Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)

What Causes Irritable Bowel Syndrome?

To successfully treat and prevent recurrence of irritable bowel syndrome we need to understand and — if possible — remove the underlying causes and risk factors.  We need to ask: "What else is going on inside the body that might allow irritable bowel syndrome to develop?"

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Accurate diagnosis of the factors behind irritable bowel syndrome consists of three steps:

Step 1: List the Possible Causative Factors

Identify all disease conditions, lifestyle choices and environmental risk factors that can lead to irritable bowel syndrome.  Here are six possibilities:
  • Low Digestive Enzymes
  • Stomach Acid Deficiency
  • Hypercoagulation
  • Anxiety
  • Chronic Fatigue-Fibromyalgia
  • Bacterial Dysbiosis

Step 2: Build a Symptom Checklist

Identify all possible symptoms and risk factors of each possible cause, and check the ones that apply:
facial burning/tingling
sleeping less than necessary
history of eczema
frequent night terrors
afternoon headaches
severe tinnitus
chronic diarrhea
short-term memory failure
possible delayed gastric emptying
very angry/hostile disposition
temple-based headaches
... and more than 70 others

Step 3: Rule Out or Confirm each Possible Cause

A differential diagnosis of your symptoms and risk factors finds the likely cause of irritable bowel syndrome:
Cause Probability Status
Anxiety 91% Confirm
Chronic Fatigue-Fibromyalgia 59% Possible
Hypercoagulation 26% Unlikely
Stomach Acid Deficiency 2% Ruled out
Low Digestive Enzymes 1% Ruled out
Bacterial Dysbiosis 0% Ruled out
* This is a simple example to illustrate the process

Arriving at a Correct Diagnosis

The Analyst™ is our online diagnosis tool that learns all about you through a straightforward process of multi-level questioning, providing diagnosis at the end.

If you indicate bowel problems, The Analyst™ will ask further questions including this one:
Have you been diagnosed with Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)?
Possible responses:
→ No / don't know
→ Mild, in the past, now resolved
→ Serious, in the past, now resolved
→ Current minor/moderate problem
→ Current major problem
Based on your response to this question, which may indicate history of irritable bowel syndrome, irritable bowel syndrome or severe irritable bowel syndrome, The Analyst™ will consider possibilities such as:
Bacterial Dysbiosis

Some bacterial infections of the small bowel increase passive intestinal permeability.  IBS has been studied in patients with diarrhea, cramps and specific food intolerances.  Abnormal fecal flora has been a consistent finding, with a decrease in the ratio of anaerobes to aerobes, apparently due to a deficiency of anaerobic flora.  Previous exposure to antibiotics – metronidazole in particular – was associated with the development of this disorder.

Hypercoagulation (Thickened Blood)

Hypercoagulation may be a major causative factor for Irritable Bowel Disease because it deprives the bowel of blood.

Chronic Fatigue / Fibromyalgia Syndrome

Research has shown that IBS frequently co-exists with CFS and fibromyalgia.  Depending on the study quoted, between 34% and 73% of CFS/FMS sufferers have Irritable Bowel Syndrome.

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