Topics Related to Schizophrenia a treatment
“...CNS side-effects, including nervousness, anxiety, agitation, insomnia, difficulty in concentrating, and exacerbations of pre-existing seizure disorders and psychiatric symptoms in patients with Schizophrenia or Parkinson's disease...” a treatment
“...They recognized that it has a "deeper" action on the nervous system than any other herb and used it for hysteria, epilepsy, convulsions, and rabies, as well as for serious, mental illnesses such as schizophrenia. Its apparent ability to cure animals and humans of rabies is the reason for its common name in America being "mad dog" during the 19th century...”
More topics Related to Schizophrenia
GHB (Gamma-Hydroxybutyrate)
“GHB's efficacy for treating anxiety has been positively demonstrated in tests involving schizophrenic subjects...”
...recommendation against
“On the basis of theoretical ideas about how melatonin works, some authorities specifically recommend against using it for depression, schizophrenia, autoimmune diseases and other serious illnesses, and in pregnant or nursing women...”
...the condition
“...Studies have shown that people with brain lesions, tumors and certain kinds of epilepsy often yawn excessively, while schizophrenics yawn very little...” a treatment
“...Preliminary double-blind trials suggest that EPA, but not DHA, might be helpful for schizophrenia. Evidence is mixed on whether fish oil can help prevent flare-ups of Crohn's disease, a condition in which parts of the digestive tract are highly inflamed...” a treatment
“...intestinal disorders (such as Crohn's disease, irritable bowel disease, ulcerative colitis), lupus, connective tissue disease and tissue damage from radiation treatments, fatigue, impotence, schizophrenia and senility...”
...the condition
“.../ heartburn; Indigestion; Constipation; Diarrhea; Frequent nausea and or vomiting; Difficulty gaining weight; Iron deficiency anemia; Head, Brain and Nervous System Symptoms ... Symptoms resembling schizophrenia and other mental disorders...” a treatment
“...Some believe that grains in general are addicting and that eliminating them will result in weight loss, less allergies, sharper thinking and improvements in some schizophrenic patients. Contrary to common belief, corn is a grain, not a vegetable, and contains high amounts of sugar...”
...the condition
“...The patient is usually classified as having chronic or process schizophrenia. Some studies of schizophrenics have revealed high blood copper, as seen in histadelia, with low urinary copper (showing that copper is being retained) as well as low blood zinc...”
...the condition
“...It is often mistakenly labeled as "schizophrenia" because of its progression of mental decline...” a treatment
“...It can gradually lower blood pressure, and can be helpful in cases of schizophrenia, hypoglycemia, and those with high serum copper and low serum zinc levels...” a treatment
“...In preliminary studies, IP6 prevents depression and may work adjunctively in schizophrenia. The all-important function of enhancing of our immune system, by increasing the activity of our natural killer (NK) cells, may make IP6 the 'aspirin' of the future...” a treatment
“...Schizophrenia: Kelp ( 5 tablets daily) contains balanced essential minerals...”
...the condition
“...Schizophrenics also tend to have low melatonin levels, perhaps caused by their medications...” a treatment
“...Manganese is used in the following conditions ... schizophrenia...”
...the condition
“...It is useful in the treatment of many nervous system disorders including Alzheimer's disease, and schizophrenia. Our understanding of manganese is still incomplete...” a treatment
“...On the basis of theoretical ideas about how melatonin works, some authorities specifically recommend against using it for depression, schizophrenia, autoimmune diseases and other serious illnesses, or by pregnant or nursing women...”
...recommendation against
“On the basis of theoretical ideas about how melatonin works, some authorities specifically recommend against using it for depression, schizophrenia, autoimmune diseases and other serious illnesses, and in pregnant or nursing women.”
...the condition
“...Today, nervous breakdowns may be "acute psychotic breaks" or "schizophrenic episodes", as when people suddenly become convinced that aliens have planted listening devices in their teeth, or "manic breaks"...”
...the condition
“...Incidence appears increased in families with a schizophrenic member. Histories of paranoid behavior are common...”
...our question about
Schizophrenia in family members
“The incidence of paranoid personality disorder appears increased in families with a schizophrenic member.”
...recommendation against
“On the basis of theoretical ideas about how melatonin works, some authorities specifically recommend against using it for depression, schizophrenia, autoimmune diseases and other serious illnesses, and in pregnant or nursing women.”
...the condition
“...There are several conditions associated with PMS, including ... Schizophrenia...”
...the condition
“...Types of psychosis include ... Schizophrenia...”
