
Definition of Premenopause:

The period when women of childbearing age experience relatively normal reproductive function (including regular periods).

Also: Premenopausal

Topics Related to Premenopause

Birth Control Pill Issues

...the condition
“...Premenopausal women using oral contraceptives may have a decreased need for supplemental iron, as the use of OCs can increase iron stores...”

Breast Cancer

...our question about How long you usually wear a bra
“...Previously, a 1991 Harvard study found that premenopausal women who do not wear bras had half the risk of breast cancer compared with bra users...”
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More topics Related to Premenopause

Enlarged Prostate

...recommendation Natural Progesterone
“...Men do NOT need to cycle like premenopausal women and can safely take the progesterone daily.”

Estrogens Low

...the condition
“...Low estrogen levels, however, can be a problem for premenopausal women also and when that is the case, natural estrogen supplementation is often well advised.”

Fibrocystic Breast Disease

...the condition
“...This group of conditions is very common in younger women, occurring in about 20% of premenopausal females.  Both breasts become tender or painful and lumpy, and the symptoms vary at different times in the menstrual cycle...”

Hemochromatosis (Iron overload)

...the condition
“...However, the belief that premenopausal women cannot develop symptomatic or even life-threatening HHC is a misconception...”


...the condition
“...factors are related to the cause and may include previous history of diabetes insipidus, previous history of adrenal insufficiency, previous history of a pituitary tumor, cessation of menses in a premenopausal woman, and short stature...”
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More topics Related to Premenopause

Natural Progesterone a treatment
“...Individuals who have had significant premenstrual symptoms while they were premenopausal are more likely to be affected...”

Osteoporosis - Osteopenia

...recommendation Soy Isoflavones
“...It seems that the best chance of receiving any benefit by this means is if you are a Japanese premenopausal woman.  The closer you are to menopause, the less likely to be benefited...”
...recommendation Bone Density Scan
“...In premenopausal women, estrogen produced in the body maintains bone density...”

Perimenopausal Issues

...recommendation Book Reading
“...In hardback there is Natural Hormone Balance for Women by Uzzi Reiss, M.D. and in paperback, What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Premenopause by John R. Lee, M.D., Hanley and Hopkins.”

Progesterone Excess

...the condition
“...Individuals who have had significant premenstrual symptoms while they were premenopausal are more likely to be affected...”
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