Licensed Holistic Doctors in/near
Franklin, Tennessee

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Doctors in or near Franklin, Tennessee

Dr. Devan ArmanDC

Unity Chiropractic
1031 Riverside Drive, Suite I
Franklin, TN 37064
Phone: (615) 920-4550
Web Site:
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More doctors in or near Franklin, Tennessee

Dr. Chris BolesDC

Exodus Chiropractic of Franklin
9050 Carothers Parkway, Ste. 105
Franklin, TN 37067
Phone: (615) 435-3654
Web Site:

Dr. Eric PotterMD

Sanctuary Functional Medicine
120 Holiday Court, Suite 4
Franklin, TN 37067
Phone: (615) 815 5941
Web Site:

MD, Internal Medicine, Holistic Medicine

Wholistic healthcare for the glory of God.  Bringing personalized Biblically wholistic health care to Northeast and Middle Tennessee through old fashioned house calls and direct pay care.  Offering consultations as a medical guide and a medical detective.  Prescribes bio-identical hormones, natural remedies, and conventional therapies in light of Biblical wisdom while avoiding spiritual unsound practices.

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Acronyms on this page

Doctor of Chiropractic [Chiropractor, Chiropractors]
Medical Doctor [Medical Doctors]
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