Board Certified in General surgery. Specializes in preventive medicine and surgery, occupational medicine, and holistic wound care therapies. Insurance care is available for most cases.
ACAM trained and certified in Chelation and acupuncture. Practice limited to natural and herbal medicine including cancers, musculo-skeletal diseases (fibromyalgia, chronic muscles diseases, multiple sclerosis), cardiac diseases including natural treatment of elevated cholesterol and triglycerides, immune system weakness including post-chemotherapy rehabilitation and digestive diseases including irritable bowel disease, chronic constipation and parasites. The practice includes massage therapy and colonic irrigation. Over 28 years practicing Holistic medicine in one of the oldest and largest Holistic practices in the Eastern USA. Insurance care is available for most cases.
We serve all of N. Carolina, Southern Virginia, Eastern Tennessee and Georgia and Northern S. Carolina. Our closest cities are Greensboro, Charlotte, Asheville and Boone, NC.
Dr. Gage specializes in weight loss, smoking cessation and stress reduction. Call for your free, no risk, consultation.
Certified in functional medicine. Specializing in immune system weakness, female and male hormones, digestive diseases, thyroid conditions, childrens therapies and prevented surgical procedures. Insurance care is available for most cases.
Diplomate of Oriental Medicine; Oriental Bodywork Therapist
The staff at Art of Acupuncture offers a wide array of Traditional Chinese Medicine treatments to restore health, energy, and vitality to their patients. Specialities include Tui Na therapeutic massage, Shonishin Pediatric Therapy, Japanese Meridian Therapy Acupuncture, and treatments for fertility, emotional and digestive disorders.
Your body is a highly complex, interconnected system. Instead of guessing at what might be wrong, let us help you discover what is really going on inside your body based on the many clues it is giving.
Our multiple symptom checker provides in-depth health analysis by The Analyst™ with full explanations, recommendations and (optionally) doctors available for case review and answering your specific questions.