Large Granular Lymphocyte
(LGL) Leukemia

Large Granular Lymphocyte (LGL) Leukemia: Overview

Alternative names: T-cell Large Granular Lymphocyte Leukemia, Proliferation of large granular lymphocytes, LGL Leukemia, Tγ-lymphoproliferative Disorder, T-cell Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia

LGL leukemia is a rare form of chronic leukemia in which the cancer cells are large and have features of either T-lymphocytes or Natural Killer Cells.  Most LGL leukemias are slow-growing, but a small number are more aggressive.

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Treatment and Prevention

Drugs that suppress the immune system may be helpful, but aggressive cases are very hard to treat.


The 5-year survival rate is estimated to be around 90%.

Conditions that suggest Large Granular Lymphocyte (LGL) Leukemia:

Lab Values

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Large Granular Lymphocyte (LGL) Leukemia suggests the following may be present:

Tumors, Malignant

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