Saliva is needed in order to moisten our mouths, help digest food, swallow, clean our mouths and control growths of bacteria and fungus in the mouth.
Symptoms include:
Consider taking the following steps:
Saliva helps fight the bacteria that cause gum disease and tooth decay.
Alzheimer's patients may have a diminished thirst signal so they don't feel thirsty and drink water when they are dehydrated. In addition, dry mouth is very common among seniors and those with Alzheimer's may not tell anyone that they are thirsty due to reduced mental functioning.
The body will conserve fluid in various ways when we are dehydrated and one of these is a reduction in saliva production, which results in a drier mouth.
Radiation can damage the salivary glands and reduce the amount of saliva produced.
Hundreds of drugs list dry mouth as a possible side-effect. Antihistamines, decongestants, painkillers, muscle relaxants, and antidepressants are among the drugs that can cause dry mouth. Those taking two different medications are up to 40% more likely to suffer from dry mouth.
'Meth Mouth' is involves an excessively dry mouth ('cotton mouth'); cavities; decaying or rotting teeth; brittle or loose teeth; tooth cracking and breakage; and eventual tooth loss.
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