
Definition of Potassium:

A mineral that serves as an electrolyte and is involved in the balance of fluid within the body.  Our bodies contain more than twice as much potassium as sodium (typically 9oz versus 4oz).  About 98% of total body potassium is inside our cells.  Potassium is the principal cation (positive ion) of the fluid within cells and is important in controlling the activity of the heart, muscles, nervous system and just about every cell in the body.  Potassium regulates the water balance and acid-base balance in the blood and tissues.  Evidence is showing that potassium is also involved in bone calcification.  Potassium is a cofactor in many reactions, especially those involving energy production and muscle building.

Topics Related to Potassium


...the condition
“...This deprives the body of alkaline minerals such as sodium, potassium, magnesium and calcium and leaves us prone to chronic and degenerative diseases...”

Addison's Disease

...the condition
“...These may include an elevated blood level of potassium, a low blood level of sodium, a shift in the ratio of certain white blood cells, or surprising changes on an EKG or chest X-ray that are caused by high potassium or low blood volume...”
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More topics Related to Potassium


...related topic
“...The adrenals control the body's potassium/sodium balance, which is vital for energy production...”


...as a treatment
“...Because its deep root system reaches where other plants can not, Alfalfa is a rich source of the minerals calcium, magnesium, phosphorous, iron, potassium, and trace minerals...”

Aneurysm / Rupture

...the condition
“...Causes of abdominal/aortic aneurysms include ... Nutritional: Low potassium and copper intake...”
...relationship to Potassium Need
“Increased potassium produces a reduction in aneurysms...”


...recommendation Bromelain
“...A reduction in the incidence of heart attacks after administration of potassium and magnesium orotate along with 120-400mg of bromelain per day has been reported also...”

Anorexia / Starvation Tendency

...the condition
“...Common signs and symptoms of starvation in general include: low potassium levels (hypokalemia); cessation of menstrual periods (amenorrhea); unhealthy, dry, brittle hair and hair thinning/loss; unhealthy, dry, yellowing skin; foot discoloration (orange)...”


...recommendation Potassium
Potassium deficiency is associated with a slow, irregular heartbeat...”
...recommendation Magnesium
“...Magnesium is commonly given to patients with arrhythmias but is thought to drive potassium into cells, producing lower serum potassium if not enough potassium is available to maintain normal serum levels...”

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)

...recommendation Food Additive Avoidance
“...Group of Great Britain recommends that the following food additives be avoided: Amaranth, Benzoic Acid, BHA, BHT, Brilliant Blue FCF, Caramel, Carmine, Carminic Acid, Cochineal, FCFV, Indigo, Potassium Nitrate, Quinoline Yellow, Red 2G, Sodium Benzoate, Sodium Nitrate, Sulfur Dioxide, Sunset Yellow, Tartrazine, Try to avoid foods, such as the following, with high salicylate content, to see...”


...as a treatment
“...Bananas are highly recommended by doctors for patients with low potassium levels.  One 9-inch banana contains some 600mg of potassium and only 140 calories...”


...as a treatment
“...Studies have shown that myricadiol influences sodium and potassium metabolism...”


...as a treatment
“...It is very useful in fighting anemia as it contains potassium, phosphorus, calcium, sulfur, iodine, copper, carbohydrates, protein, fat, vitamin B1, B2, B6, niacin and vitamin P...”

Black Radish

...as a treatment
“...The black radish is very high in sulfur, potassium, iron, and magnesium...”

Bruxism (Clenching/Grinding Teeth)

...recommendation Iodine
“People who clench and/or grind their teeth in their sleep can reduce this by taking up to 8 drops of Lugol's (potassium iodide) daily or periodically.”

Bulimic Tendency

...the condition
“...These include tryptophan, zinc (40% of 62 patients), vitamin B2, B3, folate, and potassium.  Clinical experience suggests that carbohydrates, particularly sugar, play a role in binge eating...”

Cancer, General

...recommendation Coffee Enema
“...Serious illness and death have occurred from some of the components of the treatment, such as the coffee enemas, which remove potassium from the body and can lead to electrolyte imbalances...”

Carbohydrate Craving

...the condition
“...Whole grains are also rich sources of potassium and fiber...”

Carcinoid Cancer

...relationship to General Mineral Requirement
“When diarrhea is present, minerals such as potassium, magnesium, calcium, iron and even salt may be deficient and should be replaced as necessary.”


...as a treatment
“...Chlorophyll is known as a "super food" because of the range and quantity of nutrients (vitamins, antioxidants, minerals and essential fatty acids) that it contains, including ... potassium...”

Chronic Fatigue / Fibromyalgia Syndrome

...recommendation Magnesium
“Fatigue is sometimes reduced with magnesium (and potassium) supplementation...”

