
Definition of Phlegm:

Mucus in the throat or bronchi.

Topics Related to Phlegm

Chanca Piedra (Break-Stone) a treatment
“...disorders, asthma, fever, tumors, bladder infections, as a diuretic, for painful joints, jaundice, indigestion, vaginitis, viruses of the reproductive tract, proctitis, poor circulation, excessive phlegm, bronchitis, and coughs...”

Cigarette Smoke Damage

...the condition
“...Smokers of all ages are more likely to report pulmonary symptoms such as chronic cough, phlegm production, wheezing, and shortness of breath...”
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More topics Related to Phlegm

COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease)

...recommendation Spicy Foods
“Spicy foods are known expectorants, which help the body to expel phlegm.”

Cystic Fibrosis

...the condition
“...Some of the other tests that can assist in the diagnosis of CF are chest X-rays, lung function tests, and sputum (phlegm) cultures...”

Eucalyptus Blue Gum a treatment
“...Eucalyptus Oil has several medicinal uses, including ... Expectorant: Eucalyptol, the active component of the oil, works to loosen phlegm.  Drop several drops of the essential oil into a diffuser before going to sleep and take advantage of the healing benefits all night...”

Fennel a treatment
“...Studies indicate that substances in fennel can reduce airway congestion by thinning and loosening phlegm, which tends to support the addition of fennel in numerous European cough remedies...”

Guaifenesin a treatment
“...Guaifenesin is an expectorant drug usually taken orally to assist the expectoration ("bringing up") of phlegm from the airways in cases of acute respiratory tract infection...”


...the condition
“...Symptoms of chronic pulmonary histoplasmosis include ... a severe cough that can produce green or yellow phlegm...”
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More topics Related to Phlegm


...the condition
“...The common symptoms of pneumonia are a cough with phlegm, fever, chills, chest pain and breathlessness...”
...our question about A cough that produces mucus
“A cough with phlegm is a common symptom of pneumonia...”

Stillingia a treatment
“...It is considered to be a powerful expectorant that helps to bring up and expel phlegm from the lungs and relieve a dry, hacking cough...”

Thuja a treatment
“...Herbalists prescribe thuja for the following ... As an expectorant – to clear phlegm by inducing coughing...”


...recommendation Spicy Foods
“Spicy foods are known expectorants, which help the body to expel phlegm.”

Vinegar a treatment
“...Apple cider vinegar breaks down the body's fatty, mucous and phlegm therefore improving the health and function of your liver, bladder, and kidneys...”
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