More topics Related to Cardiac
...the condition
“...Critical limb ischemia occurs when these problems progress to cause tissue death (gangrene), sometimes requiring amputation; Pre-gangrene of the lower limbs; Cardiac arrhythmias and congestive heart failure; Acute myocardial infarction (heart attack); Transient ischemic attack (TIA) or stroke; Premature renal failure; Damage to blood vessels, muscles, or...”
“...Important in fatty acid metabolism, depleted in cardiac muscle during acute infarctions.”
Nut and Seed Consumption
“A Seventh Day Adventist study that was reported at the 2002 International Congress on Vegetarian Nutrition found those that ate a serving of nuts 5 times per week had half the cardiac mortality.” a treatment
“...Calcium is essential for a healthy Central Nervous System, muscle and cardiac function. Its deficiency is associated with hypertension and palpitations...”
...the condition
“Alternative names: Myocardial Ischemia, Silent Ischemia, Ischemia, Ischaemia Cardiac Ischemia occurs when blood flow through one or more of the three coronary arteries is decreased for a short time, reducing the supply of oxygen-rich blood to the heart...”
CoQ10 (Ubiquinone)
“...Coenzyme Q10 has also been shown to improve cardiac function in people with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy – a less common form of cardiomyopathy...”
...related topic
“A condition where the cardiac (gastroesophageal) sphincter fails to open properly and food cannot pass normally into the stomach...”
...related topic
“A compound found in skeletal and cardiac muscle and certain other tissues that functions as a carrier of fatty acids across the membranes of the mitochondria...”
...the condition
“...Cardiac problems, including an enlarged heart, altered heart rate or rhythm, heart failure, or cardiac arrest are symptoms of chronic disease...” a treatment
“ aged 35 to 65 and women aged 45 to 65; the guidelines do not recommend screening for younger persons unless they have evidence of having a familial lipoprotein disorder or have multiple cardiac risk factors...” a treatment
“...Extended periods of excessive coffee intake often causes symptoms such as (acid) indigestion, cardiac irritability, vertigo, headache, irritability, and despondency...”
Hawthorn Berry Extract
“In a sample of 1,011 patients with stage II cardiac insufficiency, a standardized hawthorn extract containing 84mg of oligomeric procyanidins improved ejection fraction and resting pulse rate, and produced a reduction in cardiac arrhythmias...”
...the condition
“...The body compensates with lowered cardiac output and more rapid breathing...” a treatment
“...Testing has shown that CoQ10 reduces angina and improves cardiac function. Dr. Peter Langsjoen and Dr. Karl Folkers have demonstrated in clinical studies that CoQ10 could eliminate the need for heart and blood pressure medications for millions of Americans...”
...the condition
“...If one these three arteries becomes blocked, the part of the heart that it serves becomes starved of oxygen, leading to a condition called 'cardiac ischemia'...”
...relationship to
EFA (Essential Fatty Acid) Type 3 Requirement
“Many studies have shown that higher omega-3 fatty acid intake can cut the rate of sudden cardiac death by nearly one-half, in both apparently healthy patients and those who have suffered a previous heart attack...”
Increased Water Consumption
“A Seventh Day Adventist study found that those who drank 5 glasses of water per day have on average half the cardiac mortality and half the fatal stroke rate of the general population.”
Aerobic Exercise
“...Aerobic exercise reduces cardiac risk by lowering LDL- and raising HDL-cholesterol levels, and by reducing blood pressure, body fat, blood sugar, mental stress, and blood clotting...”
Essential Fatty Acids
“Many studies have shown that higher omega-3 fatty acid intake, through fish consumption or through supplementation, can cut the rate of sudden cardiac death by nearly 50% in both apparently healthy patients and those who have suffered a previous heart attack...”
Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid)
“...supplementation with vitamin C (500mg bid) and vitamin E (400 IU bid) retarded the early progression of transplant-associated coronary arteriosclerosis in a study of 40 patients up to 2 years after cardiac transplantation...”
