Diabetes Mellitus

Definition of Diabetes Mellitus:

A disease with increased blood glucose levels due to lack or ineffectiveness of insulin.  Diabetes is found in two forms; insulin-dependent diabetes (juvenile-onset) and non-insulin-dependent (adult-onset).  Symptoms include increased thirst; increased urination; weight loss in spite of increased appetite; fatigue; nausea; vomiting; frequent infections including bladder, vaginal, and skin; blurred vision; impotence in men; bad breath; cessation of menses; diminished skin fullness.  Other symptoms include bleeding gums; ear noise/buzzing; diarrhea; depression; confusion.

Also: Diabetes, Diabetic, Diabetics

Topics Related to Diabetes Mellitus


...the condition
“...Diabetes can also increased acid production: an insulin deficit will lead to increased levels of ketones, which acidifies the blood...”
...related topic
“Specifically, the abnormal buildup of acids in the body, commonly caused by diabetes or kidney disease...”
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More topics Related to Diabetes Mellitus

Addictions / Addictive Tendencies

...the condition
“...Do not use if taking a PKU, or if you are pregnant or nursing, suffer from panic attacks, diabetes, or high blood pressure...”

Addison's Disease

...the condition
“...Less commonly associated auto-immune diseases are insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus, and insufficiencies of the parathyroid glands, gonads, and vitamin B12 absorption (pernicious anemia)...”

Adequate Dental Care

...as a treatment
“...Gum disease has also been positively linked with an increased risk of serious disorders such as heart disease and diabetes.  Proper dental care includes:-...”

Adult Acne

...recommendation Nutritional Yeast
“High-chromium yeast is known to improve glucose tolerance and enhance insulin sensitivity [Diabetes 1980:29, pp.919-25].  Although there is no difference in blood glucose tolerance tests between patients with and without acne, skin biopsies revealed that the acne patients' skin glucose...”

Aerobic Exercise Need

...the condition
“...Signs and symptoms of not getting enough exercise include ... increased risk of type 2 diabetes...”

Alcohol Consumption

...as a treatment
“...Sensible drinking also appears to be beneficial in reducing or preventing diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, bone fractures and osteoporosis, kidney stones, digestive ailments, stress and depression, poor cognition and memory, Parkinson's disease, hepatitis A, pancreatic...”


...as a treatment
“...There is some evidence to suggest that Alfalfa tea can be useful in treating diabetes.  It appears to stimulate appetite...”

Alpha Lipoic Acid

...as a treatment
“...Lipoic Acid protects the liver from alcohol damage, the lungs from smoke damage, and enhances glucose disposal in type II diabetes and reduces associated neuropathy and cataracts...”

Alzheimer's Disease

...our question about Duration of suboptimally controlled diabetes
“According to the "Rotterdam Study" reported in the journal Neurology, diabetes mellitus may not only damage the function of the eyes, limbs, kidneys, and heart – it may also impair the function of the brain and hasten the process of senile dementia...”
...recommendation Processed Foods Avoidance
“...Researchers have found that diabetes mellitus (for which these are risk factors) nearly doubles the risk of developing both vascular dementia and Alzheimer's disease.”

American Ginseng

...as a treatment
“...Those who can benefit most from American Ginseng are individuals who are under stress, athletes, possibly diabetics and people who feel hot and thirsty...”

American Skullcap

...as a treatment
“...It can lower blood sugar levels, so diabetics should only take it under a doctor's supervision: the effects of diabetes medication are increased, and therefore so is the risk of hypoglycemia...”


...as a treatment
“...Diabetics suffer from an accelerated rate of glycosylation, and many of the premature degenerative diseases common in Type I and Type II diabetes is attributed to the glycosylation process...”

Andropause/Male Menopause

...the condition
“...such as variations of systemic lupus erythematosis, subtle genetic abnormalities which permit normal adult development but lead to premature testicular failure, generalized vascular diseases such as diabetes, chemotherapy, and pituitary tumors (rare)...”
...relationship to Syndrome X / Metabolic Syndrome
“...Visceral fat cells are the most insulin-resistant cells in the human body, and help to kickstart the vicious cycle known as Syndrome X that results in abdominal obesity, diabetes and high cholesterol levels.”

Aneurysm / Rupture

...the condition
“...Causes of abdominal/aortic aneurysms include ... Disease, such as diabetes, syphilis and Marfan's syndrome or Turner's Syndrome...”

Anorexia / Starvation Tendency

...our question about Metformin use
“Metformin is used to treat type II diabetes, but several studies show that it helps people to lose weight by reducing hunger in people whether they have diabetes or not...”

Aspartame (Nutrasweet) Avoidance

...as a treatment
“...Aspartame Disease may mimic symptoms of, or worsen: Fibromyalgia, arthritis, multiple sclerosis (MS), Parkinson's disease, lupus, multiple chemical sensitivities (MCS), diabetes and diabetic Complications, seizures, Alzheimer's disease, birth defects, chronic fatigue syndrome, lymphoma, Lyme's disease, attention deficit disorder (ADD and ADHD), panic disorder...”


...as a treatment
“...Aspirin has also been shown to decrease the incidence of gastrointestinal cancer and gall bladder disease, and improve diabetes, PMS symptoms, and pregnancy outcomes...”


...the condition
“...Risk factors include male gender, menopause in women, hypertension, elevated levels of low-density lipoprotein (LDL), decreased levels of high-density lipoprotein (HDL), quitting smoking, diabetes, obesity, having a personal or family history of heart disease, sedentary lifestyle, increasing age, high fat or sucrose intake, hyperhomocysteinemia, elevated fibrinogen, CRP and Lp(a)...”

Autoimmune Disease

...related topic
“...Examples include multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus, Bright's disease and diabetes.”

Bacteria / Pathogen Testing by PCR

...as a treatment
“...It can be used to identify genetic markers that are associated with susceptibility or resistance to certain diseases, including diseases as diverse as diabetes, arthritis, cancer or allergies.”

Baking Soda

...as a treatment
“...Reduces blood acidity (injected intravenously, in cases of shock, severe dehydration, and uncontrolled kidney failure or diabetes); There are unproven claims that can it can be used to treat cancer; Although generally very safe, when used in excess baking soda can upset the body's acid-base balance, and cause nausea...”

Bariatric Surgery Complications

...the condition
“...Risk of complications is increased by ... Pre-existing diabetes...”

Beta 1,3 Glucan

...as a treatment
“...Extra free radicals can also be a result of a chronic disease such diabetes or chronic inflammation...”


...as a treatment
“...Biofeedback may also be useful for the following health problems ... diabetes...”

Biotin Requirement

...the condition
“...Preliminary studies have suggested that biotin in large amounts (such as 5 to 16mg per day) can help control blood sugar levels or improve nerve damage in diabetics.  In a study of individuals with dry, splitting nails, supplementation with 2.5mg of biotin per day improved the quality of the nails in 63% of those treated...”

Blood Pressure Check

...as a treatment
“...If you have a family history of high blood pressure, heart or kidney disease, diabetes or stroke, you should be tested annually.”

Body Odor

...the condition
“...Being overweight, eating certain foods, and certain medical conditions such as diabetes or hyperhidrosis (sweating too much) can increase the likelihood of having body odor...”

Boils, Abscesses, Carbuncles

...the condition
“...Boils and carbuncles are more likely to develop in those with ... Diabetes, especially when treated by injected insulin...”
...relationship to Diabetes Type II
“People with certain illnesses, including diabetes, are more at risk of developing boils.”

Borage Oil

...as a treatment
“...Most often, borage oil is consumed for its GLA content, which has been shown to be useful against such things as atopic eczema, premenstrual syndrome, diabetes, inflammation, heart disease and stroke.”

Borderline Personality Disorder

...the condition
“...Medications that are used to treat BPD and other mental disorders can lead to obesity, which in turn can lead to diabetes, hypertension, chronic back pain, arthritis and fibromyalgia.”

