid disorders and cancer...” a treatment
“...Coffee is not recommended for people with ocular hypertension or glaucoma.” a treatment
“...Cryotherapy is contraindicated when the following are conditions are present ... Hypertension (due to secondary vasoconstriction)...”
...the condition
“...Conditions that can lead to CHF include coronary artery disease, hypertension, heart attacks, cardiomyopathy, heart valve disease and infections, congenital heart disease and pulmonary hypertension...”
...our question about
Current alcohol consumption
“...People with liver disease or a history of alcohol abuse should not drink at all, while those with diabetes and hypertension may partake in light alcohol consumption.” a treatment
“...There has been much research done on this fat-soluble molecule in recent years in areas such as cardiovascular, periodontal, breast cancer, hypertension, and overall energy...”
...our question about
Your ethnic background
“African-Americans have higher rates of diabetes, prostate cancer, hypertension and coronary heart disease than whites.”
...relationship to
Low Male Testosterone Level
“...Low testosterone is linked to hypertension, obesity, atherosclerosis and increased waist-to-hip ratio – all of these being heart attack risk factors...”
...the condition
“...This rare syndrome of cortisol resistance is a genetic condition that causes hypertension and chronic androgen excess...”
...the condition
“...Insulin resistance is also found in a variety of other common disease states including hypertension, atherosclerosis, obesity and polycystic ovarian syndrome...”
...the condition
“Preeclampsia (toxemia in pregnancy) is a disorder of pregnancy that is characterized by hypertension (high blood pressure) and proteinuria (excessive protein in the urine), often including edema (swelling) and occasionally involving thrombocytopenia (low platelets) or liver function...” a treatment
“...lower triglyceride levels, raise HDL ("good") cholesterol, "thin" the blood, reduce levels of homocysteine, slow down atherosclerosis, help prevent death from heart disease, and perhaps also treat hypertension. Fish oil has also become recognized as an effective treatment for early stages of rheumatoid arthritis...”
...the condition
“...delayed tooth eruption, diabetes insipidus, diarrhea, Down syndrome, early onset of puberty, eosinophilia, eye/ear/nose disorders, fever, gastro-intestinal disturbances, gingivitis, heart disorders, hypertension, hypoplasia, hypothyroidism/thyroid cancer, kidney dysfunction, osteosarcoma, low birth weight, candidiasis, multiple sclerosis, oral squamous cell carcinoma, Parkinson's disease...” a treatment
“...Used to treat epilepsy, hypertension, Attention Deficit Disorder and impotence...”
Salt Intake Reduction
“If you have IgAN with hypertension or edema, you may be asked to reduce sodium intake...”
...relationship to
Elevated Insulin Levels
“...Gout is strongly associated with the consequences of insulin resistance i.e. obesity, hypertension, hyperlipidemia and diabetes.”
...relationship to
High Total Cholesterol
“Increased risk of gout is strongly associated with obesity, hypertension, high cholesterol and diabetes.” a treatment
“...It can normalize blood pressure and prevent palpitations and arrhythmias; it has also been used for support of cardiac failure, hypertension (high blood pressure), arteriosclerosis (hardening of the arteries), angina pectoris (heart/vascular pain), and tachycardia (rapid heart beat)...”
...the condition
“...Lead Signs and Symptoms include combinations of gastrointestinal complaints, hypertension, fatigue, hemolytic anemia, abdominal pain, nausea, constipation, weight loss, peripheral neuropathy, cognitive dysfunction, arthralgias, headache, weakness, convulsions, irritability...” a treatment
“...Constitutional Hydrotherapy is recommended for ... Hypertension...”
...the condition
“Alternative names: High blood pressure Hypertension is a very common condition in which the force of blood on the walls of the arteries is too high, resulting in a dramatically increased risk of developing serious conditions such as heart...”
...our question about your age
“Prevalence of isolated systolic hypertension increases with age until at least age 80...”
...relationship to
“...It is very important to treat hypertension by whatever means are necessary, because hypertension itself greatly increases the risk of progressing to end-stage renal disease.”
...relationship to
Salt Sensitivity
“...[Feb. 16, 2001 supplemental issue of Hypertension]”
...relationship to
“High blood pressure is the main risk factor for having a stroke and those with hypertension are 8 times more likely to suffer from stroke than those with normal blood pressure...”
...relationship to
“Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy is usually a hereditary disorder, although incidence of this form of cardiomyopathy may also be higher in people with hypertension...”