Chronic Renal Insufficiency

...the condition
“...Salt, potassium, phosphorus, and other electrolytes may be restricted...”
...recommendation against Potassium
“Individuals with kidney dysfunction may have trouble excreting potassium and should only take potassium supplements under the observation of their doctor.”

Colon Cancer

...the condition
“...Decreased serum potassium as a result of potassium loss from mucus-secreting villous tumour of the rectum...”

Congestive Heart Failure

...recommendation Increased Fruit/Vegetable Consumption
“Whole fruit and fruit and vegetable juice, both high in potassium, are recommended by some doctors for congestive heart failure (CHF)...”
...recommendation Diuretics
“Potassium-sparing diuretics such as Aldactone or Dyrenium help the body to retain potassium and are often used in congestive heart failure patients, often along with the other two types of diuretics...”

Coronary Disease / Heart Attack

...recommendation Increased Legume Consumption
“...Legumes contain low levels of sodium and high levels of potassium, calcium and magnesium – a combination that is associated with a reduced risk of heart disease...”


...as a treatment
“...Among the drugs that may interact with corticosteroids are: Insulin and diabetes medicines; Heart medicine such as digitalis; Diuretics (water pills); Medicine containing potassium or sodium; Immunizations (vaccinations); Cyclosporine (Sandimmune); Blood thinners, such as warfarin (Coumadin); Estrogen drugs, such as conjugated estrogens (Premarin) or oral...”

Dairy Products Avoidance

...as a treatment
“...The long list of foods and ingredients to avoid includes ... potassium...”

Diabetes Insipidus

...the condition
“...Causes of nephrogenic DI include certain kidney diseases and can be influenced by low blood potassium level, protein starvation, high blood calcium level, sickle cell anemia and medication use (such as lithium, demeclocycline and methoxyflurane)...”


...the condition
“...Decreased pH and C02 content (metabolic acidosis) due to intestinal loss of bicarbonate; less commonly, metabolic alkalosis occurs as a result of loss of fluid, acid, potassium, and chloride in the stool...”
...relationship to Potassium Need
“Diarrhea causes additional fluid loss and can result in potassium depletion.”


...related topic
“An agent increasing urine flow, causing the kidneys to excrete more than the usual amount of sodium, potassium and water.”


...as a treatment
“...For those who prefer the natural approach, natural diuretics include ... Apple cider vinegar has natural diuretic properties and also helps maintain potassium levels in the blood...”


...the condition
“...chemicals that are swallowed; pills that become stuck in the esophagus; medications and supplements such as nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), alendronate, doxycycline, iron, or potassium; gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD)...”

Excess Salt Consumption

...the condition
“...Potassium is the major electrolyte inside of cells...”

Food Additive Avoidance

...as a treatment
“...Margarine contains potassium sorbate and monoglycerides...”

General Weakness

...recommendation Potassium
“Sometimes weakness may be improved by potassium consumption, when dietary potassium is low.”

Gestational Diabetes Tendency

...relationship to Potassium Need
“By impairing pancreatic insulin production, potassium deficiency may increase the tendency towards hyperglycemia in cases of gestational diabetes...”


...recommendation Salt Intake Reduction
“...An actual 'renal diet' (low protein, low potassium, low sodium, low phosphorus, high calories) is not required until IgAN has progressed to more advanced renal failure...”

Heartburn / GERD / Acid Reflux

...the condition
“...Potassium and iron pills are corrosive and can cause ulcers (erosions) in the esophagus...”

Heat Exhaustion

...the condition
“...Sweat not only contains substantial amounts of sodium (1gm per liter), but also modest amounts of potassium and small amounts of minerals such as iron and calcium...”

High Total Cholesterol

...recommendation Potassium
“In experiments, potassium-supplemented individuals not only had their high blood pressure reduced but reduced their cholesterol measurements as well, confirming that a deficiency of potassium is associated with hypercholesterolemia.”


...as a treatment
“...Honey is composed of sugars such as glucose and fructose, and minerals such as magnesium, potassium, calcium, sodium chlorine, sulfur, iron and phosphate...”

Hot Drinks

...as a treatment
“...Also, tea contains potassium, which helps to maintain the body's fluid balance...”

Hypertension (High Blood Pressure)

...the condition
“...These changes include extra rest, moderate weight reduction, reduced salt (NaCl) intake, dietary potassium (K) supplementation, exercising, selected nutrient supplementation, healthy diet, limiting alcohol and stopping smoking...”
...recommendation Plant-Based Nutrition
“...Ophir O, Peer G, Gilad J, Blum M, Aviram A. Low blood pressure in vegetarians: the possible role of potassium.  Am J Clin Nutr 1983;37: pp.755-62...”
...recommendation Potassium
“The blood pressure lowering effect of supplemental potassium may be greater in patients receiving a high-salt diet...”