Cancer, General

...our question about Vegetarian, vegan or raw-food diet
“There has long been suspicion that components of meat and dairy were absorbed intact through the human digestive tract, triggering autoimmune disorders such as rheumatoid arthritis and childhood diabetes as our bodies try to fight off these foreign substances...”

Carbohydrate Craving

...the condition
“...People with insulin resistance or diabetes may need to spread their calories out over a whole day by having small meals and 2-3 small snacks...”

Carbohydrate Intolerance

...the condition
“...Type II Diabetes: Adult-onset diabetes has been directly linked to carbohydrate intolerance...”

Cardiac Ischemia

...the condition
“...Those with diabetes or a history of heart attacks are especially at risk for developing Ischemia...”


...the condition
“...DCM can be triggered by diabetes, alcohol abuse, infections, exposure to certain drugs and toxins, nutritional deficiencies, connective tissue diseases, hereditary disorders or pregnancy...”

Carotid Artery Disease

...the condition
“...The risk of developing carotid artery stenosis increases with high blood pressure, high blood cholesterol levels, high stress levels, diabetes mellitus, diabetes, cigarette smoking, obesity, lack of exercise, and advanced age...”

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS)

...the condition
“...Some common conditions that can lead to CTS include obesity, using oral contraceptives, hypothyroidism, arthritis, diabetes, and trauma...”


...the condition
“...Other causes may include injury, chronic eye disease, and other system-wide diseases such as diabetes.  Cataracts can take from a few months to several years to develop...”

Chanca Piedra (Break-Stone)

...as a treatment
“...Blood glucose was also significantly reduced in diabetic patients taking Chanca Piedra for 10 days...”

Chinese Skullcap

...as a treatment
“...It can lower blood sugar levels, so diabetics should only take it under a doctor's supervision: the effects of diabetes medication are increased and, therefore, so is the risk of hypoglycemia...”


...as a treatment
“...Both scientific documentation and reliable anecdotal reports indicate that chlorella is effective in helping to reduce the symptoms of numerous types of cancers, diabetes, low blood sugar, arthritis, AIDS, pancreatitis, liver cirrhosis, hepatitis, peptic ulcers, viral and bacterial infections, anemia, and multiple sclerosis...”


...as a treatment
“...Chlorophyll is also said to benefit obesity, diabetes, gastritis, hemorrhoids, asthma, skin disorders such as eczema, rashes and skin infections...”

Cholesterol Level Check

...as a treatment
“...The USPSTF recommends screening beginning at age 20 for men and women with other risk factors for coronary heart disease, such as ... diabetes...”

Chromium Deficiency

...the condition
“...stored in the bodies of people who live in the United States; tissue levels of people in other countries are usually higher, and those higher levels tend to be associated with a lower incidence of diabetes and atherosclerosis...”

Chronic / Hidden Infection

...the condition
“...They point to new research that links germs to some forms of infertility, kidney disease, diabetes, stomach problems and even obsessive-compulsive disorder...”

Chronic Fatigue / Fibromyalgia Syndrome

...the condition
“...If these symptoms are persistent and not caused by other untreated organic problems such as anemia, cancer, diabetes, lupus, polymyalgia rheumatica, or a chronic infection such as sinusitis or Lyme's disease, then a comprehensive treatment approach will likely help...”

Chronic Inflammation

...recommendation NSAIDs
“Although they are sometimes necessary, long-term use of the more dangerous antiinflammatory drugs, such as prednisone, can cause diabetes, osteoporosis, or even death.”

Chronic Renal Insufficiency

...the condition
“...Diabetes mellitus is a major cause of chronic renal failure...”
...our question about Duration of suboptimally controlled diabetes
Diabetes mellitus is a major cause of chronic renal failure...”
...recommendation Heavy Metal Detoxification / Avoidance
“...Occupational exposures were high amongst patients with diabetic nephropathy.”

Chronic Thyroiditis

...the condition
“...When Hashimoto's disease occurs with adrenal insufficiency and type 1 diabetes mellitus, the condition is called type 2 polyglandular autoimmune syndrome (PGA II)...”

Cirrhosis of the Liver

...the condition
“...This type of hepatitis appears to be associated with diabetes, protein malnutrition, excess sugar intake, poor diet in general, obesity, coronary artery disease, and corticosteroid treatment...”


...as a treatment
“...partially hydrogenated vegetable oils found in cookies, candies, baked goods, boxed to bake items, canned foods and most restaurant foods contribute to degenerative diseases including heart disease, diabetes, obesity, hypertension, stroke, depression, hypoglycemia, thyroid disorders and cancer...”


...as a treatment
“...Type 2 diabetes: Coffee helps reduce insulin resistance by increasing blood glucose levels, and the concentration of plasma adiponectin, a protein regulating glucose levels...”

Colloidal Silver

...as a treatment
“...bad breath, bladder infections, cystitis*, bleeding gums, boils*, burns*, candida*, canker sores, chronic fatigue, colds, colitis*, conjunctivitis*, cornea injury*, cystitis, dandruff, dermatitis, diabetes*, diarrhea*, digestive aid, diphtheria, dysentery, ear infections*, eczema – various locations*, fibrositis, flu*, gastritis, gingivitis, gonorrhea*, gum recession, halitosis, hay fever*...”

Congestive Heart Failure

...our question about Current alcohol consumption
“A study found that elderly people who drank at least 1.5 drinks per day had a risk of heart failure 47% lower than abstainers, regardless of age, race, blood pressure, history of diabetes, smoking and other factors...”

Consequences of Poor Diet

...the condition
“...Four of the 10 leading causes of death in the United States are diet-related conditions – diabetes, heart disease, stroke and cancer...”

Coronary Disease / Heart Attack

...the condition
“...Other risk factors include: age (men over 45, women over 55); diabetes; family history of heart disease; a history of preeclampsia; a history of an autoimmune disease; ethnicity; Exertion and excitement can trigger a heart attack in those at risk...”
...our question about Calorie-controlled diets
“...can increase levels of the stress hormone cortisol which, when present in the body over long periods of time, can increase one's risk of developing serious health problems such as heart disease, diabetes and even cancer...”
...recommendation Chromium
“Getting the right amount of chromium each day may help protect against heart attacks in people that are at high risk, such as those who have diabetes.  Chromium seems to improve levels of blood fats such as cholesterol.”


...as a treatment
“...Anyone who is taking corticosteroids and has any of the symptoms listed below should check with the physician who prescribed the medicine as soon as possible ... Worsening of diabetes...”

Cushing's Syndrome / Hypercortisolism

...the condition
“...These include polycystic ovarian syndrome, which may cause menstrual disturbances, weight gain from adolescence, excess hair growth and sometimes impaired insulin action and diabetes.  Commonly, weight gain, high blood pressure and abnormal levels of cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood are associated with resistance to insulin action and diabetes; this has been...”

Cystic Fibrosis

...the condition
“...Liver disease, diabetes, inflammation of the pancreas, and gallstones also occur in some people with CF.”

Delayed Gastric Emptying (Gastroparesis)

...the condition
“...Possible causes of gastroparesis include diabetes, stomach surgery, viral infections, scleroderma and neurological disorders, including Parkinson's disease and spinal-cord disorders...”


...related topic
“...It is deficient or inhibited in diabetes, obesity, older people, and in the presence of insulin, coffee, trans fatty acids, or alcohol...”


...as a treatment
“...DHEA can improve sexual function, increase weight loss in the overweight, and may also help reduce the sugar-lowering medication requirement in diabetes.  Under extreme stress, the body needs more DHEA...”

Diabetes Type 1.5

...the condition
“There are two major types of diabetes, Type 1 ("Juvenile diabetes" or "insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus") and Type 2 ("Adult onset" or "non-insulin dependent" diabetes mellitus (NIDDM)...”
...recommendation Insulin Therapy
“On average, insulin is required in half of those with Type 1.5 diabetes within four years of diagnosis, compared to over ten years in those with true Type 2.”