Salt Intake Reduction
“...Salt restriction is recommended for those individuals with hypertension who are "salt-sensitive" or are prone to retaining sodium, gaining weight, and developing a rise in blood pressure as a result of a high-salt diet...”
Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid)
“A 1999 study found that in systolic and diastolic hypertension as well as elevated pulse rate, blood plasma vitamin C levels were reduced.”
“...If a person already has hypertension, low potassium will raise their blood pressure even further...”
“Researchers at the University of Miami School of Medicine found that massage is helpful in decreasing blood pressure in those with hypertension.”
“July, 2016: A meta-analysis of 34 studies totaling more than 2,000 patients, published in the journal Hypertension, found that those who took magnesium supplements had lower blood pressure after three months compared with people who did not...”
Lecithin / Choline
“Choline deficiency is associated with cardiac symptoms and hypertension.”
Green Tea
“Regular and substantial consumption of green tea may provide protective effect against hypertension.”
...recommendation against
“While bromelain is considered to have very low toxicity, caution is advised when treating individuals with hypertension. One report has indicated that those with pre-existing hypertension might experience tachycardia following high doses of bromelain...”
Plant-Based Nutrition
“...It has long been known that the prevalence of hypertension among vegetarians is about one-third to one-half that of non-vegetarians [1-3]...”
Weight Loss
“At least a half dozen controlled studies of patients with hypertension concluded that short-term weight loss is usually associated with a reduction of blood pressure...”
Aerobic Exercise
“One study of 6,000 healthy adults found a 52% increased risk for hypertension in sedentary individuals compared to those who were fit, while another study found a 35% increase.”
More topics Related to Hypertension
...the condition
“...Postural hypotension occurs most frequently in people who are taking drugs to control high blood pressure (hypertension). It can also be related to pregnancy, strong emotion, atherosclerosis or diabetes...”
Scotch Broom
“...Thus it is strongly contra-indicated for hypERtension. One possible herbal prescription using up to 2.5ml of tincture tid is: 2 parts each of hawthorn and scots broom; 1 part each of gentian, rosemary and ginger.” a treatment
“...Fruit and vegetables also play a preventive role in birth defects, cataract formation, hypertension, asthma, diverticulosis, obesity and diabetes...”
...the condition
“...The primary symptoms of RCC include the following ... High blood pressure (hypertension)...”
...the condition
“...Hypertension, edema, and/or hyperkalemia may develop in patients with kidney disease...” a treatment
“...Panax ginseng can cause insomnia, hypertension and muscle tightness if taken in excess...” a treatment
“...Other unproven uses of lavender oil include: Insomnia, depression, menstrual pain, migraine headaches, nausea, vomiting, colic, constipation, toothache, ear infections, acne, eczema, hypertension, head lice, loss of appetite.” a treatment
“...Lecithin helps to regulate fat and cholesterol metabolism and is beneficial in atherosclerosis, hypertension and diabetes...”
...our question about
Prednisone use
“Long-term use of prednisone can lead to adrenal suppression, possibly resulting in depression, euphoria, hypertension, nausea, anorexia, high blood sugar levels, or increased susceptibility to infection.” a treatment
“...It is useful to people who suffer from atherosclerosis, heart disorders, edema, hypertension, and hypoglycemia...”
...the condition
“...Although the medications used to treat hypertension have not been shown to have any direct effect on macular degeneration, they may slow progression of the disease by reducing hypertension...”
...the condition
“...The DASH study (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension) suggested that high blood pressure could be significantly lowered by a diet high in magnesium, potassium, and calcium, and low in sodium and fat...”
...the condition
“...deficiency had been linked to infertility, bone malformation, weakness, seizures, atherosclerosis, confusion, convulsions, eye problems, hearing problems, heart disorders, high cholesterol levels, hypertension, irritability, memory loss, muscle contractions, pancreatic damage, profuse perspiration, rapid pulse, tooth-grinding, tremors, fatigue, and osteoporosis...”
...the condition
“...It is often caused by diseases such as syphilis, goiter, endocarditis or hypertension. In cases of acute myocarditis, individuals may experience fever as well as the symptoms of chronic myocarditis, i.e. chest pains, palpitations, shortness of breath and fatigue...” a treatment
“...For example, some people chew neem leaves in the morning for 24 days to protect the body from diseases like hypertension and diabetes...”
