Chinese Skullcap

Chinese Skullcap: Overview

Alternative names: Huang Qin, Baikal, Baical Skullcap Root, Scute, Scutellaria.

Chinese skullcap is a plant native to China and parts of Russia that is well known for its sedative, antispasmodic, analgesic, and even anti-cancer properties.

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Chinese skullcap is related to American skullcap, and looks similar, but it is an entirely different plant.  It is a member of the mint family and its flowers range in color from blue to pink.

History; Source

Chinese skullcap has long been a part of traditional Chinese medicine as a treatment for allergies, infection, spasms, inflammation, gout, hepatitis, fever, and headaches.  It has been used as a sedative, to stimulate blood flow in the pelvic region, and to stimulate menstrual flow.  It also appears to have antiepileptic, anti-insomnia, anti-histamine, antioxidant, antianxiety, antifungal, antiviral, and anticancer properties, but more research is needed.

The root of Chinese skullcap is used medicinally, and is available in capsules as a powder, and as a liquid extract, unprocessed root extract, tincture, tonic, and oil.  It is often combined with other herbs.

Why it is Recommended

Studies have shown that Chinese skullcap is toxic to cancer cells, in particular brain tumors, prostate cancer, skin cancer, lymphoma, and myeloma.

With its potent anti-inflammatory properties, Chinese skullcap has been shown to be an effective home remedy for arthritis and irritable bowel syndrome patients.  These same anti-inflammatory properties also appear to benefit patients with Alzheimer's disease and Parkinson's disease.

Due to its sedative and relaxing effects, a dose of Chinese skullcap before sleep can help with insomnia, restless sleep, tense muscles, and bruxism.

It may also help with anxiety, epilepsy, and muscle spasms in general; it is known to reduce heart disease risk, and bring down fevers caused by flu.

Counter-Indicators and Warnings

Chinese skullcap is not recommended for children and should be avoided by women who are pregnant or breastfeeding.  It should also be avoided by those with stomach or spleen problems.  It can lower blood sugar levels, so diabetics should only take it under a doctor's supervision: the effects of diabetes medication are increased and, therefore, so is the risk of hypoglycemia.

Chinese skullcap increases the effects of sedatives and should not be taken in combination with them except under medical supervision.  Examples include anticonvulsants, barbiturates, Xanax, Valium, treatments for insomnia, certain antidepressants, alcohol, valerian root, kava root, and catnip.

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Chinese Skullcap:

Chinese Skullcap can help with the following:


IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome)

Chinese skullcap is particularly valued for its anti-inflammatory qualities and is known to provide relief to those with IBS.

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