Insulin Resistance

Definition of Insulin Resistance:

The body's inability to correctly utilize its normal (internally-produced) insulin supply, even though this supply is sufficient.

Topics Related to Insulin Resistance

Andropause/Male Menopause

...relationship to Syndrome X / Metabolic Syndrome
“...Testosterone is important for maintaining both physical and mental health, and deficiency is associated with many symptoms including insulin resistance and weight gain at the waist...”

Carbohydrate Craving

...the condition
“...People with insulin resistance or diabetes may need to spread their calories out over a whole day by having small meals and 2-3 small snacks...”
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More topics Related to Insulin Resistance

Carbohydrate Intolerance

...the condition
“...This is when insulin resistance develops.  Hyperinsulinemia can also cause the adrenal gland to over-produce the stress hormone cortisol, resulting in adrenal burnout or adrenal fatigue...”

Coffee a treatment
“...Type 2 diabetes: Coffee helps reduce insulin resistance by increasing blood glucose levels, and the concentration of plasma adiponectin, a protein regulating glucose levels...”

Diabetes Type 1.5

...the condition
“...One study performed in Bruneck, Italy found that 84% of the people diagnosed as Type 2 had insulin resistance, but the other 16% did not, suggesting these individuals had Type 1.5 diabetes...”

Diabetes Type II

...the condition
“...It is caused by a combination of insulin resistance (loss of sensitivity to insulin) and insulin deficiency...”
...our question about Air pollution exposure
“...A Swiss study found signs of significantly increased insulin resistance, hypertension, and waist-circumference in a sample of nearly 4,000 people living among dense pollution...”
...relationship to Magnesium Requirement
“...A low intake of magnesium, which is a common deficiency, has been associated with insulin resistance and diabetes in several studies...”
...recommendation Increased Legume Consumption
“...Legumes are rich in soluble fiber, which has been shown to help improve insulin resistance, the study authors note...”
...recommendation Alpha Lipoic Acid
“...It stimulates increased glucose utilization in muscle cells and significantly reduces human insulin resistance.  600mg of alpha lipoic acid tid was found to improve polyneuropathy symptoms in patients with type II diabetes...”

Elevated Cortisol Levels

...the condition
“...New studies demonstrate that elevated cortisol levels can lead to abdominal weight gain, loss of verbal declarative memory (words, names, and numbers), insulin resistance, and Type 2 Diabetes...”

Elevated Insulin Levels

...relationship to Diabetes Type II
“Hyperinsulinemia and insulin resistance are both factors that increase the risk of developing type 2 diabetes...”
...recommendation Milk/Dairy Products
“A higher consumption of dairy products was associated with a reduced risk of insulin resistance (Syndrome X) in a study of 3,157 young adults followed for a 10 year period...”

Gout / Hyperuricemia

...relationship to Elevated Insulin Levels
“Preliminary research suggests that insulin resistance may play a role in the development of gout...”

Hypertension (High Blood Pressure)

...our question about Air pollution exposure
“A Swiss study found signs of significantly increased insulin resistance, hypertension, and waist-circumference in a sample of nearly 4,000 people living among dense pollution...”

Hyponatremia (Low Blood Sodium Level)

...the condition
“...In another study, only several days on a low sodium diet increased insulin resistance.  Death that occurs during hyponatremia is usually due to other features of the disease rather than to the hyponatremia itself...”
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More topics Related to Insulin Resistance

Lack of Sleep

...relationship to Elevated Insulin Levels
“...Chronic sleep deprivation (under 6.5 hours per night) had the same effect on insulin resistance as aging.”

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)

...relationship to Coronary Disease / Heart Attack
“...Surprisingly, the increased risk was found to be independent of obesity, supporting the argument that insulin resistance alone is important in determining cardiovascular risk...”

Problems Caused By Being Overweight

...our question about Air pollution exposure
“...A Swiss study found signs of significantly increased insulin resistance, hypertension, and waist-circumference in a sample of nearly 4,000 people living among dense pollution...”

Protein Deficiency

...the condition
“...and triglycerides (due to the liver processing fats less efficiently); Growth problems in children; Edema (fluid retention); Irregular menstrual cycle (a low-protein, high-carb diet contributes to insulin resistance, fatigue, inflammation and weight gain, which in turn disrupt the delicate balance of female hormones); Mental retardation; Weakened immune system; Weight loss; Weight gain...”


...relationship to Elevated Insulin Levels
“One of cortisol's undesirable effects is that it contributes to insulin resistance by decreasing the rate of glucose uptake, probably by blocking the insulin receptor...”
...relationship to Atherosclerosis
“...not to say that stress causes atherosclerosis, the evidence clearly points to cardiovascular reactivity to stress as an atherosclerotic risk factor of the same magnitude as smoking, hypertension, insulin resistance, and elevated cholesterol levels...”

Syndrome X / Metabolic Syndrome

...the condition
“...Syndrome X refers specifically to a group of health problems that can include insulin resistance (the inability to properly deal with dietary carbohydrates and sugars), abnormal blood fats (such as elevated cholesterol and triglycerides), overweight, and high blood pressure...”
...relationship to Elevated Insulin Levels
“Syndrome X (Metabolic Syndrome) is the variable combination of obesity (usually central in distribution), insulin resistance with elevated insulin levels, high blood cholesterol and hypertension...”
...recommendation Magnesium
“...Low quantities in the diet (caused by modern methods of food production) increase the risk of insulin resistance.”
...recommendation Low/Decreased Carbohydrate Diet
Insulin resistance and Syndrome X are caused primarily by a diet high in refined carbohydrates, which include many people's favorite and most frequently eaten foods, such as cereals, muffins, breads...”
...recommendation Alpha Lipoic Acid
“...ALA stimulates increased glucose utilization in muscle cells and significantly reduces human insulin resistance/sensitivity...”

Test Serum Uric Acid Levels a treatment
“...Diabetes The association of high serum uric acid with insulin resistance has been known since the early part of the 20th century...”
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