
Definition of Statins:

A class of drugs that lower cholesterol.

Also: Statin

Topics Related to Statins

Coronary Disease / Heart Attack

...recommendation Policosanol/Octacosanol
“...Like statin drugs, policosanol helps stop the formation of arterial lesions...”

Diabetes Type II

...recommendation Vitamin B3 (Niacin)
“...A 2000 study suggests that lipid-modifying dosages of niacin can be safely used in patients with diabetes and that niacin therapy may be considered as an alternative to statin drugs or fibrates for patients with diabetes in whom these agents are not tolerated or fail to sufficiently correct hypertriglyceridemia or low HDL-C levels...”
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More topics Related to Statins

Gallbladder Disease

...the condition
“...The addition of cholesterol-lowering medications, known as "statins", like lovastatin (Mevacor) and simvastatin (Zocor), improve the effectiveness of UDCA therapy...”

High Total Cholesterol

...relationship to Vitamin CoQ10 Need
“The statin drugs used to treat elevated blood cholesterol levels by blocking cholesterol synthesis also block CoQ10 synthesis...”
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More topics Related to Statins

Peripheral Vascular Disease

...the condition
“...Medications may be required and include ... Cholesterol-lowering drugs such as statins...”

Vitamin CoQ10 Need

...the condition
“...HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors (all the "statin" drugs) that are used to treat elevated blood cholesterol levels by blocking cholesterol synthesis also block CoQ10 synthesis...”
...our question about Cholesterol-lowering drug use
“HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors ("statin" drugs) used to treat elevated blood cholesterol levels by blocking cholesterol synthesis also block CoQ10 synthesis...”
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