MGN-3: Overview

MGN-3 is a natural immune complex derived from a mushroom and is said to triple natural killer (NK) cell protection.  The natural killer cells help rid our body of foreign substances, such as cancer cells and bacteria.

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The B and T cells are white cells (lymphocytes) that produce chemicals that attach foreign substance.  Hopefully this happens before the substances do us harm.  It provides more NK-cell efficacy than most advanced mushroom extract, vitamin or herbal products according to the manufacturer.


MGN-3 (Arabinoxylane Compound – Patent #5560914) enzymatically integrates rice bran with medicinal mushroom extract via hydrolysis.  This combination improves systemic absorption, increasing the effect of MGN-3's immunity-enhancing properties.  It is supplied in 250mg capsules.

Why it is Recommended

MGN-3 can be used adjunctively or alone against various cancers, Hepatitis C, chronic fatigue syndrome.  It should, with other supplements or as a "stand alone drug", increase our longevity by delaying or preventing disease.


One 250mg capsule, 3 times a day is recommended.


There are virtually no side-effects.

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MGN-3 can help with the following:


Cervical Dysplasia

MGN-3 in stage II and stage III patients completely resolved the problem.  After six months of MGN-3 use, with no other form of treatment, all follow-up exams and tests were normal.



During the normal progression of this disease, NK cell activity begins to drop along with that of other immune cells.  T4 levels routinely decrease at a rate of about 15% per year.  Dr Ghoneum, who has been researching MGN-3 since 1993, reports that T4 levels can be maintained in almost every case of AIDS he has tested, and oftentimes they will even begin to increase.  Although the number of patients studied has been limited, all of the patients who have taken MGN-3 reported a noticeable difference in their well-being, and have continued to use the product.  Most felt that MGN-3 was instrumental in helping them stabilize their disease.

Immune System Imbalance (TH2 Dominance)

MGN3, though a commercially prepared product, is a unique blend of mushroom extracts and rice bran.  It stimulates NK function and thus helps balance a TH2 dominant immune system.

Organ Health


Reduces symptoms.

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