Anorexia Nervosa

Definition of Anorexia Nervosa:

An eating disorder characterized by excess control – a morbid fear of obesity leads the sufferer to try and limit or reduce their weight by excessive dieting, exercising, vomiting, purging and use of diuretics.  Sufferers are typically more than 15% below the average weight for their height/sex/age and typically have amenorrhea (if female) or low libido (if male).  1-2% of female teenagers are anorexic.

Also: Anorexia

Topics Related to Anorexia Nervosa

Anorexia / Starvation Tendency

...the condition
“Alternative names: Anorexia nervosa Anorexia is a serious eating disorder in which people deliberately starve themselves to lose weight...”
...relationship to Female Infertility
Anorexia or starvation causes difficulties in conceiving and carrying a baby to term.”
...relationship to Magnesium Requirement
“Early symptoms of magnesium deficiency can include fatigue, anorexia, irritability, insomnia, and muscle tremors or twitching.”
...relationship to Osteoporosis - Osteopenia
“The common medical complications of anorexia/starvation include osteoporosis.”
...relationship to Amenorrhea
“Women with anorexia and/or bulimia often experience amenorrhea as a result of maintaining a body weight that would be too low to sustain a pregnancy...”
...recommendation Goldenseal
“Goldenseal, a strong digestive stimulant and tonic to the digestive tract, is especially useful for anorexia nervosa.”
...recommendation Counseling
Anorexia requires counseling as it is mainly a psychological problem.”
...recommendation Condurango
“Condurango is a digestive stimulant for diminished appetite or dietary abuse; is a specific to anorexia nervosa.”
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More topics Related to Anorexia Nervosa


...the condition
“...irritation of the psoas muscle (found in the lower abdomen), fever, rebound tenderness, guarding (voluntary contraction of the abdominal muscle), no history of similar pain, rectal tenderness, anorexia, nausea and vomiting...”


...the condition
“...The symptoms of babesiosis normally begin about a week after a tick bite with a gradual onset of malaise, anorexia and fatigue...”

Bentonite Clay a treatment
“...The percent of relief indicated for the symptoms were: abdominal cramps – 80%; anorexia – 78%; malaise – 80%; headaches – 71%; nausea – 85%; and weakness – 100%...”

Biofeedback a treatment
“...Biofeedback may also be useful for the following health problems ... anorexia nervosa...”

Biotin a treatment
“...Specifically, Biotin may be useful in treatment of ... ALIMENTARY CANAL: Anorexia, Drowsiness, Impairment of fat metabolism, Insomnia, Loss of appetite...”

Biotin Requirement

...the condition
“...Deficiency symptoms include anemia, chronic fatigue, loss of appetite, impairment of fat metabolism, irregular heartbeat, impaired cognitive skills, anorexia, baldness, alopecia, insomnia, depression, drowsiness, hallucinations, muscle pain, pallor, dandruff, dermatitis, psoriasis, seborrhea, eczema...”

Bulimic Tendency

...the condition
“Eating disorders such as bulimia and anorexia nervosa (to which bulimia is closely related) are on the increase in Western society: it is estimated that 18-25% of college women have one or both of these problems...”
...relationship to Amenorrhea
“Women with anorexia and/or bulimia often experience amenorrhea as a result of maintaining a body weight that would be too low to sustain a pregnancy...”


...related topic
“Inflammation of the gall bladder and ducts, for example from the presence of passing stones, or following fasting or anorexia, or because of a spreading intestinal tract infection...”

Clostridium Difficile Infection

...the condition
“...Bad bacteria release toxins, which lead to a variety of symptoms, including ... Weight loss / anorexia...”

Copper Deficiency

...the condition
“...Fatigue, paleness, skin sores, edema, slowed growth, hair loss, anorexia, diarrhea and dermatitis can be symptoms of copper insufficiency...”

Excessive Fatigue

...relationship to Magnesium Requirement
“Early symptoms of magnesium deficiency can include fatigue, anorexia, irritability, insomnia, and muscle tremors or twitching.”

Female Hair Loss

...the condition
“...Common causes of hair loss or hair thinning in women ... anorexia or bulimia...”

Folic Acid Deficiency

...the condition
“...Folic acid deficiency generates a picture similar to that of a B12 deficiency – anemia, fatigue, irritability, anorexia, weight loss, headache, sore and inflamed tongue, diarrhea, heart palpitations, forgetfulness, hostility, and a feeling of paranoia...”

Gilbert's Syndrome

...the condition
“...The condition is usually asymptomatic, although some patients do complain about anorexia, malaise, and fatigue...”