Nut and Seed Consumption
“A Seventh Day Adventist study that was reported at the 2002 International Congress on Vegetarian Nutrition found those that ate a serving of nuts 5 times per week had half the cardiac mortality.”
Coronary Infarction
...related topic
“Sudden lack of blood supply to the heart that results an area of dead cardiac tissue.”
...the condition
“...Family history of multiple endocrine neoplastic syndrome; a history of severe ulcer disease (Zollinger-Ellison syndrome); episodic hypotension, vasomotor flushing, or valvular cardiac disease (carcinoid syndrome); or the presence of a scaling, erythematous dermatitis (necrolytic migratory erythema in a patient with a glucagonoma) may offer clues to the diagnosis...”
...the condition
“...Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD): Incompetent cardiac sphincter, causing backward flow of acid from the stomach up into the esophagus...”
...related topic
“Often Cardiac dysrhythmia: Any irregularity of heart beat.”
...the condition
“...A 2003 review of the safety of low carbohydrate diets reeled off an alarming list of potential problems: "Complications such as heart arrhythmias, cardiac contractile function impairment, sudden death, osteoporosis, kidney damage, increased cancer risk, impairment of physical activity and lipid [cholesterol] abnormalities can all be linked to...”
...our question about
Low-carbohydrate dieting
“The American Heart Association states: "Individuals who follow these diets are therefore at risk for compromised vitamin and mineral intake, as well as potential cardiac, renal, bone, and liver abnormalities overall...”
...our question about
Age when significant hair loss started
“...early baldness on the top of the head may be a non-modifiable risk factor for heart disease, it may serve as a useful clinical marker to identify men at increased risk of insulin problems and cardiac risk who would benefit from more detailed screening and lifestyle, dietary, nutritional and other interventive therapies...”
...the condition
“...Risk of endocarditis increases with ... Invasive procedures such as cardiac catheterizations, intravenous lines and catheters etc...” a treatment
“...This in turn will act to dilate the bronchial tubes (for asthma, hay fever etc) as well as increase CNS and cardiac activity. The only safe recommended use of ephedra is for short-term bronchodilation...”
More topics Related to Cardiac
...the condition
“...Replace foods that are high in saturated fat with healthier options in order to lower blood cholesterol levels and improve lipid profiles (part of cardiac risk assessment to help determine an individual's risk of heart disease...” a treatment
“...It has been shown to promote mental clarity and concentration, increase alertness and short-term memory and has been used preventatively in regenerative compounds for loss of memory and senility, in cardiac protection formulas against stroke and atherosclerosis and for hearing disorders and vertigo (dizziness) where blood flow is poor in the ears...” a treatment
“...The leaves, flowers, and berries of hawthorn contain a variety of bioflavonoid-like complexes that appear to be primarily responsible for the cardiac actions of the plant...”
...the condition
“...The causes of death in untreated patients include cardiac failure (30%), liver failure or portal hypertension (25%), and hepatocellular carcinoma (30%)...”
...the condition
“...Chest pain from hiatal hernia and/or esophageal spasms may be extremely difficult to distinguish from chest pain of cardiac origin. The symptoms of pain spreading from below the sternum (breastbone) to the neck, jaw, and arms can mimic the symptoms of coronary artery disease...” a treatment
“...Avoid ... On those with a cardiac pacemaker...” a treatment
“...The effects of Hyperbaric Treatments on the cardiovascular system include decreased heart rate, decreased cardiac output, possible slight increase in blood pressure and arterial vasoconstriction after load increases...”
...the condition
“...As blood flows through the arteries, three main factors affect the pressure on their walls ... Cardiac output: The amount of blood the ventricles push out of the heart each minute...”
Lecithin / Choline
“Choline deficiency is associated with cardiac symptoms and hypertension.”
