More topics Related to Ultrasound
...the condition
“...Smaller amounts may be detected with an ultrasound scan of the abdomen, and are occasionally found by accident during an ultrasound or CT scan that is being performed for other reasons...”
...the condition
“...Ultrasound or computed tomography (CT scan) can help to locate the presence and measure the extent of decreased blood flow...”
...the condition
“...In addition to a complete medical history and medical examination, diagnostic procedures for bile duct cancer may include ... Ultrasound – high-frequency sound waves create an image of the internal organs...”
...related topic
“...A fine-needle aspiration biopsy involves inserting a thin needle to remove a small amount of tissue, sometimes using CT or ultrasound to guide the needle...”
...our question about
Nipple discharge from pores
“...If the discharge is bloodstained, or it is emerging from just one pore, your doctor will refer you to a hospital clinic for tests (such as ultrasound, mammography and looking at the discharge under the microscope) to make sure that breast cancer is not responsible.”
...the condition
“...Physical examination may find that the liver is enlarged; further testing may include ... Ultrasound (to show liver enlargement, an irregular pattern of veins in the liver, or other abnormalities)...”
...the condition
“...It has been found that most bulimic patients have abnormal ovarian morphology on ultrasound. Polycystic or multifollicular ovarian cysts are common in bulimics...”
...the condition
“...An ultrasound test is used to create pictures of the blockage and to measure the amount of blood flowing through the artery...”
...our question about
Hearing blood rushing in the ears
“...However, an ultrasound will rule out possible narrowing (stenosis) of the artery since this is something that should be followed/fixed depending on the severity.” a treatment
“...In Doppler testing, an inflatable blood pressure cuff is placed around the leg or ankle while an ultrasound probe tracks the blood flow...”
...the condition
“...Ultrasound can also be used to examine the inside of the eye...”
...the condition
“...If a liver examination is necessary, the doctor might order a computerized axial tomography (CAT) scan, ultrasound, a scan of the liver using a radioisotope, or look at the liver using a laparoscope...”
...the condition
“...Ultrasound and X-rays reveal that dermal thickness increases until age 20, then declines progressively, losing approximately 20% of its peak thickness, says Sheldon Pinnell, MD, who teaches...”
...the condition
“...Other internal cysts, such as those in the kidneys or the liver, may go unnoticed until an imaging scan (X-ray, MRI scan, CAT scan, ultrasound) detects them...”
...the condition
“...Ultrasound examination and abdominal CT scan have a limited role in the evaluation of chronic diarrhea...”
Doppler Ultrasound
...related topic
“A form of ultrasound (measurement of high-frequency sound waves that are reflected off of tissues) that can detect and measure blood flow and pressure.”
...the condition
“...Other tests include imaging (X-ray, CT scan or ultrasound) and testing for H. pylori infection by using a blood test, stool antigen test, urea breath test, or an upper GI biopsy...”
...the condition
“...The safest and most accurate method for detecting an ectopic pregnancy is transvaginal ultrasound: it can identify the location of the pregnancy and even detect any fetal heartbeat...”
...the condition
“...A regular ultrasound (also called a sonogram) usually does not diagnose polyps, because the pressure inside the uterus flattens the polyps, making them very hard to see...”
...the condition
“...Blood tests such as a CBC; Ultrasound; Abdominal film or CT scan; Bone marrow biopsy; Other tests to check for underlying disorders...”
...the condition
“...An ultrasound or abdominal CT scan may also be performed to evaluate your liver...”
...the condition
“...Once fecal impaction is suspected, an ultrasound, sigmoidoscopy or barium enema may be used to obtain a better view of the colon and rectum...”
...the condition
“...Imaging tests (X-ray, MRI, CT scan, ultrasound, cholangiogram, angiogram) can show suspicious growths such as cancer, blockage, narrowing or dilation of ducts, as well as whether it has spread...”
...the condition
“...Ultrasound or other imaging techniques easily find gallstones...”
Ultrasound Imaging
“Ultrasound, the diagnostic method most frequently used to detect gallstones, is a simple, rapid, and noninvasive imaging technique...”
...the condition
“...Initial treatment includes a combination of ... Physical therapy: ice-heat therapy, ultrasound, traction, temporary bracing, electrotherapy...”
...the condition
“...or absent menstrual periods; Decreased breast size; Male-pattern baldness (in a woman); Deepened voice; Increased size of clitoris; High blood pressure; Enlarged adrenal glands; Enlarged ovaries; An ultrasound examination of the ovaries may be necessary as one common cause of hirsutism is polycystic ovaries...”
...the condition
“...Some of the tests available to females include ... MRI, CT scan, or ultrasound scan – to get an image of the ovaries, uterus, thyroid or pituitary gland...” a treatment
“...Deep heating modalities include microwave diathermy, shortwave diathermy, and ultrasound. The body reacts with a series of local and systemic effects...”
...the condition
“...X-ray studies, such as ultrasound and computed tomography scan (CT scan), may help diagnose an enlarged spleen and possible underlying causes, such as tumors...”
...the condition
“...Conventional medicine uses doppler studies (a specialized ultrasound test) and transcutaneous oxygen pressure measurements to evaluate blood flow...”
...the condition
“...Further testing may include abdominal ultrasound (accurate, no risk of radiation) or X-ray, and air enema or contrast enema...”
...the condition
“...These tests include ... Ultrasound...”
More topics Related to Ultrasound
...the condition
“...Blood tests, urine tests, ultrasound imaging, CT scans, and MRIs are used...”