Diabetes Type I

...the condition
“Type 1 diabetes (often called Juvenile Onset Diabetes) is categorized as a childhood or young adult disease but can in rare instances occur at a later age...”
...our question about Your general level of thirst
“Intense thirst and hunger are classic signs of diabetes.”
...relationship to Gluten Sensitivity / Celiac Disease
“Relatives of people with Type 1 Diabetes, as well as the sufferers themselves, run a 6% risk of developing celiac disease.”
...relationship to Alzheimer's Disease
“According to the "Rotterdam Study" reported in the journal Neurology, diabetes mellitus may not only damage the function of the eyes, limbs, kidneys, and heart – it may also impair the function of the brain and hasten the process of senile dementia...”
...relationship to Retinopathy
“Diabetic retinopathy will occur in 90% of persons with type 1 diabetes.”
...relationship to Megaloblastic Anemia / Pernicious Anemia
“Relatives of people with Type 1 Diabetes, as well as the sufferers themselves, run a risk of developing celiac disease...”
...recommendation Insulin Therapy
“If you have type 1 diabetes, and in some cases if you have type 2 diabetes, you need insulin injections to manage your blood sugar (glucose).”

Diabetes Type II

...the condition
“Alternative names: Adult Onset Diabetes, Non-Insulin Dependent Diabetes Mellitus (NIDDM) Type 2 Diabetes is a metabolic disorder that leads to sugar (glucose) accumulating in the blood rather than being used as fuel by cells in the body...”
...our question about Bitter taste in mouth
“The bitter taste experienced by a Diabetes patient may be due to diabetic damage to the tongue...”
...relationship to Pneumonia
Diabetes is a risk factor for the development of pneumonia.”
...relationship to Sarcoidosis
“It is often difficult to diagnose Sarcoidosis as signs may mimic diabetes, hypopituitarism, optic neuritis, meningitis, tumors, or other neurologic disorders.”
...relationship to Retinopathy
“Diabetic retinopathy will occur in 65% of persons with type II diabetes within about 10 years of the beginning of diabetes.”
...relationship to Diabetes Type 1.5
“...They are often diagnosed as Type 2 because they are older and will initially respond to diabetes medications because they have adequate insulin production...”
...relationship to Gallbladder Disease
“Factors that increase the risk of developing gallstones include diabetes, and being overweight, obese or pregnant.”
...relationship to Excess Sugar Consumption
“A high-fat, high-sugar diet that contains refined flour products is probably the most important risk factor for diabetes.  Such a diet tends to be low in chromium content and also causes more insulin to be produced, which requires even more chromium.”
...relationship to Pancreatic Cancer
“There have been a number of reports that have suggested diabetics have an increased risk of developing pancreatic cancer...”
...relationship to Autoimmune Tendency
“Type 2 diabetes is in the process of being redefined as an autoimmune disease rather than just a metabolic disorder.”
...relationship to Poor Circulation
“Up to 50% of all people with leg artery disease have diabetes; for them, controlling both conditions is crucial...”
...relationship to Stroke
“...People with diabetes are two to four times more likely to develop cardiovascular disease...”
...relationship to Consequences of Vasectomy
Diabetes is a risk factor for post-operative infection.”
...relationship to Chronic Renal Insufficiency
“Type II diabetes mellitus is the leading cause of chronic kidney disease, accounting for 35% of the new cases each year and 25% of all cases in the U.S.”
...relationship to Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)
“By the age of 40, up to 40% of women with PCOS will have Type II diabetes or impaired glucose tolerance.”
...relationship to Cardiomyopathy
“People with diabetes have been reported to be at increased risk of being diagnosed with DCM.”
...relationship to Manganese Requirement
“People with diabetes often have low manganese levels and this deficiency contributes to an inability to process sugars...”
...relationship to Need For Routine Preventative Health Measures
“Persons with diabetes must take extra care to be sure to have thorough, periodic eye exams (at least yearly), especially if early signs of visual impairment are noticed...”
...relationship to Coronary Disease / Heart Attack
“...People with diabetes are two to four times more likely to develop cardiovascular disease...”
...relationship to Hemochromatosis (Iron overload)
“Iron deposits in the pancreas decrease insulin production which can lead to insulin dependent diabetes mellitus.  Hemochromatosis is also called bronze diabetes because those sufferers with diabetes can express a bronze-colored tint to their skin...”
...relationship to Magnesium Requirement
“Hypomagnesemia has been demonstrated in both insulin-dependent and non-insulin-dependent diabetic patients.  A low intake of magnesium, which is a common deficiency, has been associated with insulin resistance and diabetes in several studies...”
...relationship to Alzheimer's Disease
“According to the Rotterdam Study of 6,370 subjects over age 55, diabetes mellitus may not only damage the function of the eye, limbs, kidneys, and heart – it also appears to impair the function of the brain and hasten the process of senile dementia...”
...recommendation Plant-Based Nutrition
“Reuters, July 27, 2006: "People who ate a low-fat vegan diet, cutting out all meat and dairy, lowered their blood sugar more and lost more weight than people on a standard American Diabetes Association diet...”
...recommendation Insulin Therapy
“On average, insulin is required in half of those with Type 1.5 diabetes within four years of diagnosis, compared to over ten years in those with true Type 2 diabetes.”
...recommendation High/Increased Fiber Diet
“...A diet high in complex carbohydrates and fiber helps increase tissue sensitivity to insulin, and a diet high in fiber-rich foods should also help those with diabetes to lose and maintain a healthy body weight...”
...recommendation Gymnena Sylvestre
“Gymnena sylvestre has been used for centuries in India to treat diabetes.  It is also useful in weight loss regimens.”
...recommendation American Ginseng
“...Researchers tested the effects of American ginseng on 10 non-diabetic adults and nine adults with type 2 diabetes.  Diabetics experienced a significant reduction (20%) in blood glucose two hours after treatments, regardless of whether they took the herb before or during the meal.”
...recommendation Increased Fruit/Vegetable Consumption
“...On the other hand, a diet rich in the soluble fiber found in fruit may lower the risk of type 2 diabetes, despite the high carbohydrate content of most fruit...”
...recommendation Increased Legume Consumption
“A study of 9,600 Americans found that those who ate plenty of legumes were less likely to be diagnosed with diabetes.  Legumes are rich in soluble fiber, which has been shown to help improve insulin resistance, the study authors note...”
...recommendation Weight Loss Surgery
“Weight loss surgery is increasingly being used to manage type 2 diabetes.  Controlling diabetes is directly related to losing weight; surgery has been shown to improve type 2 diabetes for most obese people and it can help patients normalize their blood sugar levels...”
...recommendation Supplemental Fiber
“Higher fiber diets may have additional benefits for those people with diabetes, including reducing blood sugar, lowering insulin and lowering cholesterol...”
...recommendation Cinnamon
“New Scientist reported in November, 2003 a study that found just half a teaspoon of cinnamon a day significantly reduces blood sugar levels in diabetics.  The effect, which can be produced even by soaking a cinnamon stick tea before drinking, could also benefit millions of non-diabetics who have blood sugar problem but are unaware of it...”
...recommendation Chromium
“...Some studies report that people who have diabetes can get better glucose control by taking chromium supplements...”
...recommendation Cayenne Pepper
“Cayenne used topically may benefit diabetic neuropathy.”
...recommendation Acetyl-L-Carnitine
“The amino acid L-carnitine improves insulin sensitivity in type 2 diabetes.”
...recommendation Aspartame (Nutrasweet) Avoidance
“According to research conducted by H.J. Roberts, a diabetes specialist, a member of the American Diabetes Association (ADA), and an authority on artificial sweeteners, aspartame...”
...recommendation Alpha Lipoic Acid
“Numerous additional studies have indicated that ALA is useful for the treatment of diabetes mellitus.  It stimulates increased glucose utilization in muscle cells and significantly reduces human insulin resistance...”
...recommendation Aerobic Exercise
“Aerobic exercise reduces the risk of diabetes and improves the diabetic condition through several different mechanisms.”
...recommendation Vitamin E
“...Ishwarlal Jialal and Sridevi Devaraj found that increased inflammation caused by white blood cells – monocytes – was reduced when diabetics were given 1,200 IU per day of natural vitamin E (alpha-tocopherol) for three months...”
...recommendation Processed Foods Avoidance
“Many doctors and researchers agree that the regular consumption of tasty, mostly modern, commercially processed foods is the primary cause of adult-onset diabetes.  Consuming anything sweet, regardless of its calorific content, may be sending a signal from the mouth to the brain that more insulin is needed.”
...recommendation Tobacco Avoidance
Diabetics should control blood sugar and blood pressure closely and should refrain from smoking.”
...recommendation Sunlight Exposure
“October 2014: A study by scientists at Edinburgh and Southampton universities and published in the journal Diabetes has shown that moderate sunlight exposure causes the skin to release a gas called nitric oxide, which in turn helps control the metabolism and slow weight gain...”
...recommendation Vitamin A
“Recent research shows that Type II diabetics who consumed foods high in vitamin A were the most efficient insulin users...”
...recommendation Weight Loss
“80% of diabetics are overweight...”
...recommendation Vitamin Niacinamide
“...This restored the insulin-producing cells of the pancreas in some, slowed the cellular destruction in others and left a number no longer diabetic.  Use in diabetic patients should always be monitored by a physician as insulin requirements may change.”
...recommendation Conventional Drug Use
“Glyburide and Metformin are oral diabetes medicines that help control blood sugar levels in some people with Type 2 Diabetes, generally in conjunction with proper diet, exercise, and/or other medications...”
...recommendation Vitamin B3 (Niacin)
“Although niacin increases low levels of high-density lipoprotein cholesterol, which frequently accompanies diabetes, past guidelines did not recommend the use of niacin in patients with diabetes because of concerns about adverse effects on glycemic control; however, this was based on limited clinical data...”
...recommendation Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid)
“Dr. Fred Klenner, MD has used large amounts of Vitamin C for many ailments, and says that diabetics are so deficient they should be considered as having scurvy...”
...recommendation Nut and Seed Consumption
“A recent analysis of the well-known Harvard nurses study indicated that increased nut and seed consumption is an effective way to prevent type II diabetes.”

