
Farsightedness: Overview

Alternative names: Hyperopia, Longsightedness, Long-sightedness, or Hypermetropia

Farsightedness is a vision condition in which distant objects are seen clearly, but close objects can not be focused on.

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Causes and Development

Farsightedness is caused by the eyeball being too short, or the cornea having too little curvature.

Signs and Symptoms

Symptoms include difficulty concentrating, difficulty focusing on near objects, eye strain, fatigue and/or headache after close-up work, aching or burning eyes, irritability or nervousness after sustained concentration.

Risk factors for Farsightedness:

Symptoms - Head - Eyes/Ocular

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Farsightedness suggests the following may be present:

Eyes / Ocular


Acute glaucoma is usually due to the shape of the eyeball and is most common in farsighted people.

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Weak or unproven link: may suggest
Weak or unproven link:
may suggest
Definite or direct link: increases risk of
Definite or direct link:
increases risk of
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