...the condition
“...Breathing problems (shortness of breath, difficulty breathing, wheezing, or choking); Severe abdominal pain; Vomiting; A diagnostic workup generally includes several of the following: Abdominal ultrasound; Abdominal CT scan or MRI; Complete blood count; Liver abscess aspiration (verifies bacterial infection); Liver scan; Liver function tests; Blood test; Stool test; When detected in time, a...”
...the condition
“...Ultrasound test – The ultrasound device creates a picture (sonogram) of the liver and other organs in the abdomen...”
...the condition
“...Because the condition is so rare, general screening by mammography, ultrasound, or other methods is not recommended...”
...the condition
“...Heart murmurs can be diagnosed with echocardiography which uses ultrasound to create a picture of the chambers of the heart.”
...the condition
“...Your physician may recommend ultrasound or whirlpool treatments...”
...the condition
“...X-rays, bone scans, CT scans, MRIs, and ultrasound are imaging techniques that can help identify the site of bone changes caused by osteomyelitis...”
...the condition
“...Those cysts that have not caused pain are usually found during gynecologic exam or ultrasound. A follicular cyst is one in which the egg-making follicle of the ovary enlarges and fills with fluid...”
...the condition
“...On physical exam and/or ultrasound, if everything is normal, the doctor might recommend prostaglandin-inhibiting medications such as aspirin, ibuprofen, or naproxen...”
...the condition
“...Ultrasound imaging is often used to detect duct-blocking gallstones...”
...the condition
“...Radiologic imaging techniques including Doppler ultrasound, Duplex ultrasound, and MRI angiography are used to help diagnose peripheral vascular disease...” a treatment
“...Physical therapy often involves the use of modalities which include properties of heat, cold, air, light, water, electricity, ultrasound and traction...”
...the condition
“...If only a small amount of fluid is present, your doctor may insert the needle with the help of ultrasound over the site of the fluid...”
...the condition
“...A doctor diagnoses polycystic ovary disease with tests and exams including the patient's medical history, a physical exam, blood tests to check hormone levels and an ultrasound. The method of treatment depends upon the severity of the symptoms and whether you are trying to get pregnant...”
Ultrasound Imaging
“An ultrasound examination of the ovaries may be necessary to confirm a diagnosis.”
...the condition
“...Ultrasound treatment uses mechanical vibration delivered at a frequency above the range of human hearing...” a treatment
“...Medications and other forms of passive treatment such as ultrasound, ice, heat, massage, acupuncture and manipulation may give minimal lasting benefits because the primary problem is not being addressed, namely the loose and injured ligaments...”
...the condition
“...A biopsy involves passing an ultrasound probe into the rectum to give an accurate view of the prostate...”
...the condition
“...The patient is usually sent for an ultrasound scan or an X-ray of the kidneys...”
...the condition
“...Upper GI tract endoscopy may be useful in detecting areas of concern in the immediate upper GI tract, and a CT scan of the abdomen or an abdominal ultrasound may help to visualize bulky tumors and to rule out any spread of the cancer to adjacent lymph nodes and distant organs such as the liver...”
...the condition
“...In about half of all presenting cases, laboratory testing or imaging (blood test, ultrasound, CT scan, or MRCP) will suggest a definite abnormality such as a bile duct stone...”
...the condition
“...In order to confirm the presence of pancreatic disease, a structural abnormality in the pancreas is sought by abdominal X-ray (calcification), ultrasound, CT scan, or ERCP...”
...the condition
“...This includes the following ... Scans – discovering if or how far the cancer has spread (staging) may involve scans, including ultrasound, CT or MRI to look at the stomach, liver and lymph nodes...”
...the condition
“...Other useful diagnostic tests include ultrasound for a right-sided subphrenic abscess and a CT scan for a left-sided subphrenic abscess...” a treatment
“...Other blood tests and fetal ultrasound may be done also...” a treatment
“...Their presence must be diagnosed by ultrasound for this reason...”
...the condition
“...Imaging techniques such as ultrasound can help indicate possible tumors...”
...the condition
“...pain; Fever; Nausea; Vomiting; Changed position of a testicle (higher than normal, or at an angle); Painful urination; Diagnosis usually involves physical examination, palpation, a urine test, ultrasound, and possibly exploratory surgery...”
...the condition
“...An ultrasound scan to look at the thyroid and neck and determine whether there are lots of lumps or just one, and whether the lumps are solid or filled with fluid (cysts)...”
...the condition
“...Trichobezoars can be diagnosed by using special upper gastrointestinal X-rays, looking into the stomach with an endoscope, or using ultrasound. Surgical removal is the most common treatment...” a treatment
“Alternative names: Ultrasonography, Sonography, Echocardiography, Doppler Echocardiography, Ultrasound is a safe and painless diagnostic medical procedure used to produce images of structures within the human body, using high-frequency (ultrasonic) sound waves...” a treatment
“Ultrasound is used for many medical applications, most commonly to produces images of inside of the body...”
...the condition
“...Urine (MSU) test; Blood tests, including: Complete Blood Count (CBC), Urea and Electrolytes (U+E), Creatinine, Estimated Glomerular Filtration Rate (eGFR), Blood Glucose; Imaging studies, including: Ultrasound, CT Scan, MRI/CT brain scan, Spinal MRI, Cystoscopy; The most urgent and necessary procedure is immediate and complete emptying of the bladder, normally involving catheterization...”