Licensed Holistic Doctors in/near
Winston-Salem, North Carolina

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Doctors in or near Winston-Salem, North Carolina

Lorri AndersonMS HomeopathyCCH

9 Dogwoods Homeopathy
1121 Crestwood Drive
Winston-Salem, NC 27101
Phone: (512) 707-0077
Web Site:

I am a classical homeopath in Austin, Texas and hold the North American credential, CCH (Certified in Classical Homeopathy).  I also received a Master of Science degree in homeopathy from the American University of Complementary Medicine and have been published in a major homeopathic reference text.

My private practice has been operating in Austin since 2005, where I also teach classes introducing consumers to homeopathy several times per year.  My practice is located on the south side of Austin, and hours are by appointment.  New cases begin with a 2-hour interview, and the actual remedy suggestion follows within one week.  From there, we work together to use homeopathy to help you achieve and maintain your highest health potential.

Homeopathy is appropriate to many types of chronic complaints but is ALWAYS a remedy for the Person instead of a remedy for the problem.  Whether your main complaint is allergies, back pain, childhood health, menopause, or an overall lack of vitality, homeopathy can provide an individualized answer to support the whole of you – and harness all of your own natural forces for health to throw off those complaints gently and efficiently.

The style of my practice is classical, but without rigid dogma.  In the current homeopathic vernacular, I work with the essence of each case.  While I admire the single-remedy-for-life concept, I find that many people get better faster with a slightly more flexible approach.  It is my job to give my client every possible opportunity to reveal to me who he or she is.  And it is equally my job to bring all of the homeopathic tools at my disposal to meet each case at its own level.  In short, my style of practice has to correspond to the state of the individual client.  That is, after all, what homeopathy is all about.

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Acronyms on this page

MS Homeopathy
Master of Science Degree in Homeopathy
Certified in Classical Homeopathy
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