...the condition
“...Pyroluria may occur along with other imbalances as seen in some subtypes of schizophrenia such as histapenia (low histamine), histadelia (high histamine), high copper levels or cerebral allergies...”
...related topic
“...Most pyroluric individuals never develop schizophrenia symptoms.”
More topics Related to Schizophrenia
...the condition
“Those suffering from schizophrenia find it difficult to distinguish between what is real and unreal, think clearly, manage emotions, relate to others, or function normally...”
...our question about
Decreased ability to smell
“..."Olfactory functions and volumetric measures of orbitofrontal and limbic regions in schizophrenia". Schizophrenia Research 74 (2-3): pp149-61]”
...relationship to
Wilson's Disease
“A wide array of symptoms occur, fitting a number of psychiatric diagnoses, including "major depression," "schizophrenia," and "hysteria...”
...relationship to
Allergy to Foods (Hidden)
“...These symptoms can be mistaken for schizophrenia. A study of "schizophrenics" by Dr. William Philpott showed allergic responses as follows: Wheat (64%), mature corn (51%), pasteurized whole cow's milk (50%), tobacco (75% with 10%...”
...relationship to
Histadelia (Histamine High)
“Some 15-20% of "schizophrenic" patients are in fact suffering from histadelia, which shares similar symptoms and can be misdiagnosed.”
...relationship to
Histapenia (Histamine Low)
“It has been found that 50% of patients classified as "schizophrenic" have low histamine levels in the blood and it rises to normal as they improve...”
...relationship to
Huntington's Disease
“Commonly labeled as "schizophrenia" because of its progression of mental decline.”
...relationship to
“Numerous patients given psychiatric diagnoses have actually turned out to have hypoglycemia, including those classified with depression, manic-depressive disorder, and schizophrenia.”
...relationship to
“The book Natural Healing for Schizophrenia reports that 10% of patients diagnosed with "schizophrenia" have been found to have thyroid imbalances.”
...relationship to
“...Approximately 15-30% of "schizophrenics" have pyroluria...”
...relationship to
Seizure Disorder
“...People with psychomotor epilepsy have been given schizophrenia, manic depressive, depression, attention-deficit disorder, and other diagnoses.”
...relationship to
Vitamin B3 Requirement
“The mental disturbances brought about by pellagra, a vitamin B3 (niacin) deficiency may be mistaken for schizophrenia, or vice versa...”
Vitamin B3 (Niacin)
“Since pellagra can mimic the symptoms of schizophrenia, the use of niacin to treat schizophrenia and depression is controversial...”
GHB (Gamma-Hydroxybutyrate)
“GHB has been reported to reduce schizophrenia symptoms, but must not be used with some psychotropic drugs, such as Valium, Thorazine, Dilantin or Phenobarbital.”
...recommendation against
Caffeine/Coffee Avoidance
“According to some, no caffeinated beverages – or even decaffeinated ones – should ever be taken, as these deteriorate into homogentisic acid which is known to be excreted in larger quantities in schizophrenics than in others...”
...recommendation against
“On the basis of theoretical ideas about how melatonin works, some authorities specifically recommend against using it for depression, schizophrenia, autoimmune diseases and other serious illnesses, and in pregnant or nursing women.” a treatment
“...clinical trials, the following percentages were determined for frequency of elevated pyrrole in a range of test subjects: Autism – 50% [Audha] Alcoholism – 40% [Mathews-Larson] ADHD – 30% [Walsh] Schizophrenia & Depression – 70% [Hoffer] Pyroluria is a feature of many behavioral and emotional disorders...” a treatment
“...Other possible uses for L-tryptophan include parkinsonism, epilepsy, and schizophrenia, and with further research, we may find this important amino acid may provide help in other medical conditions...”
...the condition
“...A deficiency of tryptophan may lead to depression, insomnia, schizophrenia, and carbohydrate craving...” a treatment
“...amounts, well over 100mg per day and often over 1,000mg per day (up to 6,000mg), to treat a wide variety of psychological symptoms, including senility, alcoholism, drug problems, depression, and schizophrenia. Niacin has been helpful in reversing the hallucinatory experience, delusional thinking or wide mood and energy shifts of some psychological disturbances...”
...the condition
“...It is helpful against schizophrenia and other mental illnesses, and is also a memory enhancer...”
...the condition
“...It is helpful against schizophrenia and other mental illnesses, and is also a memory enhancer...”
...the condition
“...Sometimes, copper toxicity to the brain is first noted as grossly inappropriate behavior, sudden deterioration of schoolwork, or, rarely, psychosis indistinguishable from schizophrenia or manic-depressive illness...”