
Definition of Perimenopause:

A transition time during which menstrual periods can become irregular and symptoms of menopause may be experienced prior to menopause.  On average, the onset of perimenopause occurs around age 47 and the average duration is 4-5 years.  It is increasingly seen in women even up to 12-15 years before menopause.  An array of physical, mental and emotional symptoms can occur during this time.

Also: Perimenopausal

Topics Related to Perimenopause

Hormone Imbalance

...the condition
“...of skin (specifically along the neck, in the groin and under the breasts); Skin tags; Vaginal dryness; Vaginal atrophy; Pain during sex; Night sweats; Hot flashes – experienced by about 23 of perimenopausal women; Disturbed sleep; Some of the symptoms specific to men include: Development of breast tissue; Breast tenderness; Erectile dysfunction; Infertility; Loss of muscle mass; Decreased...”

Menopausal Issues

...relationship to Syndrome X / Metabolic Syndrome
“...Researchers in the U.S. found that among 949 women followed for nearly a decade, the risk of developing metabolic syndrome increased during perimenopause...”
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Osteoporosis - Osteopenia

...recommendation Soy Isoflavones
“...A one-month of treatment with a soy isoflavone extract reduced the excretion of bone resorption markers, in a placebo-controlled study of 23 healthy perimenopausal women.  It should be noted, however, that this benefit has not been seen in other studies...”

Perimenopausal Issues

...the condition
“If the average American woman enters menopause around age 52, and if perimenopause can begin as early as age 35 when hormonal changes are first noticeable, then we have a 10 to 17 year period when a woman is considerably vulnerable to the effects of hormone changes...”

Progesterone Low or Estrogen Dominance

...the condition
“...Dr. John Lee, MD has discovered a consistent theme running through women's complaints of the distressing and often debilitating symptoms of PMS, perimenopause and menopause: too much estrogen or, in other words, estrogen dominance...”
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