Dr. Barbera is emphatic about empowering patients in their own healing process, life choices and creating a life that supports health and wellness and supports healthy alternatives to drugs. In local practice she uses acupuncture, chinese herbal pharmacology (herbal medicine), cupping therapy, diet counseling, supplement support, and emotional release techniques to create positive change and treat many common ailments. She treats pain, migraines, allergies, anxiety and other emotional issues, peri-menopause, menopause, ovarian cysts, breech position fetus, other pregnancy issues, high blood pressure, acid reflux, joint pain, and much more. Some Insurance plans are accepted. Dr. Barbera can prescribe supplement and herbal therapy to those not living in the area, as well as counsel over the phone or Skype. Emotional release techniques work well at a distance also.
Jane Harper is a Certified Life Coach and a member of the Certified Coaches Federation. As a former model, teacher, fitness instructor and nutritionist, Jane uses her wealth of knowledge and experience in her Coaching sessions. Jane offers everyone a LOW COST alternative to traditional counseling that is positive and pro-active. ALL ages, ALL issues. In-office, by phone or internet, 7 days a week. Call her for a FREE phone consult.
Danny Jackson CHt. has been providing hypnosis and hypnotherapy services for over 15 years as a lay hypnotist and since 2006 professionally. He has helped people from all walks of life regain control of their lives and has helped them find freedom from issues ranging from smoking and weight loss to panic attacks, depression, and anxiety. People have traveled from all over the country for his services. He is now offering telehypnosis services for those people who prefer the convenience of having sessions from the comfort of their own homes.
Your body is a highly complex, interconnected system. Instead of guessing at what might be wrong, let us help you discover what is really going on inside your body based on the many clues it is giving.
Our multiple symptom checker provides in-depth health analysis by The Analyst™ with full explanations, recommendations and (optionally) doctors available for case review and answering your specific questions.