
Definition of Pylorus:

The sphincter muscle at the distal (lower) opening of the stomach.  The pylorus only allows food to pass through after the digestive enzymes of the stomach have properly processed it.  Once through the pylorus on its way to the duodenum, the food is still only partially digested.

Topics Related to Pylorus


...related topic
“First portion of the small intestine between the pylorus and jejunum, connecting to the stomach.”

Dyspepsia / Poor Digestion

...the condition
“...The upper GI tract consists of the organs where food is initially taken into the body and digestion begins, including the esophagus, stomach, pylorus and duodenum...”

Gastric/Peptic/Duodenal Ulcers

...relationship to Esophageal Stricture (narrowing)
“...Over time, scarring may close the pylorus, the lower end of the esophagus, thus preventing the passage of food and causing vomiting and weight loss.”
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