
Definition of Nephritis:

Kidney inflammation.

Topics Related to Nephritis

Lupus, SLE (Systemic Lupus Erythematosus)

...recommendation Lei Gong Teng
“Amongst patients with lupus nephritis who were unresponsive to prednisone and other immunosuppressive drugs, combined administration of prednisone and TP (polyglycoside extract of Tripterygium wilfordii Hook F) resulted in...”

Sjogren's Syndrome

...the condition
“...or burning of the face; Glossopharyngeal neuralgia – pain in the back of the throat; Mononeuritis multiplex – weakness or paralysis of various muscles; Kidney problems (tubular interstitial nephritis, renal tubular acidosis – a risk factor for kidney stones, glomerular disease); Gastrointestinal symptoms Swallowing difficulty due to decreased saliva production; Constipation; Food...”
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Urinalysis a treatment
“...The conditions which may lead to a telescoped sediment are: 1) lupus nephritis 2) malignant hypertension 3) diabetic glomerulosclerosis, and 4) rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis...”


...the condition
“...Kidneys Vasculitis is not common in kidneys of people with lupus, even those who have lupus nephritis.  It may not cause any symptoms, although most patients with renal vasculitis have high blood pressure...”
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