Triglycerides are simply fats: all the fats you eat are triglycerides, and triglycerides are transported through the bloodstream as a source of energy for the body. Fatty acids from triglycerides are used for muscular work or stored as body fat for future energy production. Triglycerides should be measured after fasting as it is normal for blood levels to be increased immediately after a meal. Lowering triglycerides is important because it may help reduce your risk for coronary heart disease.
While elevated triglycerides have a genetic component in many cases, lifestyle choices such as overconsumption, too many carbohydrates and physical inactivity frequently play a central role in the disorder. Lifestyle choices may act like a key to "turn on" a genetic susceptibility. In some cases elevated triglycerides may be due to an underlying medical condition or to the use of prescribed drugs such as beta-blockers, diuretics, estrogen (contraceptive or hormone replacement therapy), glucocorticoids, isotretinoin, protease inhibitors and tamoxifen.
The target level for fasting triglycerides in adults is below 150mg/dL.
If the initial level of fasting triglycerides is 500mg/dL or higher, the initial focus is on triglyceride lowering to prevent pancreatitis because it can be a life-threatening condition.
Omega-3 fatty acids can have a profound effect on lowering triglyceride levels.
Manganese can help lower high triglyceride and cholesterol levels.
Gallstone formation does not correlate with blood cholesterol levels, but persons with low HDL cholesterol (the so-called good cholesterol) levels or high triglyceride levels are at increased risk.
There are a group of studies clearly indicating that elevated triglycerides combined with low HDL (two abnormalities known to be caused by high insulin) are much more predictive of cardiovascular disease than either elevated total cholesterol or elevated LDL levels.
Virtually every study in which the carbohydrate intake was low enough to convert the body's primary fuel from glucose to stored fat has shown a drop in total cholesterol and improvements in risk ratios of total cholesterol to HDL, with a dramatic decrease in triglycerides.
Ingesting refined sugar increases triglyceride levels. People with elevated triglyceride levels should therefore reduce their intake of sugar, sweets and other sugar-containing foods. Even added fructose will raise triglyceride levels, but the fructose found naturally in foods should be less of a problem.
Researchers found in 1997 that lipase can help to control LDL cholesterol and is helpful in stubborn cases of high triglycerides. [Lipids 32: p.1147, 1997].
For many individuals, an exercise period of 45 minutes can produce greater reduction in plasma triglycerides than the shorter periods of exercise sometimes recommended for lowering triglyceride levels.
In a study of people with high cholesterol, niacin not only reduced LDL and triglycerides by 17% and 18% respectively, but it also increased HDL by 16%.
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