Evaluating your likely current (and near future) state of health means taking into account the risk factors — such as your HIV/AIDS risk/status — that affect you. Our medical diagnosis tool, The Analyst™, identifies major risk factors by asking the right questions.
What is your HIV/AIDS risk/status?
Possible responses:
→ I am not at risk and have tested negative→ I am not at risk, but have not been tested → Don't know → I am at risk → I have been diagnosed with it |
In HIV progression to AIDS, there is a shift from Th1 (cellular immunity) to the less effective Th2 (humoral immunity).
People with HIV/AIDS are particularly prone to developing various cancers, especially those caused by viruses such as Kaposi's sarcoma, cervical cancer or cancers of the immune system known as lymphomas.
HIV or AIDS patients are especially likely to develop hairy leukoplakia. Although modern drugs have reduced its incidence, as many as 25% of HIV-positive people still develop hairy leukoplakia. It can be one of the first signs of HIV infection.
In general, diagnosis and treatment endocrine issues in HIV patients is no different from non-HIV patients. However, HIV can cause reactive changes in pituitary and adrenal function, as can many HIV medications.
People with HIV have a weakened immune system and, as a result, are more likely to develop certain cancers. Non-Hodgkin's Lymphomas are the second-most common type of malignancy after Kaposi's Sarcoma in HIV patients.
Some people with AIDS develop frequent and severe shingles; shingles is 9 times more likely to develop in those infected with HIV.
The depressed cellular immunity seen in HIV infection increases the risk of coccidioidomycosis. Individuals with AIDS are at high risk not only for pulmonary coccidioidomycosis but for the disseminated form and cutaneous form of the disease.