...relationship to
Hypertension (High Blood Pressure)
“Hypertension is prevalent in patients with OSA, and it has been shown that treating OSA can modestly lower blood pressure...”
...relationship to
“Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) significantly increases the risk of stroke or death from any cause, and the increase is independent of other risk factors, including hypertension. Another study published April of 2010 in the American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine followed 5,422 people aged 40+ who had no history of stroke for 9 years...”
...the condition
“...Risk factors for peripheral vascular disease are similar to those for atherosclerosis and include ... Hypertension...” a treatment
“..."Scientific data suggest positive relationships between a vegetarian diet and reduced risk for several chronic degenerative diseases and conditions, including obesity, coronary artery disease, hypertension, diabetes mellitus, and some types of cancer...”
...the condition
“...Chronic hypertension may result in vascular sclerotic lesions and lead to headache, dizziness, digestive symptoms, and even seizures...”
...related topic
“High blood pressure (hypertension) in the hepatic portal system, which is made up of the portal vein and its branches that drain from most of the intestine into the liver...”
...the condition
“...Maintaining a dietary sodium-to-potassium ratio of at least 1:4 can protect against hypertension, crippling strokes and premature death...”
“...Taking calcium may also decrease a woman's chance of developing pre-eclampsia, pregnancy-related hypertension. A growing baby acquires most of its calcium during the last trimester of pregnancy; an additional amount is needed during breastfeeding...”
...relationship to
Coronary Disease / Heart Attack
“...The risk appears to be irrespective of factors such as smoking, hypertension, BMI, social class, and even exercise.”
...relationship to
Coronary Disease / Heart Attack
“Because it increases the risk for coronary artery disease by almost two times, a lack of exercise is nearly as dangerous to the heart as smoking, abnormal cholesterol levels, or hypertension. Sedentary living is the fourth major cardiac risk factor.”
...the condition
“...Physical signs and risks of being overweight Hypertension, coronary heart disease, predisposition to diabetes, hyperlipidemia (increased cholesterol level), metabolic abnormalities, increased risk for gallbladder disease, gout, some types of...”
...our question about
Air pollution exposure
“...A Swiss study found signs of significantly increased insulin resistance, hypertension, and waist-circumference in a sample of nearly 4,000 people living among dense pollution...”
...relationship to
Gout / Hyperuricemia
“Gout is strongly associated with obesity, hypertension, hyperlipidemia and diabetes.”
...relationship to
Syndrome X / Metabolic Syndrome
“ males, < 50 mg/dL (1.29 mmol/L) in females, or specific treatment for this lipid abnormality; Raised blood pressure: systolic BP > 130 or diastolic BP > 85, or treatment of previously diagnosed hypertension; Raised Fasting Plasma Glucose (FPG): previously diagnosed Type 2 Diabetes, or FPG > 100 mg/dL (5.6 mmol/L)...”
...the condition
“...The effect of this is hypertension. Natural progesterone is a natural diuretic and prevents the cell's uptake of sodium and water, thus preventing hypertension...”
...our question about
Your ethnic background
“African-Americans have higher rates of diabetes, prostate cancer, hypertension and coronary heart disease than whites.”
...the condition
“...Possible complications include ... Heart failure and/or pulmonary hypertension, caused by having to pump harder to force blood through narrowed pulmonary arteries...” a treatment
“...In 15 trials investigating bed rest as a primary treatment, no outcomes improved significantly and nine worsened significantly for some conditions (acute low back pain, labor, proteinuric hypertension during pregnancy, myocardial infarction, and acute infectious hepatitis)...”
Folic Acid
“If there is a circulatory problem (as evidenced by other circulatory problems such as atherosclerosis, hypertension, etc.), you may respond very well to extra folic acid and B12, as well as a product high in specific nutrients that strengthen and elasticize the vessel walls...”
...the condition
“People who experience a jump in blood pressure when they consume salt are at increased risk of dying from heart disease, according to a study published in the Feb. 16, 2001 supplemental issue of Hypertension, a journal of the American Heart Association...”
...relationship to
Coronary Disease / Heart Attack
“...[Hypertension (supp), Feb. 16, 2001] Hypertension and salt sensitivity are independent risk factors for cardiovascular disease.” a treatment
“...Since it was first introduced to the West, sarsaparilla has been used to treat gout, gonorrhea, open wounds, rheumatoid arthritis, cough, fever, hypertension, pain, lack of libido, psoriasis, indigestion, and even leprosy and certain types of cancer...”
