Cape Aloes

Cape Aloes: Overview

Cape Aloes (Aloe ferox) is a plant related to the more common Aloe vera, growing on the Cape Horn of South Africa.  The leaf juice is dried into a dark brown to black crystalline powder, called aloes.  This very bitter substance acts as a tonic, purgative, emmenagogue, and anthelmintic.

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Cape aloes powder is available in capsule forms, as the taste is extremely bitter.  Not to be confused with the leaf gel (see Aloe vera).

Why it is Recommended

At 400-450mg/day, aloes acts to purge the bowels in 6-24 hours.

Aloes has an "Approved" therapeutic monograph for constipation by the German Commission E.  To be used for short-term constipation (1-2 weeks).

Counter-Indicators and Warnings

Nursing infants will also be purged if the mother takes these same dosages.  Pregnant women should not consume cape aloes, as they may stimulate the uterus to contract.

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