...the condition
“Hypokalemia is the condition of having abnormally low potassium concentration in the blood...”
...related topic
“Abnormally low blood potassium.”


...the condition
“...As the deficiency becomes more serious or has a more rapid onset (Addison crisis), symptoms of confusion, stupor, psychosis, abnormal electrolytes (low serum sodium, elevated serum potassium), and vascular collapse (low blood pressure and shock) can occur...”

Hypotension (Low Blood Pressure)

...recommendation Increased Water Consumption
“...Sports drinks that are high in sodium and potassium are recommended, especially during exercise or in hot weather.”
...recommendation Conventional Drug Use
“...Its sparing effect on sodium is done at the expense of a concurrent loss of potassium.  Therefore, when taking fludrocortisone, it's important to also take adequate amounts of potassium each day...”
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More topics Related to Potassium

Hypothalamus / Pituitary / Pineal Dysfunction

...the condition
“...Magnesium and potassium are important minerals.”

Intestinal Obstruction

...the condition
“...This leads to fluid loss, dehydration and electrolyte imbalances involving sodium, potassium and chloride...”


...as a treatment
“...Supplemental iodine can come in salt forms, such as potassium iodide; or by supplying food sources such as kelp...”


...related topic
“Pertaining to potassium.”

Kalium phoshoricum Cell Salt

...as a treatment
“...Phosphate of Potassium.  May be used for...”


...related topic
“Substance increasing elimination of potassium into the urine.”

Kidney Disease

...the condition
“...They do this by increasing secretion of substances such as potassium and calcium when concentrations in the blood are too high, and by increasing reabsorption and decreasing secretion when levels are too low...”
...recommendation against Potassium
“Individuals with kidney dysfunction may have trouble excreting potassium and should only take potassium supplements under the observation of their doctor.”

Kidney Stones (Urolithiasis)

...the condition
“...These inhibitors include citrate, pyrophosphate, and magnesium and this is why, for example, potassium citrate tablets are prescribed to those with kidney stones...”
...relationship to Potassium Need
“When potassium levels fall too low, urine citrate also drops, decreasing your protection against stones.”


...related topic
“...The kidneys recycle chemicals such as sodium, phosphorus, and potassium and thus regulate their levels...”

Laxative/Enema Overuse

...relationship to Potassium Need
Potassium loss can occur in cases of laxative or enema overuse.”

Leg Cramps At Night

...the condition
“...Low levels of certain minerals known as electrolytes – magnesium, potassium, calcium and sodium – have long been linked to leg cramps...”

Low Adrenal Function / Adrenal Insufficiency

...the condition
“...For aldosterone deficiency, fludrocortisone acetate can be used to help balance sodium and potassium, and increase water retention.”
...recommendation Licorice Root
“...However, licorice root used regularly in large doses can produce high blood pressure, water retention, potassium wasting, and breast enlargement in men...”


...as a treatment
“...Elsewhere, most of it, like potassium, is found inside the cells...”
...related topic
“...It is the fifth mineral in abundance within the body – behind calcium, phosphorus, potassium and sodium...”

Magnesium Requirement

...the condition
“...Diets that provide plenty of fruits and vegetables, which are good sources of potassium and magnesium, are consistently associated with lower blood pressure...”

Meniere's Disease

...the condition
“...Sodium and potassium are essential for the proper function of nerve cells in the brain and inner ear, but too much sodium can make the inner ear more sensitive or reactive, and thus more susceptible to an attack...”


...related topic
“One of the steroids of the adrenal cortex that influences salt (sodium, potassium) metabolism.”

Multiple Mineral Supplementation

...as a treatment
“...Bulk minerals include calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium, and phosphorus...”

Muscle Cramps / Twitching

...the condition
“...Some people have found relief in treating their twitching with mineral supplements (such as potassium or calcium), hot packs, massage, or drinking a few glasses of tonic water for the quinine...”
...relationship to Effects of a Low Carbohydrate Diet
“...Along with the toxins created by low-carbohydrate diets, one's kidneys also flush out critical electrolytes such as calcium, magnesium and potassium, which may result in muscle cramps or worse...”
...relationship to Dehydration
“Excess sweating or dehydration can deplete minerals in the body – minerals that are important for good muscle function, such as sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium and phosphorus.”
...recommendation Conventional Drug Avoidance
“Medications such as diuretics or water pills can lead to cramping due to loss of sodium and potassium.”

Myasthenia Gravis

...recommendation Potassium
“The weakness of myasthenia gravis may be improved by potassium consumption, if dietary potassium is low.”