Heavy Metal Toxicity

...the condition
“...Mental symptoms include apathy, dementia, and anorexia.  Lead Signs and Symptoms include combinations of gastrointestinal complaints, hypertension, fatigue, hemolytic anemia, abdominal pain, nausea, constipation, weight loss, peripheral...”
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More topics Related to Anorexia Nervosa

Hepatitis A

...related topic
“...This is followed (for 1 to 3 weeks but possibly much longer) by jaundice (slight skin yellowing), anorexia, nausea, fatigue, pale stools, dark urine and liver enlargement, but usually no fever.”

Hepatitis B

...related topic
“...This is followed by jaundice (slight skin yellowing), anorexia, nausea, fatigue, pale stools, dark urine and tender liver enlargement, but usually no fever.”

Hepatitis C

...related topic
“...This is followed by jaundice (slight skin yellowing), anorexia, nausea, fatigue, pale stools, dark urine and tender liver enlargement, but usually no fever.”


...the condition
“...The most common clinical presentations in the high-risk groups or ARC patients include: chronic generalized lymphadenopathy, splenomegaly, fever, fatigue, malaise, night sweats, weight loss, anorexia, oral candidiasis, recurrent herpes infections, and diarrhea...”


...the condition
“...Fasting hypoglycemia can be caused by ... Anorexia or long-term starvation...”


...the condition
“...With gradual onset of deficiency over days or weeks, symptoms are often vague and may include weight loss, fatigue, weakness, depression, apathy, nausea, vomiting, anorexia and hyperpigmentation...”

Increased Calorie Consumption a treatment
“...Medical problems such as depression, hypochlorhydria and achlorhydria, bulimia or anorexia must be addressed and treatment underway before weight gain will occur...”

Irregular Periods

...the condition
“...Eating disorders such as anorexia or bulimia; Excessive exercise / overtraining; Alcohol; Uterine abnormalities such as cervical polyps, uterine fibroids and endometriosis; Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS): Affecting about...”

Kelp a treatment
“...Anorexia Nervosa: Kelp is a helpful recommendation (6 tablets daily) for mineral replacement...”

Low Adrenal Function / Adrenal Insufficiency

...our question about Prednisone use
“Long-term use of prednisone can lead to adrenal suppression, possibly resulting in depression, euphoria, hypertension, nausea, anorexia, high blood sugar levels, or increased susceptibility to infection.”

Magnesium Requirement

...our question about Difficulty falling asleep
“Early symptoms of magnesium deficiency can include fatigue, anorexia, irritability, insomnia, and muscle tremors or twitching.”

Megaloblastic Anemia / Pernicious Anemia

...the condition
“...Weight loss and lack of appetite (anorexia) may also occur, as well as jaundice, confusion and depression...”

Muscle Cramps / Twitching

...relationship to Magnesium Requirement
“Early symptoms of magnesium deficiency can include fatigue, anorexia, irritability, insomnia, and muscle tremors or twitching...”

Myeloproliferative Neoplasm

...the condition
“...Other signs and symptoms depend on the underlying condition and include ... Anorexia; unusual weight loss...”

Night Eating Syndrome

...the condition
“...The article, published in JAMA, suggests that NES – characterized by nightly binging to combat stress and insomnia, followed by morning-after bouts of anorexia – may be deeply rooted in stress-related hormonal imbalances...”

Nutritional Deficiency

...our question about Abdominal distension, swelling
“Low protein intake can manifest as edema of the hands and feet, swollen abdomen, irritability, anorexia, a peeling rash, hair discoloration, and a large fatty liver...”


...the condition
“...This disorder is characterized by a lack of appetite (anorexia), fatigue, painful and deformed joints, early morning stiffness chiefly in the hands, knees, feet, jaw, and spine...”

Test Estrogen Level a treatment
“...May be caused by anorexia nervosa.  May indicate that menopause has occurred...”


...relationship to Magnesium Requirement
“Early symptoms of magnesium deficiency can include fatigue, anorexia, irritability, insomnia, and muscle tremors or twitching.”

Tryptophan / 5HTP a treatment
“...Tryptophan may help treat anorexia by increasing the appetite...”

Ultraviolet Light Therapy a treatment
“...due to inadequate peripheral circulation Varicose ulcers; Diabetic ulcers; Peripheral atherosclerosis; Some types of gangrene; Vascular headache; Adjuvant tumor therapy; General exhaustion; Anorexia; Immunostimulation; Fungal infections; Slow- or Non-healing wounds; Delayed repair of bone fractures; Acute thrombophlebitis; Vascular spasms; Improvement in condition of cancer patients”


...the condition
“...Commonly it is caused by an eating disorder such as anorexia or bulimia...”

Zinc Requirement

...the condition
“...Studies at Reading University (UK) have shown that zinc deficiency contributes to the slimming disease anorexia nervosa by impairing the sense of taste and smell, and therefore the desire to eat...”
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