Striated Muscle

Definition of Striated Muscle:

The human body contains 2 types of muscle – smooth muscle and striated (skeletal) muscle.  Striated muscle (striped when seen under the microscope) is the muscle that allows us to move our arms and legs and other body parts on purpose – that is, voluntary movement.

Also: Skeletal Muscle, Voluntary Muscle

Topics Related to Striated Muscle


...the condition
“...They may include ... reduction of the brain's sensory and neural functions, and its ability to initiate and coordinate voluntary muscle activity...”

Calming / Stretching Exercises a treatment
“...He believed that if a person could learn enough skeletal muscle control that they could promptly relax the muscle from a tense state, it would greatly reduce the ensuing stress response...”
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More topics Related to Striated Muscle


...related topic
“Curare-like effect: Paralysis of skeletal muscle.”


...the condition
“...Involvement of the striated muscle of the pharynx and upper portion of the esophagus leads to dysphagia and regurgitation...”


...the condition
“...They include severe general weakness, an inability to coordinate voluntary muscle movements (ataxia), tremor, partial paralysis, difficulty in hearing, seeing, or speaking (Broca's aphasia), or difficulty in swallowing (dysphagia)...”

Guaifenesin a treatment
“...A lesser publicized and thus lesser known fact among fibromyalgia sufferers is that guaifenesin has a skeletal muscle relaxant property, and a form of guaifenesin known as guaifenesin carbamate is used for this purpose...”
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Inositol a treatment
“...In animal cells, it occurs as a component of phospholipids and it stored predominantly in the brain, spinal cord nerves, cerebral spinal fluid, skeletal muscle, and heart muscle...”


...related topic
“Benign tumors of skeletal muscle (the muscle that is attached to bone and helps us to move).”


...related topic
“Malignant tumors of skeletal muscle.  These tumors commonly grow in the arms or legs, but they can also begin in the head and neck area and in reproductive and urinary organs such as the vagina or bladder...”

Soft Tissue Sarcoma

...the condition
“...The types of tumor that can develop from different soft tissues include ... Tumors of Muscle Tissue (smooth muscle and skeletal muscle) – leiomyomas; leiomyosarcomas; Rhabdomyomas; Rhabdomyosarcomas...”
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