Diabetic Retinopathy

...related topic
“...The disorder occurs most often in patients with long-term, poorly controlled diabetes.  Repeated bleeding may result in partial or complete blindness.”


...the condition
“...Individuals with sprue are likely to have a positive family history, history of diabetes or skin lesions (dermatitis herpetiformis) and have manifestations of pan-malabsorption dating back to childhood or adolescence...”


...relationship to Neuritis/Neuropathy
“When the vestibular nerve (connecting the inner ear to the brain) is affected, dizziness or vertigo can result, especially in association with diabetes.”

Dry skin

...relationship to Diabetes Type I
“Signs of Type 1 Diabetes, as it progresses, may include dry skin, blurred vision, unexplained weight loss and a thin, malnourished appearance.”

EFA (Essential Fatty Acid) Type 6 Requirement

...the condition
“...by bad fats (margarines, shortenings, trans-fatty acids, hard fats, sugar and cholesterol), lack of minerals (magnesium, selenium, zinc), vitamin deficiencies (B3, B6, C, E), viruses, obesity, diabetes, aging, and rare genetic mutations...”

Effects of a High Fat Diet

...the condition
“...These nutritional errors have been linked to high cholesterol, breast and prostate cancer, diabetes, arthritis, cardiovascular disease, PMS, and headaches to name but a few...”

Effects of a Low Carbohydrate Diet

...the condition
“No matter what Atkins or other diet books tell you, the balance of evidence clearly shows that saturated animal fat is bad for you and is associated with increased risk of cancer, diabetes, and heart disease...”

Elevated Cortisol Levels

...the condition
“...New studies demonstrate that elevated cortisol levels can lead to abdominal weight gain, loss of verbal declarative memory (words, names, and numbers), insulin resistance, and Type 2 Diabetes.  Managing stress is a very important part of your healthcare program...”

Elevated Insulin Levels

...the condition
“...Testing for elevated insulin levels can be an important step toward better health, and the prevention of diabetes and chronic disease processes later in life.”
...relationship to Diabetes Type II
“Hyperinsulinemia and insulin resistance are both factors that increase the risk of developing type 2 diabetes.  Hyperinsulinemia often predates diabetes by several years.”

Erectile Dysfunction (ED, Impotence)

...the condition
“...Physical factors include ... Systemic diseases (diabetes mellitus, syphilis, alcoholism – abstain for 30 days to see if there is improvement, drug dependency, hypopituitarism, and hypothyroidism, and adrenal insufficiency)...”
...recommendation L-Arginine
“...Arginine is not recommended if you have diabetes, arthritis, cancer, shingles, herpes I (fever blisters, cold sores) or herpes II.”
...recommendation Physical Supports and Devices
“...This type of device will not work if there is restricted blood flow to your penis or if you suffer from serious health problems, such as diabetes, stroke or penile nerve damage.”


...the condition
“...Causes include: infections by organisms such as candida, cytomegalovirus (CMV), or herpes simplex; diseases and conditions that weaken the immune system, such as HIV; poorly-controlled diabetes; immunodeficiency disorders; chemotherapy; long-term steroid use; malnutrition; chemicals that are swallowed; pills that become stuck in the esophagus; medications and supplements such as...”

Essential Fatty Acids

...as a treatment
“...The latest findings appear to implicate all seed oils in the promotion of cancer, heart disease, diabetes, obesity, allergies, adrenal failure and stroke...”

Evening Primrose Oil

...as a treatment
“...Evening Primrose Oil is used therapeutically in such things as atopic eczema (listed as such in the Merck Index), mastalgia, and premenstrual syndrome, and diabetic neuropathy...”

Excess Animal Fat Consumption

...the condition
“...Diets rich in whole, plant foods and low in animal fat consumption appear to provide protection against many serious health conditions such as diabetes, cancer, and cardiovascular disease...”

Excess Carbohydrate Consumption

...the condition
“...Over many years, these powerful surges of insulin exhaust the pancreas to the point where diabetes can develop...”

Excess Sugar Consumption

...the condition
“...Researchers also suggest that sugar consumption is largely responsible for many cases of diabetes, heart and degenerative diseases.”

Excessive Sweating

...the condition
“...Other people may have sweating as a symptom of known medical conditions, such as ... nerve damage due to diabetes (autonomic dysfunction) or spinal cord injuries...”

Fatty Liver

...the condition
“...All other forms are called non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH), and are caused by conditions including the following: Other causes include ... Diabetes mellitus...”

Fish Oils

...as a treatment
“...Fish oil has also been proposed as a treatment for many other conditions, including diabetic neuropathy, allergies, gout, and migraine headaches, but there has been little real scientific investigation of these uses...”

Food Poisoning

...the condition
“...The following individuals should seek medical attention if food poisoning is suspected ... diabetes...”

Fungal Skin / Nail Infection

...the condition
“...Candida infection is particularly common in individuals with diabetes and in people who are obese...”

Gallbladder Disease

...our question about Duration of suboptimally controlled diabetes
“Gallstones may progress more rapidly in patients with diabetes, who tend to suffer worse infections.”


...as a treatment
“...Dr. Asai reported that germanium sesquioxide benefited patients with a wide variety of conditions, including cancer, heart disease, diabetes, asthma, stroke, and stomach ulcers...”

Gestational Diabetes

...related topic
“...Many pregnant women do not notice any symptoms of diabetes, but urine and blood tests may show that they have it...”

Gestational Diabetes Tendency

...the condition
“...Gestational Diabetes is diabetes mellitus that first appears during pregnancy...”
...relationship to Diabetes Type II
“Previous gestational diabetes has been established as an additional risk factor for developing adult onset diabetes.”
...relationship to Chromium Deficiency
“...By impairing pancreatic insulin production, chromium deficiency may increase the tendency towards hyperglycemia in gestational diabetes.  Hair chromium concentrations were significantly lower in 68 samples taken from non-diabetic pregnant women than in 42 samples from gestational diabetics (472ng/gm versus 734ng/gm)...”
...relationship to Aerobic Exercise Need
“...Moderate workouts appear safe for most females with gestational diabetes...”
...relationship to Vitamin B6 Requirement
“...In one study of 14 women with gestational diabetes, taking 100mg of vitamin B6 for 2 weeks resulted in eliminating this diagnosis in 12 of the 14 women.”
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More topics Related to Diabetes Mellitus

GLA (Gamma Linolenic Acid)

...as a treatment
“...Several diseases, including cancer, eczema, multiple sclerosis and diabetes, also make the conversion less efficient...”

