Licensed Holistic Doctors in/near
Lansing - East Lansing, Michigan

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Doctors in or near Lansing - East Lansing, Michigan

Dr. Nicholas MorganND

The Center for Integrative Wellness
1106 North Cedar Street, Suite 200
Lansing, MI 48906
Phone: (517) 455-7455 Fax: (517) 940-4372
Web Site:

We offer a safe, cost effective, affordable, and individualized approach for Michigan residents seeking holistic medicine, ways to complement their conventional healthcare, or education about how lifestyle changes can promote wellness to optimize their health.  Located in Lansing's Old Town, we have a patient oriented practice that combines evidence based alternatives like nutrition, dietary intervention, herbal/botanical medicine, and lifestyle modifications with your current conventional medicine for a truly integrative approach.  If you are seeking holistic medicine that is functional, less invasive and patient centered then call today for a FREE 10-minute consult with a naturopathic physician.  During your natural medicine consult you can become a new patient or simply learn what we can do to improve your overall functioning and optimize your wellness.

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Acronyms on this page

Naturopathic Doctor [Naturopath, Naturopaths]
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Health problems rarely occur in isolation or for obvious reasons

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