Definition of IgE:

Immunoglobulin E is a type of antibody produced by IgE plasma cells.  These are specialized B-cell lymphocytes that make free-floating antibodies for what is termed humoral resistance.  IgE is not made to be specific against only one antigen, like other gamma globulins, but instead can bind with a number of dangerous proteins.  IgE travels to mast cells, sticks to their surfaces, and when antigens get stuck to the IgE, the mast cells secrete inflammatory compounds such as histamine.  Since IgE is a generalist, coded for a number of potential toxins, it can decide for example that grass pollen and cat dander are antigens... and you have an allergy.  Elevated production of IgE is often inherited, which is why allergies run in a family.

Also: Immunoglobulin E

Topics Related to IgE

A Low IgE level

...the condition
IgE stands for immunoglobulin E, one of the classes of immunoglobulins (also called antibodies) that are in the blood...”

Allergic Rhinitis / Hay Fever

...recommendation Ozone / Oxidative Therapy
“...Preliminary studies have also shown that levels of IgE (the antibody that leads to an immune response) are decreased by HBOT, which may reduce the magnitude of the allergic response...”
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More topics Related to IgE

Chronic / Hidden Infection

...the condition
“...In test-tube studies of human cells, the researchers showed that weak viral infections can cause immune system cells called B cells to produce immunoglobin E or IgE, a protein that orchestrates the reactions that cause allergies and many cases of asthma...”

Histamine Therapy

...as a treatment
“...For this response to occur, a free-floating IgE (an immunoglobulin associated with allergic response) molecule specific to the antigen must first be attached to cell surface receptors on mast cells...”

Hives (Urticaria)

...the condition
“...The reaction involves the release of histamine from either mast cells or basophils causing an IgE (immediate type) mediated antibody response...”

Indoor Allergies

...recommendation Bioflavonoids
“May reduce IgE formation, inhibit the release of histamine, and reduce or eliminate allergy symptoms.”
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More topics Related to IgE

Mast Cells

...related topic
“...They bind IgE, supply the histamine and heparin response that gives you a healing inflammation, and cause allergies.”

Multiple Myeloma

...the condition
“...Few cases of IgD and IgE myeloma have been reported...”


...relationship to Yeast / Candida Infection
“...toxins are implicated in the development of psoriasis including endotoxins (cell wall components of gram-negative bacteria), streptococcal products, Candida albicans, yeast compounds, and IgE or IgA immune complexes...”

Test for Food Allergies

...as a treatment
“...The test should include both IgE and IgG antibodies in order to identify both immediate and delayed type allergens...”

Test for Inhalant Allergies

...as a treatment
“...People with allergies have an allergic antibody called IgE (immunoglobulin E) in their body...”
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