Glucose Tolerance Test

...as a treatment
“The glucose tolerance test measures the body's ability to metabolize glucose: Patients with untreated diabetes have high blood glucose levels...”

Glutamic Acid

...as a treatment
“...Another "brain food" amino acid that helps in the treatment of epilepsy, mental retardation, muscular dystrophy, ulcers, hypoglycemia, diabetes and personality disorders.”

Gluten Sensitivity / Celiac Disease

...the condition
“...weight; Difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep; Infertility; History of miscarriage or spontaneous abortion; Menstrual problems (e.g. PMS); Thyroid disease; A hyperprolactinemia diagnosis; A Diabetes type I or II diagnosis; Hypoglycemia; Polycystic Ovary Disease (PCOS); Endometriosis; Immune System Symptoms Chronic urinary tract infections; Chronic respiratory infections; Asthma; Vaginal...”
...our question about Diabetes in relatives
“Relatives of people with Type 1 Diabetes, as well as the sufferers themselves, run a 5% risk of developing celiac disease...”


...related topic
“Sugar in the urine, from hyperglycemia, diabetes, or most simply, sugar binges.”


...as a treatment
“...Do not use goldenseal without consulting a physician if you have had heart disease, diabetes, glaucoma, a stroke, or high blood pressure.”

Gout / Hyperuricemia

...the condition
“...Gout is strongly associated with obesity, hypertension, hyperlipidemia, diabetes and dehydration...”
...relationship to Elevated Insulin Levels
“...Gout is strongly associated with the consequences of insulin resistance i.e. obesity, hypertension, hyperlipidemia and diabetes.”
...relationship to High Total Cholesterol
“Increased risk of gout is strongly associated with obesity, hypertension, high cholesterol and diabetes.”
...relationship to Hypertension (High Blood Pressure)
“Gout is strongly associated with obesity, hypertension, hyperlipidemia and diabetes.”

Grape Seed Extract

...as a treatment
“...Grape seed extract has the ability to decrease capillary fragility (weakness – leading to bruising), atherosclerosis and diabetes.”

Gymnena Sylvestre

...as a treatment
“...By far, its major use is for regulating blood sugar disorders such as diabetes.  A specific leaf extract called "GS4" has been used for a majority of the human clinical trials with excellent results and few side effects...”


...related topic
“...Enlarged liver, skin discoloration, diabetes mellitus, and heart failure may occur.”

Hemochromatosis (Iron overload)

...the condition
“...characterized by increased iron absorption in the gastrointestinal tract that may cause lifelong excessive iron absorption and accumulation and serious health effects including arthritis, cirrhosis, diabetes, impotence, myocardial infarction, and death...”


...the condition
“...With the commencement of the westernization of diet, obesity and diabetes commonly appear in privileged groups...”

High Total Cholesterol

...the condition
“...Elevated cholesterol levels have been seen in patients with atherosclerosis, diabetes, hypothyroidism and pregnancy...”

High/Increased Carbohydrate Diet

...as a treatment
“...Complex carbohydrates are also preferred over simple carbohydrates by diabetics because they allow better blood glucose control.”

High/Increased Fiber Diet

...as a treatment
“Diet is a major factor in 5 of the 10 leading causes of death: heart disease, cancer, stroke, diabetes mellitus, and atherosclerosis...”


...as a treatment
“...These include burns, leg ulcers, diabetic foot ulcers, pressure ulcers, unhealed graft donor sites, abscesses, boils, pilonidal cysts, infected wounds from lower limb surgery, necrotizing fasciitis, and neonatal postoperative wound...”

Hormone Imbalance

...the condition
“...Some of the complications of hormonal imbalances include ... Diabetes...”

Hot Applications (Thermotherapy)

...as a treatment
“...Hot applications such as hot immersion baths, full body heating treatments and hot saunas should be taken with precaution by patients with diabetes, multiple sclerosis, women who are pregnant (this exposes the fetus to prolonged heat) or anyone with abnormally high or low blood pressure...”

Hot Drinks

...as a treatment
“...Coffee provides antioxidants known as polyphenols, and some studies have suggested that the drink lowers the risk of Type 2 diabetes and liver cancer...”

Hydrochloric Acid Deficiency

...the condition
“...in hydrochloric acid can have serious consequences, and is commonly implicated with the following conditions: Malnutrition; Iron deficiency; Osteoporosis; Receding gums; Food allergies; Gallstones; Diabetes; Greater risk of bad bacteria and parasites in the intestines; Ulcer formation; Reduced liver function; Decreased white blood cell activity; Mineral deficiencies due to malabsorption”


...as a treatment
“...This treatment is not recommended for patients with peripheral vascular disease (arteriosclerosis, deep vein thrombosis, Buerger's disease), diabetes or loss of peripheral sensation...”

Hyperbaric Oxygen

...as a treatment
“...Foot wounds from diabetes, radiation ulcers, and other ischemic wounds have been manipulated and successfully treated with HBO...”


...related topic
“Elevations of blood glucose, either from the various types of diabetes, excessive sugar intake (short term) or from adrenalin or stimulant causes.”


...the condition
“...(enlarged thyroid); kyphosis or loss of disc spaces of the spine; osteoporosis; osteoarthritis), through laboratory findings (growth hormone level is high, even when patient receives glucose load; diabetes occurs in 30% of cases; elevated IGF-1; elevated prolactin level; elevated liver function; elevated blood urea nitrogen; elevated phosphorus; decreased free thyroxine; elevated thyroid...”

Hypertension (High Blood Pressure)

...the condition
“...Certain groups – such as those with diabetes and those over 65 – should be treated if their top number is over 130 unless they are too frail or have conditions that make it unwise...”


...the condition
“...Most often a side-effect of diabetes medication, symptoms range in severity from clumsiness and confusion...”
...related topic
“...It can be caused by medications such as insulin (diabetics are prone to hypoglycemia), severe physical exhaustion, and some illnesses.”
...recommendation Chromium
“Chromium status should be optimized for its benefit in carbohydrate disorders (both hypoglycemia and adult-onset diabetes).”

Hypotension (Low Blood Pressure)

...the condition
“...Secondary to diseases such as central nervous system disorders, for example Shy-Drager syndrome; peripheral neuropathy and autonomic neuropathy (nerve problems), such as may be caused by diabetes mellitus; cardiovascular disorders; nutritional diseases amyloidosis; vitamin deficiencies; spinal cord injuries; Adrenal failure (Addisonian crisis); and neuropathies associated with cancer...”


...as a treatment
“...the need for life-long immunosuppression and the chances of attendant side-effects, in the case of transplantation, or preserve the body's own function, at least in part, in cases of type 1 diabetes or other autoimmune disorders...”

Impaired Glucose Tolerance

...related topic
“A condition in which blood sugar (glucose) levels are above the normal range but below the level found in actual diabetes.  This condition often progresses to diabetes, sometimes over several years...”

Increased Fruit/Vegetable Consumption

...as a treatment
“...Fruit and vegetables also play a preventive role in birth defects, cataract formation, hypertension, asthma, diverticulosis, obesity and diabetes.  Carbohydrates are the most efficient fuel for energy production and can also be stored as glycogen in muscle and liver, functioning as a readily available energy source for prolonged...”

Increased Urinary Frequency

...the condition
“...Common causes of frequent urination include ... Diabetes...”

Indian Long Pepper

...as a treatment
“...Indian long pepper is used for the following ... diabetes: reducing blood glucose levels in diabetic patients...”


