Evaluating your overall health doesn't just mean looking at what's wrong, it also means looking at what you are doing right. The Analyst™ learns all about you through a simple-yet-comprehensive questionnaire.
How many tablespoons of safflower, sunflower, corn or cottonseed oil do you consume per week? NOTE: "All-purpose vegetable oil" is commonly a mixture of corn and cottonseed oil - look at the label.
Possible responses:
→ None / rarely→ 1-3 per week → 4-7 per week / don't know → 8-14 per week → Definitely more than 14 per week |
If you are consuming 4 or more tablespoons of safflower, sunflower, corn or cottonseed oil each week then you really should consider an "oil change": replace the omega-6-rich oils in your house by olive or canola oil.
Although smoking has been linked to lung cancer, the risk of developing it may be increased more by fatty acid consumption while smoking, rather than by the smoking itself. Lung cancer was not so much of a problem for smokers until polyunsaturated oils such as corn, safflower and sunflower were added to the diet during the 1950s in the United States. Even among smokers, a low fatty acid diet will reduce the likelihood of getting lung cancer.
As the amount of polyunsaturated fatty acids increases in the diet, Vitamin E requirements increase proportionally.