Book Reading

Book Reading: Overview

Here we list some books that our doctors have found to be very helpful.

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Book Reading:

Book Reading can help with the following:


Perimenopausal Issues

Several good books are available on this subject that will help anyone identify and understand female hormonal problems.  In hardback there is Natural Hormone Balance for Women by Uzzi Reiss, M.D. and in paperback, What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Premenopause by John R. Lee, M.D., Hanley and Hopkins.


Andropause/Male Menopause

For more insight, The Testosterone Syndrome, by Eugene Shippen, M.D. and William Fryer, provides a persuasive argument in favor of hormone modulation in the male andropause.



For additional reading from a sufferer's perspective, you could read the book The Low Blood Sugar Handbook: You Don't Have to Suffer... by Edward A. Krimmel, Patricia T. Krimmel.  It is not a dry technical book, but one that you should enjoy while helping you resolve the problem.

Neck / Spine

Low Back Pain

John E. Sarno, MD, has successfully educated a high number of chronic low back pain sufferers by teaching them how psychological issues can be converted into back pain.  The pain is then eliminated or controlled by a new awareness of the real reason behind the pain.  When no structural or organic cause is detected, his success rate is 80-90%.  All required information is in his book, The Mindbody Prescription.

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May be useful: may help with
May be useful:
may help with
Moderately useful: often helps with
Moderately useful:
often helps with
Very useful: is highly recommended for
Very useful:
is highly recommended for
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