...as a treatment
“...Loss of inositol from nerve cells is the primary reason for diabetic neuropathy, so inositol supplementation can assist in improving this condition...”

Insulin Therapy

...as a treatment
“...When someone has diabetes, either because their pancreas secretes little or no insulin (type 1 diabetes), or their body has become resistant to insulin's action (type 2 diabetes), the level of sugar in the bloodstream...”

Intermittent Claudication

...the condition
“...Others include high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes mellitus and a family history of atherosclerosis...”

IP6 - Inositol Hexaphosphate

...as a treatment
“...Research has shown that IP6 can help prevent kidney stone formation, complications of diabetes (i.e. cataracts, renal damage), lung fibrosis, fatty liver disease, sickle cell anemia, heart disease, high cholesterol and high triglycerides...”

Kidney Disease

...the condition
“...In diabetics, excess glucose remains in the filtrate and can be detected in the urine...”

Kombucha Tea

...as a treatment
“...When Kombucha tea is made correctly, all the sugars are fully converted into organic acids during fermentation, enabling Kombucha tea to be is safely drunk by diabetics and candida sufferers...”

Lack of Sleep

...the condition
“...of sleep, which in turn produces hormones and chemicals in the body that increase the risk of developing heart disease, strokes and other conditions such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes, and obesity...”
...relationship to Elevated Insulin Levels
“A study found that people who do not get enough sleep on a regular basis may become less sensitive to insulin which, over time, can raise the risk of obesity, high blood pressure and diabetes.  Chronic sleep deprivation (under 6.5 hours per night) had the same effect on insulin resistance as aging.”

Lactose Intolerance

...the condition
“...to avoid milk, including ... "In reality, cow's milk, especially processed cow's milk, has been linked to a variety of health problems, including: mucous production, hemoglobin loss, childhood diabetes, heart disease, atherosclerosis, arthritis, kidney stones, mood swings, depression, irritability, allergies...”


...as a treatment
“...Arginine might improve insulin sensitivity in Syndrome X and Type II Diabetes.  Arginine is also is a free radical scavenger, not only internally but externally, thus causing an anti-aging effect on the skin and the internal organs...”

Lecithin / Choline

...as a treatment
“...Lecithin helps to regulate fat and cholesterol metabolism and is beneficial in atherosclerosis, hypertension and diabetes.  Phosphatidylcholine has been used in connection with the following conditions...”

Leg Cramps At Night

...the condition
“...Less common causes include diabetes, Parkinson's disease, hypoglycemia, anemia, thyroid and endocrine disorders and use of some medications...”


...as a treatment
“...A deficiency of lipase in the body may lead to high cholesterol, difficulty in losing weight, a tendency to diabetes, high urine sugar levels – which some believe could lead to arthritis, bladder problems, gall stones, hay fever, prostate problems, heart problems etc...”

Lipoic acid

...related topic
“...Has been used therapeutically in the treatment of AIDS and diabetes because of the synergy between alpha-lipoic acid and vitamin E and the interlocking cycles which lead to better optimization of antioxidant nutrients...”

Liver Abscess

...the condition
“...Risk factors for liver abscess include high alcohol intake, cancer, cancer treatments, corticosteroids, organ transplant, weakened immune system, malnutrition, trauma to the liver, Diabetes, old age, pregnancy, recent abdominal surgery, recent endoscopy of the bile ducts, tropical travel, Crohn's disease, abdominal or gastrointestinal infection, and steroid use...”

Liver Detoxification / Support Requirement

...relationship to Magnesium Requirement
“Magnesium deficiency has been found to be more common in patients with diabetes, liver disease or malabsorption problems.”

Low Male Testosterone Level

...the condition
“...Low testosterone is associated with increased risk of many conditions, including heart disease, depression, metabolic syndrome, diabetes, cognitive impairment, osteoporosis, cancer...”

Low Sex Drive

...relationship to Diabetes Type II
“Lack of sexual desire can be a consequence of diabetes.”


...as a treatment
“...Should not be taken by diabetics, anyone suffering from anxiety attacks, high blood pressure, PKU or melanoma...”

Macular Degeneration

...the condition
“...These non-age-related cases may be linked to heredity, diabetes, nutritional deficits, head injury, infection, or other factors...”


...as a treatment
“...Magnesium supplements have been found useful for: Angina, Asthma, Gall Stones, Menstrual cramps, High blood pressure, Hyperactivity, Glucose intolerance – diabetes and hypoglycemia, Fatigue, Fibromyalgia, Prevention of hearing loss, Kidney stones, Leg cramps, Migraine, Osteoporosis, PMS and Prostate health...”

Magnesium Requirement

...the condition
“...Poorly-controlled diabetes increases loss of magnesium in urine, causing a depletion of magnesium stores...”


...as a treatment
“...Manganese is used in the following conditions ... diabetes...”

Menopausal Issues

...relationship to Syndrome X / Metabolic Syndrome
“...Left unchecked, these imbalances often become self-perpetuating, thus stimulating further weight gain and metabolic dysfunction that eventually increases the risk of syndrome X, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and certain cancers...”

Need For Routine Preventative Health Measures

...our question about Diabetes in relatives
“If you have a family history of high blood pressure, heart or kidney disease, diabetes or stroke, you should have your blood pressure tested annually.”
...recommendation Blood Pressure Check
“...If you have a family history of high blood pressure, heart or kidney disease, diabetes or stroke, you should be tested annually.”


...as a treatment
“...They mention the usefulness of the leaves, bark, flowers, seeds and fruit for treating several diseases such as diabetes, ulcers and skin disorders...”

Nephrotic Syndrome

...the condition
“...These include diabetes, sickle-cell anemia, amyloidosis, systemic lupus erythematosus, sarcoidosis, leukemia, lymphoma, cancer of the breast, colon, and stomach, reactions to drugs (including nonsteroidal...”


...the condition
“...The causes of nerve pathology include ... Metabolic from acidosis, vitamin deficiencies, diabetes...”
...relationship to Sarcoidosis
“It is often difficult to diagnose Sarcoidosis as signs may mimic diabetes, hypopituitarism, optic neuritis, meningitis, tumors, or other neurologic disorders.”

Night Sweats

...the condition
“...Chemotherapy (leaches the body of estrogen, which brings on menopause); HIV, AIDS, tuberculosis, Hodgkin's Lymphoma and other fever-producing / immuno-suppressing disorders diseases; Diabetes; Hyperthyroidism; Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA)...”


...as a treatment
“...Traditionally, the fruit has been used for aging, diabetes, halitosis, hemorrhoids, tumors, tuberculosis, high blood pressure, and as a tonic for overall health and energy...”

Nutritional Yeast

...as a treatment
“...Brewer's yeast has been used in connection with Diabetes, High cholesterol, Diarrhea (infectious)...”

Olive Leaf Extract

...as a treatment
“...Olive leaf extract can be helpful in the treatment of the common cold, flu, chronic fatigue, cold sores (herpes), possibly HIV, rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes, ear infections, eye infections, nose and throat infections, impetigo, pink eye, parasites, and a host of bacterial, viral, yeast and fungal infections...”


...the condition
“...Risk of osteomyelitis is increased by peripheral vascular disease, peripheral neuropathy, diabetes, a weakened immune system, cancer, chronic steroid use, sickle cell disease, HIV, hemodialysis, intravenous drug use, and old age...”


...the condition
“...It is also more common in those people with rheumatic diseases (e.g., rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus), steroid users (such as cortisone), alcoholics, diabetics, and skin divers who have experienced a rapid reduction of air pressure (bends)...”

Osteoporosis - Osteopenia

...the condition
“...Women for whom HRT might not be suitable include those with a history of thrombosis, high blood pressure, diabetes, migraine, a history of breast cancer or breast cancer in close family, and heavy smokers...”


...the condition
“...If insulin-producing islet cells are damaged, diabetes may develop...”
...related topic
“...abdomen goes through to the back, perhaps becoming worse when eating and building to a persistent pain; nausea and vomiting; fever; jaundice (yellowing of the skin); shock; weight loss; symptoms of diabetes mellitus.  Chronic pancreatitis occurs when the symptoms of acute pancreatitis continue to recur.”