...relationship to
Coronary Disease / Heart Attack
“...Almost any type of heart disease can be worsened by thyroid disorder, so thyroid function should always be checked if cardiac symptoms are worsening...” a treatment
“...Taurine specifically supports heart function with its antioxidant action, by preventing arrhythmias, reducing hypertension, reducing platelet stickiness and by improving cardiac contractility...” a treatment
“...One of the most powerful antioxidants for your heart and circulatory system, magnesium is important for proper nerve, lung and cardiac function. It has been shown to be capable of lowering blood pressure...”
“...A magnesium deficiency ... predisposes the patient to cardiac arrhythmias, thromboembolic phenomena, and dysregulation of the immune and autonomic nervous systems...”
CoQ10 (Ubiquinone)
“CoQ10 enhances the pumping action of the heart, output of blood, speed of heart muscle contraction and general cardiac efficiency...” a treatment
“...Motherwort has small amounts of cardiac glycosides (similar to hawthorn) and is used as a heart tonic by many cultures.”
...the condition
“...It can accentuate the effects of digoxin and other cardiac glycosides...”
...the condition
“...If further testing is required, it may involve a chest X-ray, MRI scan, CT scan, and/or echocardiogram (this can check for signs of cardiac tamponade...”
...the condition
“...So are those taking certain cardiac drugs, diabetics, those with Cushing's disease, and those who use too much caffeine or have liver disease...”
GHB (Gamma-Hydroxybutyrate)
“...of uterine contractions, increased sensitivity to oxytocic drugs (used to induce contractions), preservation of reflexes, a lack of respiratory depression in the fetus, and protection against fetal cardiac anoxia (especially in cases where the umbilical cord wraps around the fetus' neck).”
...relationship to
Coronary Disease / Heart Attack
“...of cardiovascular events among those spending more than four hours a day in front of a screen, and also suggests that even two hours of screen time each day may place someone at greater risk for a cardiac event. The risk appears to be irrespective of factors such as smoking, hypertension, BMI, social class, and even exercise.”
...relationship to
Coronary Disease / Heart Attack
“...The abnormally high levels of insulin produced by all overweight individuals, diabetic or not, is an independent risk factor for early cardiac death.” a treatment
“...investigating bed rest following a medical procedure, no outcomes improved significantly and eight worsened significantly in some procedures (lumbar puncture, spinal anaesthesia, radiculography, and cardiac catheterisation)...”
...related topic
“A syndrome where problems in the gastrointestinal tract or abdomen trigger or cause cardiac symptoms. Because there is no obvious connection, there is often a lengthy period of misdiagnosis.” a treatment
“...Capsaicin can cause a dramatic increase in circulating blood volume and rapid heartbeat, which in turn can lead to acute heart failure or sudden cardiac death. It also hinders recovery from cardiovascular disease...”
...the condition
“...When organic disease has already set in as a result of stress – be it simple gastritis, cardiac or lung disease, asthma, allergies, or any other suspected stress-related condition – it is important to seek medical help as soon as possible...”
...relationship to
Coronary Disease / Heart Attack
“Stress may increase magnesium excretion and the resulting temporary magnesium depletion may make the heart more sensitive to electrical abnormalities and vascular spasm that could lead to cardiac ischemia.”
Increased Water Consumption
“A Seventh Day Adventist study found that those who drank 5 glasses of water per day have on average half the cardiac mortality and half the fatal stroke rate of the general population.”
...the condition
“...T4 syndrome is rare, so it's usually a diagnosis of exclusion in which myelopathy, cardiac pain, thoracic outlet syndrome, systemic illness, thoracic tumor, polyneuritis, fibromyalgia, nerve root compression, and complex regional pain syndrome should be ruled out...” a treatment
“...This is a test used, for example, during cardiac surgery to determine cellular magnesium levels...”
...the condition
“...Clinical Abnormalities and Approximate Incidence ... Cardiac anomalies (50%)...”
...the condition
“...Diastolic dysfunction is seen early in the course of many common cardiac disorders and can be demonstrated by echocardiography...”