
Definition of Pineal:

The pineal gland is a pea-sized organ at the center of the brain that is highly sensitive to light.  Until recently, almost nothing was known about this gland.  Darkness signals the pineal gland to release melatonin.  This important hormone has been found to play a role in sexual function and energy levels in general.  It is also a powerful antioxidant protecting the body from age-causing free radicals.

Also: Pineal Gland

Topics Related to Pineal

Breast Cancer

...recommendation Melatonin
“...Many animal studies have demonstrated an increase in tumor growth rates in animals whose pineal glands have been removed...”

Cancer, General

...recommendation Melatonin
“...Many animal studies have demonstrated an increase in tumor growth rates in animals whose pineal glands have been removed...”
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More topics Related to Pineal


...our question about Difficulty falling asleep
“...Dehydration reduces the amount of tryptophan available to the pineal gland, which produces melatonin...”

Endocrine Glands

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“A set of hormone-producing glands including the pituitary, hypothalamus, pineal, thyroid, parathyroid, thymus and adrenal glands, as well as the pancreas, ovaries and testes.”

Hypothalamus / Pituitary / Pineal Dysfunction

...the condition
“...The pineal gland works in harmony with the hypothalamus gland, directing the body's thirst, hunger, sexual desire and the biological clock that determines our aging process...”


...recommendation Melatonin
“...The pineal gland – a tiny gland at the base of the brain – makes serotonin and then turns it into melatonin when light decreases...”
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Low Melatonin Level

...the condition
“...It is manufactured from tryptophan by the pineal gland in the brain and secreted in small amounts...”

Melatonin a treatment
“...A hormone produced in the pineal gland, it affects many other organ systems in the body...”
...related topic
“The only hormone secreted into the bloodstream by the pineal gland.  The hormone appears to inhibit numerous endocrine functions, including the gonadotropic hormones...”

Oxitriptan a treatment
“...Serotonin is also the precursor to the pineal gland's production of melatonin...”

Prostate Cancer

...recommendation Melatonin
“...Many animal studies have demonstrated an increase in tumor growth rates in animals whose pineal glands (which secrete melatonin) have been removed...”
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