Periodontal Disease - Gingivitis

...the condition
“...Periodontitis, often with onset at a young age, is associated with one of several systemic diseases, such as diabetes.  Necrotizing Periodontal Diseases...”
...relationship to Diabetes Type II
“If you are diabetic, you are at higher risk of developing infections, including periodontal diseases...”

Peripheral Vascular Disease

...the condition
“...Risk factors for peripheral vascular disease are similar to those for atherosclerosis and include ... Diabetes mellitus (both type 1 and type 2 diabetes)...”

Phosphorus Deficiency

...the condition
“...Although most people get plenty of phosphorus in their diets, some health conditions such as diabetes, starvation, and alcoholism can cause levels of phosphorus in the body to fall...”


...as a treatment
“...Phyllanthus has a wide number of traditional uses: employing the whole plant for jaundice, gonorrhea, frequent menstruation, and diabetes and using it topically as a poultice for skin ulcers, sores, swelling, and itchiness...”

Physical Therapy

...as a treatment
“...with musculoskeletal disorders such as back and neck strains or knee injuries; neurological deficits such as stroke patients or cerebral palsy children, and skin disorders such as wounds, burns or diabetic foot ulcers...”

Pituitary Tumor

...the condition
“...This causes enlargement of the hands, feet, lower jaw and brows, and can also lead to high blood pressure and diabetes.  TSH-secreting tumors: A tumor that releases too much TSH causes a disruption in the body's normal metabolism...”

Plant-Based Nutrition

...as a treatment
“...data suggest positive relationships between a vegetarian diet and reduced risk for several chronic degenerative diseases and conditions, including obesity, coronary artery disease, hypertension, diabetes mellitus, and some types of cancer...”

Platelet Aggregation (Clotting)

...the condition
“...Diabetics and patients with hypercholesterolemia usually demonstrate increased platelet aggregation which can predispose them to clotting disorders which may lead to a vascular thrombus and vessel...”


...related topic
“...Causes include drinking too much, diabetes, kidney disease, elevated thyroid function and others.”

Poor Circulation

...the condition
“...If you have poor circulation in the legs or feet, especially with diabetes...”

Poor/Slow Wound Healing

...the condition
“...Any wound that does not heal within a few weeks should be examined by a healthcare professional because it might be infected, might reflect an underlying disease such as diabetes, or might be a serious wound requiring medical treatment...”
...relationship to Diabetes Type II
“People with diabetes often have impaired wound healing...”

Potassium Need

...the condition
“...So are those taking certain cardiac drugs, diabetics, those with Cushing's disease, and those who use too much caffeine or have liver disease...”

Pregnancy-Related Issues

...recommendation Iron
“...There is some controversy about whether iron supplementation is really needed or effective, except for women such as diabetics or those with anemia, whose iron deficiency is a real threat...”

Problems Associated With A Sedentary Lifestyle

...the condition
“...Potential adverse consequences of a sedentary lifestyle include ... increased insulin resistance and risk of diabetes...”

Problems Associated With Lack Of Exercise

...the condition
“...Physical inactivity doubles the chances of developing heart disease and increases the risk of diabetes and high blood pressure...”

Problems Caused By Being Overweight

...the condition
“...Leptin has prompted research into eating disorders, obesity and diabetes.  The obesity hormone leptin appears to reduce cravings for sweet foods by targeting taste receptors on the tongue...”
...relationship to Gout / Hyperuricemia
“Gout is strongly associated with obesity, hypertension, hyperlipidemia and diabetes.”
...relationship to Diabetes Type II
“Scientists have discovered a hormone that may explain the link between diabetes and obesity – a tantalizing finding that could someday lead to new treatments for the disease...”
...relationship to Coronary Disease / Heart Attack
“Even if you never become diabetic, high levels of insulin contribute to cardiovascular risk by increasing the process of atherosclerosis...”
...relationship to Syndrome X / Metabolic Syndrome
“The International Diabetes Federation consensus worldwide definition of Metabolic Syndrome (Syndrome X) is as follows: Central obesity (or a BMI index of over 30) AND any two of the following...”
...recommendation Sunlight Exposure
“October 2014: A study by scientists at Edinburgh and Southampton universities and published in the journal Diabetes has shown that moderate sunlight exposure causes the skin to release a gas called nitric oxide, which in turn helps regulate metabolism and slow weight gain.”

Progesterone Low or Estrogen Dominance

...the condition
“...Thus, natural progesterone can be beneficial to both those with diabetes and those with reactive hypoglycemia...”

Prostate Cancer

...our question about Your ethnic background
“African-Americans have higher rates of diabetes, prostate cancer, hypertension and coronary heart disease than whites.”

Pumpkin Seeds

...as a treatment
“...In Asian medicine it is used to treat worms, diabetes, and water retention...”

Raw Food/Fruitarian Diet Consequences

...the condition
“...Many people suffering from such serious conditions as cancer, diabetes, and heart disease have healed themselves through natural means including a raw food diet...”

Restless Leg Syndrome

...the condition
“...Although most cases of restless leg syndrome happen in healthy people, there is an increased chance of the syndrome occurring in people who have diabetes or chronic alcoholism, or who are pregnant...”


...the condition
“...Retinopathy (damage to the retina) has various causes, but it is usually caused by diabetes.  A hardening or thickening of the retinal arteries is called arteriosclerotic retinopathy...”
...our question about Duration of suboptimally controlled diabetes
“Uncontrolled diabetes can cause retinopathy, a progressive disease that can lead to complete blindness...”
...recommendation Increased Fruit/Vegetable Consumption
“A proper diet, particularly for those persons with diabetes, will help delay retinopathy.”

Risk Of Premature Death

...the condition
“...Obese men are at higher risk of diabetes and have higher levels of dangerous liver fat...”


...as a treatment
“...In 1995, Japanese researchers found that two compounds in the herb carnosol and carnosic acid, may help to protect body tissue and cells against the oxidative stresses that have been linked to diabetes, aging, and coronary arteriosclerosis...”

Rosy Periwinkle

...as a treatment
“...Madagascar periwinkle's traditional use as a treatment for diabetes has led to extensive investigation into its properties...”

Seizure Disorder

...the condition
“...Known causes of seizures include ... Metabolic abnormalities found in diabetes mellitus, electrolyte imbalances, kidney failure, uremia, nutritional deficiencies and phenylketonuria (PKU)...”

Senile Dementia

...our question about Duration of suboptimally controlled diabetes
“Hypertension, diabetes and heart disease are risk factors for reduced circulation in the brain, sometimes called ischemic vascular dementia (IVD).”
...recommendation Tobacco Avoidance
“The best way to prevent multi-infarct dementia is to avoid smoking and alcohol, maintain a balanced diet, take regular exercise, have a positive attitude, and keep high blood pressure and diabetes under control.”

Shiitake Mushrooms

...as a treatment
“...Working for years with human subjects, he discovered that shiitake is effective in treating a long list of ailments including high cholesterol, gallstones, hyperacidity, stomach ulcers, diabetes, vitamin deficiency, anemia, and even the common cold...”

Sideroblastic Anemia

...the condition
“...Possible complications of sideroblastic anemia include ... Diabetes mellitus...”

Smaller, More Frequent Meals

...as a treatment
“...People who are overweight tend to have diminished insulin function and many end up becoming diabetic.  The type of foods that people eat as well as when the food is eaten plays a big role in how the body releases insulin, which in turn greatly affects how the body is able to utilize food for...”

Spicy Foods

...as a treatment
“...Losing excess pounds is as good for your health as it is for your vanity, since it reduces the risk of adult onset diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, certain cancers and a host of other ailments...”

Stiff Man Syndrome

...the condition
“...One variation of the disease known as stiff limb syndrome is observed more frequently in patients with diabetes mellitus.  In this variation, the axial involvement is less marked, and one or (rarely) more extremities are affected...”


