
Definition of Larynx:

The short passageway shaped like a triangle that is just below the pharynx in the neck.

Also: Laryngeal, Voice Box

Topics Related to Larynx

Alcohol-related Problems

...relationship to Laryngeal Cancer
“In smokers, heavy alcohol consumption increases the risk of laryngeal cancer by approximately 75%.”


...relationship to Allergy to Foods (Hidden)
“...Food challenges triggered respiratory symptoms in 59% (rhinitis, laryngeal edema, wheezing, and dyspnea)...”
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More topics Related to Larynx

Cancer, General

...recommendation Plant-Based Nutrition
“...One study found that people who include generous amounts of fruits and vegetables in their daily diets have lower rates of cancers of the lung, breast, colon, bladder, stomach, mouth, larynx, esophagus, pancreas, and cervix compared to people who avoid such foods...”
...recommendation Increased Fish Consumption
“...High fish consumption was also associated with lower risks for cancers of the larynx (30 percent lower risk), endometrial cancer (20 percent lower risk), and ovarian cancer (30 percent lower risk).”

Cigarette Smoke Damage

...relationship to Laryngeal Cancer
“...The risk of developing laryngeal cancer is approximately 10-fold greater for a male and 8-fold greater for a female as compared to never-smokers...”
...relationship to Mouth Cancer
“...As with laryngeal cancer, alcohol consumption significantly increases the risk of oral cancer.”

Colon Cancer

...recommendation Increased Fish Consumption
“...High fish consumption was also associated with lower risks for cancers of the larynx (30% lower risk), endometrial cancer (20% lower risk), and ovarian cancer (30% lower risk).”


...the condition
“...Weakness of the laryngeal musculature is responsible for dysphonia...”

Endometrial Cancer

...recommendation Increased Fish Consumption
“...High fish consumption was also associated with lower risks for cancers of the larynx (30% lower risk), endometrial cancer (20% lower risk), and ovarian cancer (30% lower risk).”

Esophageal Cancer

...recommendation Increased Fish Consumption
“...High fish consumption was also associated with lower risks for cancers of the larynx (30 percent lower risk), endometrial cancer (20 percent lower risk), and ovarian cancer (30 percent lower risk).”


...the condition
“...The larger side parts are tucked in behind neck muscles next to the trachea (windpipe) while the middle connecting part is closer to the skin, just below the larynx (Adam's apple)...”

Hypogonadism, Male

...the condition
“...secondary sexual characteristics (growth and maturation of prostate, seminal vesicles, penis, and scrotum; the development of male hair distribution, including facial, pubic, chest, axillary hair; laryngeal enlargement; vocal chord thickening; alterations in body musculature; fat distribution)...”

Laryngeal Cancer

...the condition
Laryngeal cancer is a relatively rare tumor that affects males in 80% of cases...”
...our question about Current alcohol consumption
“Alcohol is a known cause of laryngeal cancer...”
...recommendation Increased Fish Consumption
“...High fish consumption was also associated with lower risks for cancers of the larynx (30% lower risk), endometrial cancer (20% lower risk), and ovarian cancer (30% lower risk).”
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More topics Related to Larynx


...the condition
“Alternative names: Acute laryngitis Laryngitis is the inflammation of the larynx (voice box), which results in irritation and swelling of the larynx and the surrounding area...”
...related topic
“Inflammation of the larynx, usually implying hoarseness or aphonia.”

Ovarian Cancer

...recommendation Increased Fish Consumption
“...High fish consumption was also associated with lower risks for cancers of the larynx (30 percent lower risk), endometrial cancer (20 percent lower risk), and ovarian cancer (30 percent lower risk).”

Pancreatic Cancer

...recommendation Increased Fish Consumption
“...High fish consumption was also associated with lower risks for cancers of the larynx (30 percent lower risk), endometrial cancer (20 percent lower risk), and ovarian cancer (30 percent lower risk).”

Post-Nasal Drip

...related topic
“...This drip can in turn be responsible for the development of a secondary cough due to irritation of the larynx, and bronchospasm in asthmatic individuals.”


...the condition
“...The larynx begins to spasm and a voice change may be noted...”

Rectal Cancer

...recommendation Increased Fish Consumption
“...High fish consumption was also associated with lower risks for cancers of the larynx (30% lower risk), endometrial cancer (20% lower risk), and ovarian cancer (30% lower risk).”

Sjogren's Syndrome

...the condition
“...lung problems caused by inflammation, such as bronchitis (affecting the bronchial tubes), tracheobronchitis (affecting the windpipe and bronchial tubes), and laryngotracheobronchitis (affecting the voice box, windpipe, and bronchial tubes)...”

Stomach Cancer

...recommendation Increased Fish Consumption
“...High fish consumption was also associated with lower risks for cancers of the larynx (30 percent lower risk), endometrial cancer (20 percent lower risk), and ovarian cancer (30 percent lower risk).”


...related topic
“The thyroid gland is an organ with many veins, anchored around the front of the throat near the voice box.  Essential to normal body growth in infancy and childhood, it absorbs iodine from the diet and releases thyroid hormones – iodine-containing compounds that help govern the rate of the body's...”


...related topic
“The cartilage tube that brings air from the larynx to the two bronchi that enter the lungs...”
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