Nephrotic Syndrome

...our question about Scalp hair health
“...Bone becomes weak, and the body begins to lose other important nutrients (sugar, potassium, calcium).”


...as a treatment
“...Some commercial brands of noni juice can be high in potassium.  While potassium is a valuable nutrient in a normal diet, persons with advanced kidney disease cannot excrete it properly and should avoid certain brands noni juice which have been known to...”

Osmotic Laxative

...related topic
“...The most commonly used osmotic laxatives include magnesium hydroxide ("Milk of Magnesia"), magnesium citrate, magnesium sulfate (Epsom salts), sodium potassium tartrate, lactulose, glycerol and polyethylene glycol...”

Osteoporosis - Osteopenia

...recommendation Potassium
“Moderate potassium supplementation improves calcium balance in post-menopausal women...”


...related topic
“...Research indicates that chromium vitamins C, E, B-complex, calcium, magnesium and potassium are especially important.”

Phosphorus Deficiency

...our question about Energy/stamina
“Sodium phosphate or potassium phosphate is often used by endurance athletes in order to increase aerobic capacity and athletic performance...”


...as a treatment
Potassium is one of the major minerals used in the body...”

Potassium Need

...the condition
Potassium is a mineral that is required in significant amounts for human health...”
...our question about Your skin's elasticity
“Skin elasticity is an indicator of potassium levels.  The skin on the back of one's hand, when pinched, should snap back like a fresh rubber band; if there is not enough potassium or too much sodium then the tissues will start to harden...”
...recommendation Increased Fruit/Vegetable Consumption
“A fresh fruit and vegetable diet has about a hundred times more potassium than sodium.”
...recommendation Magnesium
Potassium levels depend upon adequate magnesium...”

Premenstrual Syndrome PMS D (Depression)

...the condition
“...Supplementing with kelp, spirulina, and potassium oxide (K2O) can help relieve symptoms...”

Premenstrual Syndrome PMS H (Headache)

...the condition
“...Supplements that may alleviate symptoms include: Dandelion; Parsley; Vitamin E; Chaste tree; Potassium; Vitamin B-complex (taken daily); Vitamin B6 (taken during the last 14 days of each cycle); See also: Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS) PMS-A (Anxiety) PMS-C (Craving) PMS-D (Depression)”

Problems Caused By Being Overweight

...the condition
“...smoking, alcohol consumption, lack of exercise, a change in life-style, more energy intake than energy expenditure (taking into account resting metabolic expenditure), environmental factors, salt/potassium retention, hidden food allergies, major depression/anxiety/other psychological, medical illness, medications, during and after pregnancy, cultural (perceptions on obesity), and socioeconomic...”


...as a treatment
“...It also contains minerals and trace elements such as calcium, magnesium, iron, zinc, silica, potassium, phosphorous, manganese, cobalt and copper...”

Salt Sensitivity

...the condition
“...Increasing potassium consumption has a beneficial effect of reducing health consequences in those who are salt sensitive...”

Silicon / Silica

...as a treatment
“...Silicon is known for its ability to combine with Calcium, Potassium, and Phosphorus to build strong bones, nails, and teeth...”

Sjogren's Syndrome

...the condition
“...The amount of potassium in their blood drops, causing an imbalance in blood chemicals that can affect the heart, muscles, and nerves...”


...related topic
“...All of these functions are interrelated with potassium.”


...as a treatment
“...Stevia also contains protein, fibers, carbohydrates, phosphorus, iron, calcium, potassium, sodium, magnesium, rutin (flavonoid), zinc, vitamin C and vitamin A.”


...recommendation Plant-Based Nutrition
“A low incidence of cerebrovascular disease was associated with geographical regions where fresh fruit and vegetable consumption (and therefore increased potassium) was high...”

Sulfite Sensitivity

...the condition
“...There are six names used for sulfites: sulfur dioxide, sodium sulfite, sodium bisulfite, potassium bisulfite, sodium metabisulfite, and potassium metabisulfite...”

Susceptibility To Hangovers

...the condition
“Alcohol is a diuretic (causing loss of fluid), which results in a loss of essential salts such as potassium and magnesium...”

Tendency To Sunburn Easily

...recommendation Increased Fruit/Vegetable Consumption
“For added protection under the sun, take advantage of fresh fruits and vegetables rich in antioxidants, like carotenoids and flavonoids, and high in potassium.”


...relationship to Dehydration
“Dehydration can cause a loss of electrolytes such as potassium and sodium, which are required for normal muscle control and nerve function...”


...as a treatment
“...Cider vinegar is high in potassium, which is needed for the proper functioning of the heart and muscles, and in pectin (a type of fiber)...”

Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine)

...as a treatment
“...Pyridoxine also aids in maintaining sodium and potassium balance and promotes red blood cell formation...”
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