Dr. Hsu is a Naturopathic Physician practicing in Walnut Grove, Langley British Columbia. Prior to his naturopathic medical training, Dr. Hsu graduated from the University of British Columbia with a Science Degree in Biology. With his knowledge of human physiology, Dr. Hsu is able to utilize naturopathic medicine to effectively treat chronic disease of metabolic, hormonal, and vascular origins. When he is not helping others in the community, Dr. Hsu enjoys a good challenge in tennis and basketball. On occasion when the sun comes out behind the cloud, you may find him teaching kids in your local tennis courts.
Special interests are:
-cardiovascular disease
-thyroid disorder
-Allergy (food and environmental)
-adrenal/stress support
Services may include:
-diagnostic laboratory testing
-clinical nutrition consultation and nutraceutical supplementation
-acupuncture and traditional Chinese medicine
-Bowen Therapy
-Intravenous injection therapy including chelation, micronutritent, and neural therapy
-homeopathic medicine
-botanical medicine
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