Licensed Holistic Doctors in/near
Spring Hill, Tennessee

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Doctors in or near Spring Hill, Tennessee

Dr. Michael MontelioneDC

Premier Chiropractic
3015 Belshire Village Dr. #106
Spring Hill, TN 37174
Phone: (615) 653-4541
Web Site:

Dr. Michael Montelione and Dr. Ericka Montelione are a husband and wife chiropractic team practicing in Spring Hill, Tennessee.  As chiropractors, both doctors can help you overcome neck, back, knee and other joint pain but can also help you with symptoms and conditions that aren't normally associated with chiropractic treatment.  Dr. Ericka is Webster's certified, meaning she is what some call a "pregnancy chiropractor," and can safely and effectively adjust pregnant women.  Both chiropractors regularly work with children including infants and toddlers.  They can often help with colic, ear infections and sinus drainage issues.  Call their office at (615) 653-4541 to schedule an appointment today to get out of your pain and to give your body a tune up.  In additional to traditional adjustment techniques, both doctors are able to use a simple instrument to adjust those who aren't comfortable with a traditional adjustment.

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Doctor of Chiropractic [Chiropractor, Chiropractors]
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