...the condition
“...Causes of acute shortness of breath include ... Pulmonary hypertension (high blood pressure in the blood vessels of the lungs)...” a treatment
“...Siberian Ginseng also boosts overall immune function and may play a role in the treatment of hypertension, blood sugar irregularities and depression...” a treatment
“...Those suffering from the following medical conditions should avoid spicy foods: Hypertension and cardiovascular or cerebrovascular disease...”
...the condition
“...Selye identified 'diseases of adaptation' which include, amongst others, hypertension, cardiovascular disease, kidney disease, peptic ulcer, hyperthyroidism and asthma...”
...relationship to
“...are careful not to say that stress causes atherosclerosis, the evidence clearly points to cardiovascular reactivity to stress as an atherosclerotic risk factor of the same magnitude as smoking, hypertension, insulin resistance, and elevated cholesterol levels...”
...the condition
“...The stroke risk associated with stopping hypertension medication appears to be even higher – almost eight times higher in patients under the age of 55 years than in older patients...”
...the condition
“...If you are in any doubt, you should see a doctor who can carry out a proper evaluation of your health ... High blood pressure or hypertension...”
...relationship to
Elevated Insulin Levels
“Syndrome X (Metabolic Syndrome) is the variable combination of obesity (usually central in distribution), insulin resistance with elevated insulin levels, high blood cholesterol and hypertension. Metabolic Syndrome causes Hyperinsulinemia...”
...the condition
“...Recurrent nosebleeds are a sometimes a sign of an underlying disorder, such as hypertension, a bleeding disorder, or a tumor of the nose or sinuses...” a treatment
“...However, it was shown in a prospective follow-up study that high serum uric acid is associated with higher risk of type 2 diabetes independent of obesity, dyslipidemia, and hypertension. Metabolic Syndrome Hyperuricemia is associated with components of metabolic syndrome and it has been shown in a recent study that fructose-induced hyperuricemia may play a...” a treatment
“...Conditions responding to fasting include: Headaches, hypoglycemia, diabetes, autoimmune diseases, cardiovascular disease, hypertension, acne and eczema, tinnitus, vertigo, fibromyalgia, glaucoma, cervical dysplasia, chronic neck and back pain, polymyalgia rheumatica, and many others...”
...the condition
“...It can be made worse if there is also hypertension. Many forms of pulsatile tinnitus are treatable...”
...the condition
“...Occasional Abnormalities: Dysplastic hips; Scoliosis; Tendency to form keloids; Cataracts; Tendency to obesity; Idiopathic hypertension; Diabetes mellitus; Abnormal glucose tolerance; Crohn's disease; Thyroid disorders; Ulcerative colitis” a treatment
“...The conditions which may lead to a telescoped sediment are: 1) lupus nephritis 2) malignant hypertension 3) diabetic glomerulosclerosis, and 4) rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis...” a treatment
“...It should be administered with caution in cases of hypertension, epilepsy, and arteriosclerosis.” a treatment
“...Its deficiency is associated with hypertension and tachycardia (rapid heart beat)...”
...the condition
“...Hydralazine is a medication that is used to treat hypertension and has been linked to a few cases of peripheral neuritis which is associated with pyridoxine deficiency; Phenelzine is a drug used to treat depression and some people taking it have been...”
...the condition
“...Hypertension is reduced when diastolic function improves.”
...relationship to
Hypertension (High Blood Pressure)
“An Alabama researcher found that lack of enough sunshine exposure may increase risk of hypertension in blacks and other dark-skinned people...” a treatment
“...A physician's supervision is recommended, however, to prevent adverse side-effects, such as excessive loss of lean body mass, particularly in individuals with chronic health problems such as hypertension. To be successful at achieving weight loss goals to improve your health, experts recommend losing weight a rate of no more than one to two pounds per week, and then maintaining that loss...” a treatment
“...either those who are severely obese (BMI over 40), or those who are moderately obese (BMI 35-40) and suffer from obesity-related medical conditions such as type 2 diabetes, coronary artery disease, hypertension, arthritis, or sleep apnea...” a treatment
“...For hyperactivity of the liver-yang marked by headache and vertigo, it is often used along with dried rehmannia root, achyranthes root and red ochre, as in Sweeping Down Decoction for Hypertension(Jian Ling Tang)...”