
Definition of Twitch:

A brief involuntary contraction of a muscle or group of muscles.

Also: Twitches, Twitching

Topics Related to Twitch

American Skullcap a treatment
“...Skullcap by itself or in conjunction with valerian root makes an ideal sedative for nervous muscle spasms, twitches and general convulsions...”

Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis

...the condition
“...Symptoms may include tripping and falling, loss of motor control in hands and arms, difficulty speaking, swallowing and/or breathing, persistent fatigue, and twitching and cramping, sometimes quite severely...”
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More topics Related to Twitch

Anorexia / Starvation Tendency

...relationship to Magnesium Requirement
“Early symptoms of magnesium deficiency can include fatigue, anorexia, irritability, insomnia, and muscle tremors or twitching.”

Calcium Requirement

...the condition
“...This involves sensations of tingling and numbness and muscle twitches.  In severe cases muscle spasms may occur, called tetany...”


...the condition
“...Initial symptoms are fever, apathy, and headache followed by local twitching and convulsions...”

Excessive Fatigue

...relationship to Magnesium Requirement
“Early symptoms of magnesium deficiency can include fatigue, anorexia, irritability, insomnia, and muscle tremors or twitching.”

Hyperbaric Oxygen a treatment
“...Signs and symptoms of oxygen toxicity include: Nausea and vomiting, dry cough, seizures, substernal chest pain, sweating, bronchitis, pallor, shortness of breath, muscle twitching, pulmonary edema, anxiety and/or respiratory changes, pulmonary fibrosis, visual changes, tinnitus, hallucinations, vertigo, hiccups and decreased level of consciousness...”

Hyponatremia (Low Blood Sodium Level)

...the condition
“...Symptoms of moderate hyponatremia include ... Muscle cramps/spasms/twitches...”

Magnesium Requirement

...our question about Difficulty falling asleep
“Early symptoms of magnesium deficiency can include fatigue, anorexia, irritability, insomnia, and muscle tremors or twitching.”

Muscle Cramps / Twitching

...the condition
“Many people have an occasional muscle twitch somewhere on their body...”
...relationship to Hypoglycemia
“As hypoglycemia progresses a variety of symptoms can occur including muscle twitching.  Amongst 300 patients in one study (185 female, 115 male) found to have relative hypoglycemia (a drop of 20% or more below the fasting blood sugar level during a 6-hour glucose tolerance...”
...relationship to Magnesium Requirement
“Early symptoms of magnesium deficiency can include fatigue, anorexia, irritability, insomnia, and muscle tremors or twitching.  Many cases of muscle cramps are caused by low concentrations of magnesium...”
...relationship to Mercury Toxicity (Amalgam Illness)
“Unusual tics or twitching of facial muscles have been associated with mercury toxicity, as well as with muscle cramps in cases of high occupational exposure to mercury.”
...relationship to Tourette's Syndrome
“The "tics" commonly seen in TS may include uncontrollable blinking, facial grimaces, head jerking, muscle twitches, as well as involuntary vocalizations.”
...recommendation Conventional Drug Use
“...This medication may enhance the effect of Klonopin, but it can reduce muscle twitching all by itself...”
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More topics Related to Twitch


...related topic
“...Although there is a wide range of signs, they mainly include such things as falling to the ground; muscle stiffening; jerking and twitching; loss of consciousness; an empty stare; rapid chewing/blinking/breathing...”


...our question about Eyelid twitching
“These twitches are a spasm of the motor nerves that control the eyelids...”

Tourette's Syndrome

...our question about Face twitch, face twitching, facial tic
“In the case of Tourette's syndrome, a neurological disorder that develops in childhood, the muscle twitches known as tics are part of a complex nervous system disease that later involves involuntary actions, such as shoulder shrugs, shouting, or stamping movements.”


...relationship to Magnesium Requirement
“Early symptoms of magnesium deficiency can include fatigue, anorexia, irritability, insomnia, and muscle tremors or twitching.”
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