
Definition of Homeopathy:

A system of medicine based on the belief that the cure of disease can be effected by minute doses of substances that, if given to a healthy person in large doses, would produce the same symptoms as are present in the disease being treated.  Homeopathy employs natural substances in small doses to stimulate the body's reactive process to remove toxic waste and bring the body back into balance.

Also: Homeopathic

Topics Related to Homeopathy

Aconitum napellus

...as a treatment
“...However, as a Homeopathic remedy it poses no danger; Homeopathy is unique in turning poisonous and toxic substances into safe medicines...”

Allergic Rhinitis / Hay Fever

...the condition
“...Use the tincture and homeopathic remedies for acute allergic reactions...”
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More topics Related to Homeopathy

Chronic Renal Insufficiency

...recommendation Homeopathic Remedies
“Reports by doctors using homeopathy say that patient response is better in those who have not yet started with dialysis...”


...as a treatment
“...In homeopathy, coffee is prescribed for an overexcited mind, rapid/uncontrollable ideas, restlessness, and nervous anxiety...”

Colloidal Silver

...as a treatment
“...Approaches include taking homeopathic silver (Argentum Nitricum), EDTA chelation, or homeopathic DMPS...”

Euphorbium Nasal Spray

...as a treatment
“Euphorbium Nasal Spray is a preparation containing 8 homeopathic remedies.”

Homeopathic Growth Hormones

...as a treatment
“...Not only do they normally CONTAIN NO HGH AT ALL, but according to a very informative book by Dr. H.A. Davis, called "Feeling Younger with Homeopathic HGH": "30% of patients tested DO NOT respond these GH 'enhancers', 'releasers' or 'secretagogues'...”

Homeopathic Remedies

...as a treatment
Homeopathy is a form of alternative medicine first defined by Samuel Hahnemann in the 18th century...”


...recommendation Homeopathic Remedies
“A homeopathic doctor may use Calcarea carbonica (calcium carbonate) or Calcarea phosphorica (calcium phosphate) to treat problems related to calcium levels.”


...the condition
“...Homeopathic GH or IGF has been proven to provide benefits in blinded trials...”


...the condition
“...Mild acting agents like homeopathic preparations, chamomile tea, a long relaxing bath, or a touch of sea salt on the tongue with a glass of water can be tried...”

Low HGH (Human Growth Hormone)

...the condition
“...There are several possibilities for treating low HGH levels ... Homeopathic preparations (the least expensive)...”
...recommendation Homeopathic Growth Hormones
“One placebo-controlled and blinded study found that two homeopathic products (the only ones tested) demonstrated a clear improvement in symptoms and increased IGF-1 levels...”
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More topics Related to Homeopathy

Lymphatic Congestion

...the condition
“...There are homeopathic drainage products and programs designed to resolve lymph-related problems and various light/laser or electrical devices developed to reduce lymphostatic edema, often used with lymphatic...”

Lymphatic Stimulation

...as a treatment
“...There are homeopathic drainage products and programs designed to resolve lymph related problems and various light/laser or electrical devices developed to reduce lymphostatic edema, often used with lymphatic...”


...the condition
“...Homeopathic.  Specific remedies to be given 4 times daily for up to 2 weeks while constitutional help is being sought...”

Phlebitis / Thrombophlebitis

...the condition
“...Homeopathy (to be taken 4 times daily for up to 7 days)...”

Pumpkin Seeds

...as a treatment
“...Homeopathic practitioners prescribe it for nausea and seasickness...”

Senecio cineraria

...as a treatment
“...Cineraria is the traditional homeopathic remedy found in the Ophthalmology section of the Physicians Desk reference as a treatment for cataracts...”

Shepherd's Purse

...as a treatment
“...A homeopathic tincture is prepared from the fresh plant...”

Susceptibility To Hangovers

...recommendation Ginger Root
“Both ginger and the homeopathic remedy Nux vomica can help to quell nausea the morning after...”


...as a treatment
“...Some practitioners of Homeopathy recommend use of very dilute thuja, in pill or liquid form, for treating irritability, depression, sadness, impaired thinking, headache, warts, growths, rashes, runny nose, sores in the...”

Torticollis (Loxia, "Wryneck")

...the condition
“...Two energy-based therapies, acupuncture and homeopathic medicine, can work to rebalance the whole person, helping to correct the torticollis...”

Urinary Stress/Urge Incontinence

...the condition
“...Homeopathic treatment possibilities...”
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