
Definition of Rickets:

Vitamin-D deficiency characterized by abnormal calcification of bone tissues.

Topics Related to Rickets

Calcium Requirement

...the condition
“...Vitamin D is needed for absorption of dietary calcium and so calcium deficiency may be linked to rickets in children...”

Fish Oils

...as a treatment
“...Without sun, their bodies couldn't make vitamin D, and they developed rickets.  Because cod liver oil contains large amounts of vitamin D, it cured rickets and made a great contribution to public health...”
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More topics Related to Rickets

Horsetail Grass

...as a treatment
“...edema, fracture, hair loss, heart disease, inflammation, intertrigo, kidney ailments, Lyme disease, muscle cramps, nail problems, obesity-diuretic tea, osteoporosis, Paget's disease, prostatitis, rickets, skin-oily, skin-wrinkles, sport injuries, sunburn.”

Nutritional Deficiency

...the condition
“...Rickets usually occurs due to vitamin D deficiency but may also be caused by insufficient calcium intake...”

Poor Bone Health

...the condition
“...Other Bone Diseases Vitamin D deficiency causes rickets, a painful, deforming bone disease characterized by undermineralization of the skeleton...”
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More topics Related to Rickets

Pregnancy-Related Issues

...recommendation Vitamin D
“...Health problems ranged from seizures and growth failure to rickets.  Congenital cataracts have also been linked to low levels of vitamin D...”

Vitamin D

...as a treatment
“...The combination of low sunlight and inadequate sources of the vitamin D rich foods has made rickets a large concern...”

Vitamin D Requirement

...the condition
“Deficiency of vitamin D can over a period of months cause rickets in children and osteomalacia in adults – a skeletal demineralization especially in the spine, pelvis, and lower extremities...”
...recommendation Vitamin D
Rickets heals promptly with 4,000 IU of oral vitamin D per day administered for approximately one month...”
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