More topics Related to DHEA
...recommendation against
“Ray Sahelian, MD has reported arrhythmias of different types in individuals using as little as 50mg DHEA or 25mg Pregnenolone...”
...relationship to
Low DHEA Level
“Although there is some conflicting evidence, many researchers conclude that maintaining normal levels of DHEA provides some protection against atherosclerosis.”
Test for DHEA
“Some doctors report finding that a high percentage of patients with autoimmune disorders are also deficient in DHEA, and should be tested.”
Test for DHEA
“...Most of the 27 had abnormally low levels of DHEA.”
...the condition
“...Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome: The liver uses a specific enzyme system to convert cholesterol into a master steroidal hormone called pregnenolone, from which hormones such as progesterone, DHEA, and testosterone are derived...”
...the condition
“...DHEA and 7-Keto DHEA may be useful; routine endocrine tests are normal in suspected cases of fibromyalgia...”
“Some doctors report finding that a high percentage of patients with autoimmune disorders, such as thyroiditis, are also deficient in DHEA, and should be tested.”
...relationship to
Low Female Testosterone Level
“Several studies have found that sufferers of cluster and migraine headaches tend to have subnormal levels of total testosterone, DHEA sulfate, and pregnenolone.”
...relationship to
Low DHEA Level
“Those suffering from cluster headaches often have DHEA sulfate levels that are below normal.”
...relationship to
Low Male Testosterone Level
“Several studies have found that sufferers of cluster and migraine headaches tend to have subnormal levels of total testosterone, DHEA sulfate, and pregnenolone.”
“A landmark study in 1986 of 242 men aged 50-79 and based on 12 years of research stated that a small supplementation of DHEA corresponded to a 48% reduction in death from heart disease and a 36% reduction in death from any cause, other than accidents...”
“DHEA is a plentiful adrenal steroid hormone whose quantity decreases with age and may have significant psychiatric effects...” a treatment
“...DHA is an omega-3 long chain polyunsaturated fatty acid (not to be confused with the hormone DHEA). It is the primary structural fat in both the gray matter of the brain and the retina of the eye...” a treatment
“Alternative names: Dehydroepiandrosterone, Dehydroepiandrostenedione, Androstenolone DHEA is a hormone produced by the adrenal glands...”
...the condition
“Excess DHEA can cause excess levels of estrogen and testosterone, as well as creating a dependence.”
...our question about
Early or late puberty onset (female)
“Girls with premature puberty have been found to have elevated levels of DHEA-S. The elevated levels are normally one of the first biochemical signs of awakening of the reproductive glands, in this case the adrenal gland after the long period of childhood inactivity.”
...our question about
Early or late puberty onset (female)
“Girls with premature puberty have been found to have elevated insulin and DHEA-S levels. This contributes to the weight gain usually seen in advanced PCOS.”
Test for Hormones
“...When considering lab testing, a full panel of tests should be considered such as DHEA, testosterone (total and free), DHT, sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG), estradiol, luteinizing hormone (LH), follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), prolactin (best taken at 9am to avoid diurnal...”
Test for Hormones
“There have been several reports that supplemental DHEA has accelerated hair loss in susceptible men and women...”
...the condition
“...enhanced by natural products or drugs such as IP6 (Inositol hexaphosphate), MGN3 (a commercial rice bran product modified with mushroom extracts), thymus extracts, low dose Naltrexone, zinc, DHEA, glutamine, a good multiple vitamin-mineral over time and others such as astragalus, cordyceps (Chinese fungus), and MCP (modified citrus pectin)...”
...the condition
“...Although some women with hirsutism have increased amounts of male hormones (e.g. DHEA or testosterone), most have normal levels...”
...related topic
“...Examples include adrenal hormones such as corticosteroids and aldosterone; glucagon, growth hormone, insulin, testosterone, estrogens, progestins, progesterone, DHEA, melatonin, and thyroid hormones such as thyroxine and calcitonin.”
Test for DHEA
“Some doctors report finding that a high percentage of patients with autoimmune disorders, such as Graves' disease, are also deficient in DHEA, and should be tested.”
...relationship to
Low DHEA Level
“Insulin levels may play a significant role in determining how much DHEA is metabolized...”
“Six months of treatment with DHEA (at 30mg per day if over 45 years of age and 20mg per day if under 45 years of age) induced androgen effects on skin and axillary and pubic hair in a study of 38 women with androgen deficiency...”
Test Adrenal Function
“Cortisol and DHEA are among the hormones produced by the adrenal glands...”