...the condition
“...It also increases blood sugar levels, which over time can lead to diabetes, obesity, kidney failure, nerve damage, and vision problems...”


...the condition
“...Risk factors for stroke include ... Diabetes...”

Susceptibility To Miscarriages

...the condition
“...Endocrine or hormone disorders such as diabetes (when poorly controlled) and hyper- or hypothyroidism...”

Syndrome X / Metabolic Syndrome

...the condition
“...Doctors have known for years that each of these health problems can increase the risk of other diseases, such as heart disease and diabetes.  For a long time, they failed to connect the dots and see these health problems as part of a syndrome...”
...relationship to Diabetes Type II
“In advanced stages of Syndrome X, when the pancreas can no longer keep up, diabetes II may develop.”
...recommendation Alpha Lipoic Acid
“Numerous additional studies have indicated that alpha lipoic acid (ALA) is useful for the treatment of diabetes mellitus which follows syndrome X...”

Test Estrogen Level

...as a treatment
“...radioactive substances within the previous week; the medication clomiphene (Serophene, Clomid); corticosteroids, such as dexamethasone (Decadron); high levels of sugar in the urine caused by diabetes.  High values...”

Test Magnesium Levels

...as a treatment
“...This technique correlates well with intracellular free magnesium levels in conditions such as diabetes, chronic renal failure and pregnancy...”

Test Serum Uric Acid Levels

...as a treatment
“...Diabetes The association of high serum uric acid with insulin resistance has been known since the early part of the 20th century...”

Test Sex Hormone Binding Globulin (SHBG)

...as a treatment
“...Conditions with low SHBG include ovarian cysts, diabetes, hypothyroidism, obesity, Cushing's disease, and androgen use...”

Therapeutic Fasting

...as a treatment
“...Conditions responding to fasting include: Headaches, hypoglycemia, diabetes, autoimmune diseases, cardiovascular disease, hypertension, acne and eczema, tinnitus, vertigo, fibromyalgia, glaucoma, cervical dysplasia, chronic neck and back pain, polymyalgia rheumatica...”

Tooth Loss

...the condition
“...Tooth loss is also linked to smoking, heart disease and diabetes.  As people age, plaque accumulation, gum recession, old fillings and mouth dryness become significant risk factors...”


...the condition
“...This would include the elderly, children, people with HIV/AIDS, people with diabetes, or anyone who has been "worn down" from lack of sleep or lack of proper nutrition...”

Turner's Syndrome

...the condition
“...Occasional Abnormalities: Dysplastic hips; Scoliosis; Tendency to form keloids; Cataracts; Tendency to obesity; Idiopathic hypertension; Diabetes mellitus; Abnormal glucose tolerance; Crohn's disease; Thyroid disorders; Ulcerative colitis”

Ultrasound Therapy

...as a treatment
“...There is also evidence that ultrasound devices can help in patients who have poor healing potential including diabetics, smokers, and patients taking oral steroid medications...”

Ultraviolet Light Therapy

...as a treatment
“...Typhoid fever; Chronic disease Bronchial asthma; Chronic allergic conjunctivitis; Chronic hepatitis; Chronic kidney disease; Chronic eczema and neurodermatitis; Chronic recurrent polyarthritis; Diabetes mellitus; Diabetic retinopathy; Keloids; Migraine; Raynaud's disease; Psoriasis; Inflammatory disease Acne; Allergic gastritis; Arthritis; Autoimmune thyroiditis; Bursitis; Boils; Mastitis...”


...the condition
“...Other causes can include ... Diabetes...”


...as a treatment
“...Examples include diabetes mellitus, various forms of glomerulonephritis, and chronic urinary tract infections...”

Urinary Retention

...the condition
“...opioids, anesthetics, NSAIDs, COX-2 inhibitors, antihistamines, alcohol, and other pharmaceutical drugs; Conditions affecting the autonomic or peripheral nerve, including Autonomic Neuropathy, Diabetes Mellitus, Guillain-Barré Syndrome, Pernicious Anemia, Poliomyelitis, Spinal cord injury, Syphilitic infection of the spinal cord; Conditions affecting the brain, including...”

Urinary Stress/Urge Incontinence

...the condition
“...Weak bladder muscles – caused by nerve damage from diabetes or other diseases – or a blocked urethra can be responsible...”

Vaginal Dryness

...the condition
“...These include ... diabetes...”

Vaginal Itching

...the condition
“...many other things you can try to do to help prevent (and help treat) the vaginal itching from appearing or returning during your pregnancy ... Keep your blood sugars under good control if you have diabetes...”

Vaginitis/Vaginal Infection

...the condition
“...Several factors are associated with increased rates of VVC in women, including pregnancy, uncontrolled diabetes mellitus, and the use of oral contraceptives or antibiotics...”


...as a treatment
“...Vanadium is capable of not only lowering the blood sugar of some diabetic-induced animal studies, but is also able to eliminate some of the diabetic side-effects in the heart and other systems...”

Vascular Dementia

...the condition
“...Various conditions can cause or worsen damage to the blood supply to the brain, for example stroke, high blood pressure, heart problems, high cholesterol and diabetes.  There are three different types of vascular dementia...”

Very Low Density Lipids

...related topic
“...Chronic elevation occurs when the tissues cannot absorb them or the liver is overwhelmed by carbohydrates, such as in alcoholism, some hepatitis, and diabetes.”


...as a treatment
“...Diabetes One intriguing aspect of apple cider vinegar is its effect on blood glucose levels...”

Vitamin A

...as a treatment
“...Healthy adults produce vitamin A from vegetable carotenes, but many people, particularly infants, diabetics and individuals with poor thyroid function, do so less efficiently...”

Vitamin B1 Requirement

...the condition
“...Deficiency symptoms include ... diabetes...”

Vitamin B12 (Cobalamine)

...as a treatment
“...When vitamin B12 is being used for its pharmacological effects, as in the treatment of fatigue, Bell's palsy, diabetic neuropathy, subdeltoid bursitis, or asthma, intramuscular injections appear to be preferable to oral administration...”

Vitamin B2 Requirement

...the condition
“...Insufficient levels of riboflavin are provided by diets that do not include riboflavin-rich foods such as liver, yeast, and vegetables; special diets for weight loss, ulcers, or treatment of diabetes; or the diets of people who have bad eating habits and consume mostly refined foods and fast foods...”

Vitamin B3 (Niacin)

...as a treatment
“...Large doses can increase the blood sugar in diabetics, increase risk of gout, and aggravate ulcers...”

Vitamin B3 Requirement

...the condition
“...In rare cases, a deficiency can occur in the presence of hyperthyroidism, diabetes mellitus, cirrhosis, pregnancy or lactation...”

Weight Loss

...as a treatment
“...Diabetes, which is common in obese people and which can lead to blindness, nerve degeneration and death, is often much improved or even cured by the weight loss that occurs after a gastric bypass...”

Weight Loss Surgery

...as a treatment
“...and usually only recommended for either those who are severely obese (BMI over 40), or those who are moderately obese (BMI 35-40) and suffer from obesity-related medical conditions such as type 2 diabetes, coronary artery disease, hypertension, arthritis, or sleep apnea...”

Werners Syndrome

...the condition
“...People with WS develop a vast array of age-related diseases including arteriosclerosis, malignant neoplasms, cancer, type II diabetes mellitus, ocular cataracts and osteoporosis in early adult life.”

Yeast / Candida Infection

...the condition
“...Diabetes mellitus...”

Yo-yo Dieting Consequences

...the condition
“...rapid weight gain in the form of fat alters the body's fat-to-muscle ratio, one of the more important health risk factors for the onset of chronic diseases such as coronary artery disease and Type 2 diabetes.”
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Health problems rarely occur in isolation or for obvious reasons

Your body is a highly complex, interconnected system.  Instead of guessing at what might be wrong, let us help you discover what is really going on inside your body based on the many clues it is giving.

Our multiple symptom checker provides in-depth health analysis by The Analyst™ with full explanations, recommendations and (optionally) doctors available for case review and answering your specific questions.

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