
Definition of Laryngitis:

Inflammation of the larynx, usually implying hoarseness or aphonia.

Topics Related to Laryngitis

Bayberry a treatment
“...Powdered root bark was an ingredient in what was known as "composition powder", widely used for laryngitis, colds, flu, sinusitis and asthma...”

Fennel a treatment
“...Mouthwash and gargles are made from infusions for gum disorders, loose teeth, laryngitis, and sore throats...”
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More topics Related to Laryngitis

Hydrochloric Acid Deficiency

...the condition
“...of HCl deficiency include: Bloating; Nausea and vomiting; Heartburn; Feeling full as soon as you start eating; Excess gas; Loss of taste for meat; Bad breath; Yeast infection; Rectal itching; Laryngitis; Weak/brittle nails; Depression; Dementia; Undigested food in stools; Fatigue; Hair loss (especially in females); In order to detect hydrochloric acid deficiency, a doctor will first...”


...the condition
“Alternative names: Acute laryngitis Laryngitis is the inflammation of the larynx (voice box), which results in irritation and swelling of the larynx and the surrounding area...”

Stillingia a treatment
“...Stillingia is used to relieve bronchial congestion and laryngitis/loss of voice...”
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