...the condition
“...Ginseng extract), chlorella (spirulina and some other sea vegetables may have similar benefits), thyroid hormones, garlic (raw or aged extract), l-Glutathione (or products that raise levels), DHEA or AED (androstendiol), UV-A light, vitamin E, transfer factor (antigen specific) – protein immunomodulators extracted from colostrum, colostrum, low dose naltrexone, IP6, lentinian and certain...”
“DHEA increases TH1 cytokines which help balance the immune system.”
More topics Related to DHEA
...the condition
“...The adrenal cortex is involved in the production of glucocorticoids (such as cortisol, i.e. hydrocortisone), mineralocorticoids (aldosterone) and androgens such as androstenedione and DHEA. A mild to moderate adrenocortical deficiency can substantially reduce your quality of life, yet this condition is not recognized by most doctors, who only think of the adrenal gland's condition...”
...the condition
“Produced by the adrenal glands, DHEA (Dehydroepiandrosterone) is mildly androgenic...”
...relationship to
Premature/Signs of Aging
“Sometimes known as the "youth hormone", DHEA protects the body from premature aging...”
“The optimal dosage range for DHEA varies considerably between individuals...”
...the condition
“...All steroid hormones in the body (estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, DHEA, aldosterone, cortisol, etc...”
...relationship to
Low DHEA Level
“DHEA is the precursor to testosterone...”
“One study has found that DHEA therapy (75mg per day) increased CD4 and CD8 cell counts in the majority of HIV patients...”
...relationship to
Low DHEA Level
“...A number of hormones, including DHEA, are synthesized from pregnenolone.”
...relationship to
Low DHEA Level
“Low blood levels of the hormone DHEA have been associated with more severe symptoms in people with SLE...”
Test for DHEA
“DHEA is almost always low in patients with autoimmune conditions such as SLE.”
Test for Hormones
“There have been several reports that supplemental DHEA has accelerated hair loss in susceptible men and women...”
...relationship to
Syndrome X / Metabolic Syndrome
“...With reduced SHBG levels, greater amounts of bioactive "male" sex hormones – androgens such as testosterone and DHEA – begin to circulate inside a woman's body...”
Test for DHEA
“DHEA is almost always low in patients with autoimmune conditions such as myasthenia gravis.”
“C.A. Hackethal, M.D. has reported excellent success in treating Parkinson's Disease by use of replacement therapy of DHEA. Apparently the bad side-effects of L-Dopa are avoided, and the Parkinsonian victim is restored to appropriate functioning.”
...the condition
“...When DHEA-S levels are elevated, the addition of dexamethasone may be helpful...”
Test for Hormones
“...It is for this reason that a measurement of total testosterone and DHEA is recommended.”
“In a study of six middle-aged and elderly patients with major depression and low plasma DHEA levels, memory performance and depression improved significantly when DHEA was supplemented sufficiently to raise their plasma DHEA to levels found in healthy younger people...” a treatment
“...Pregnenolone is the basic precursor – or starting raw material – for the production of ALL the human steroid hormones, including DHEA, progesterone, estrogen, testosterone, cortisol and aldosterone, and as such is often referred to as "The Mother Hormone" or the next "up and coming" anti-aging hormone...”
Test for Hormones
“...The hormones most likely to be involved include estrogens, progesterone, testosterone and DHEA.”
“7-Keto DHEA supplements, at a dose of 200mg per day in adults 25 to 55 years of age has been shown in a double-blind trial to enhance weight loss, aid in the reduction of body fat and effect thyroid hormone...”
...relationship to
Low DHEA Level
“DHEA levels have been found to be low in women with rheumatoid arthritis, a condition frequently associated with osteoporosis...”
“...DHEA levels correlated significantly with, and were predictive of, bone mineral density, even after corticosteroid therapy was taken into account...”
...relationship to
Low DHEA Level
“Stress accelerates the loss of DHEA.” a treatment
“Although not yet formally validated, DHEA testing can be performed on blood, saliva or urine samples...” a treatment
“Hormone testing for sex hormones such as estrogens, progesterone, testosterone, DHEA, LH, FSH, prolactin and binding globulins (SHBG) is an important step in determining hormone abnormalities that may be causing or contributing to symptoms...”
Test for DHEA
“DHEA can be a factor in autoimmune problems, which some consider ulcerative colitis to be.”
...the condition
“ and other allergens, and being well-nourished; supplements such as TMG, zinc, vitamin C and other antioxidants; hormones such as HGH (human growth hormone – can be used homeopathically) and DHEA; colloidal silver, and l-arginine...”