Evaluating your overall health doesn't just mean looking at what's wrong, it also means looking at what you are doing right. The Analyst™ learns all about you through a simple-yet-comprehensive questionnaire.
What best describes your build in terms of overall muscle and body fat composition?
Possible responses:
→ I am very skinny with little body fat or muscle→ I am lean / underweight with some muscle and fat → I am about 'normal' in terms of fat and muscle → I am overweight due to excess body fat → Very muscular with little body fat / bodybuilder |
Slender, older women are more susceptible to various chronic lung problems such as bronchitis, pneumonia and asthma.
Slender, older women are more susceptible to various chronic lung problems such as bronchitis, pneumonia and asthma, according to a long series of studies.
Being overweight stresses our bodies and damages our health in many ways. Even those who are only slightly overweight have increased risk of heart disease and stroke. Having a lean body reduces the stress on the heart, lungs, and other internal organs. Thin people experience less heart disease and stroke risk.
A study published in the American Journal Of Epidemiology reported that skinny men are 12% more likely to commit suicide than those of normal weight, while overweight men are 12% less likely to do so. It may be that constantly 'feeling puny' has a demoralizing effect, or that their bodies produce insufficient amounts of serotonin (the 'feel-good' chemical), or the statistically proven fact that skinny men are more successful when they attempt suicide. Drug overdoses are more likely to be fatal in those with a low BMI.
Thin (but not too thin) people tend to feel physically good, and aren't forced to deal so much with social rejection, job discrimination, feeling unattractive, and other drawbacks of being overweight. Having a healthy body and looking attractive also helps prevent depression.
Obesity and lack of exercise pave the way for developing diabetes. Being too slim can actually increase our chances of developing diabetes. In 2011 it was discovered that a gene called IRS1 – which keeps some people skinny – is linked to a raised risk of Type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Being slim (but not too slim), eating wholesome food, and regular exercise all lower the chances of getting diabetes.
Estrogen levels tend to be lower in thin and very thin women.
Underweight women often have trouble conceiving due to not menstruating. This may be Nature's way of preventing malnourished women from becoming pregnant.
Being thin helps you to avoid getting kidney stones or gall stones.
Being slim reduces the stress on our cardiovascular systems.
Many overweight people regularly need to deal with passing, breaking up, or surgically removing kidney or gall stones.
Slim people tend to sleep more soundly and wake up feeling more rested.
More overweight people than thin people suffer from back pain. Losing weight reduces stress on the back muscles, and when thin people do injure their backs, the recovery time is much less.
Low Back Pain also suggests the following possibilities:
The inflammation occurring in cases of ankylosing spondylitis usually starts around the sacroiliac joints i.e. the areas where the lower spine is joined to the pelvis. The pain is worse during periods of rest or inactivity, often awakening patients in the middle of the night. Symptoms typically lessen with movement and exercise. Over a period of time, pain and stiffness may progress into the upper spine and even into the chest and neck.
A copper deficiency has been associated with weakening of connective tissue, which in turn can contribute to the development of slipped or herniated discs.
The intervertebral discs between the vertebrae in the spine consist of a tough exterior filled with a gel-like substance that is primarily water. Daily activity puts weight on the spine, especially the lower spine; discs compress and some of the fluid is squeezed out. These discs rehydrate while we sleep at night, but when we are dehydrated this rehydration may be incomplete. Discs that are not adequately hydrated cannot fully absorb shock and can rupture more easily, leaking fluid, irritating spinal nerves, and causing lower back pain.
Mural fibroids (located in the uterine wall) and subserous fibroids (protrude outside the uterine wall) may reach a large size before causing symptoms. These symptoms may include pressure on the bladder with difficulty voiding or urinary frequency and urgency, pressure on the rectum with constipation, lower back pain and abdominal pain, as well as heavy bleeding.
Pain in the lower back, buttocks or thighs is common, and is often the earliest symptom.
Back pain is an early sign of bone loss.
Exercise that strengthens the abdominal musculature sometimes helps reduce low back pain. Further, strenuous exercise involving significant movement of the lower back has resulted in pain reduction/elimination.
The symptoms of kidney infection can include back pain, side pain and loin pain.
People who are overweight tend to be more self-conscious about their body. Losing self-respect and failing to command the respect of others go hand-in-hand.
Low Self-Esteem also suggests the following possibilities:
Being too skinny increases the risk of male infertility due to low sperm count. A Danish study that found sperm counts are more than one-third lower in underweight men, and so is the concentration.
Extra weight contributes to the wear-and-tear and gradual breakdown of the hips, knees, and feet. There is also evidence that extra fats play a part in the degeneration of joint cartilage.
Being thin or underweight permits fluid movement of the joints and means they don't take such a pounding as they do when we are overweight. Relatively few of those needing hip and knee replacements are slim.
Slender, older women are more susceptible to various chronic lung problems such as bronchitis, pneumonia and asthma. A slim woman's relative lack of estrogen may lead to a weakened immune system.
Aside from increased risk of miscarriage, a Swedish study of 943,000 women found that very thin women are also at risk of severe nausea during pregnancy. This study also found that women who are underweight before pregnancy are 43% more likely to develop hyperemesis gravidarum, which is non-stop vomiting.
The fact that thinner people live longer is well-documented. When visiting old folks' homes, it will become apparent that most of the overweight residents have unfortunately passed on.
Thin people in general have less difficulty breathing. If they exercise regularly, they don't breathe hard even during physical activity. Having less fat inside their bodies allows for free expansion of the rib cage and leaves space for the diaphragm to move downward as it should during breathing. Their lungs are also clear of fat, which allows more efficient exchange of oxygen. Almost 70% of bodily waste products are removed in the form of carbon dioxide.
Shortness Of Breath also suggests the following possibilities:
The main symptom of Pulmonary Fibrosis is shortness of breath, with or without exertion, made worse by even slight exertion.
Being underweight increases the risk of having a miscarriage. One study of 603 women found that those who have a low BMI before they become pregnant are 72% more likely to suffer a miscarriage in the first trimester.
Susceptibility To Miscarriages also suggests the following possibilities:
The miscarriage rate in SLE patients is much higher than that of the general population. Although most women who suffer recurrent miscarriages do not have clinical signs of SLE, many exhibit autoimmune phenomena which is similar to that seen in SLE patients.
Anorexia or starvation causes difficulties in conceiving and carrying a baby to term.
Thin people tend to have less body odor because they perspire less and lack the folds of skin that harbor moisture and bacteria, and decrease air flow to those parts of the body.
People who have less body weight to carry around generally have much more energy for activities.