
Definition of Aerobic:

Using oxygen.  For example, aerobic exercises such as running, swimming, bicycling or playing tennis use up lots of oxygen and burn up lots of calories and fat.

Also: Aerobically

Topics Related to Aerobic

Aerobic Exercise a treatment
Aerobic exercise is any activity that uses large muscle groups, can be maintained continuously, and is rhythmic in nature...”


...recommendation Aerobic Exercise
“A carefully graded, progressive, aerobic exercise program (30 minutes 3 times per week) is a necessity...”
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More topics Related to Aerobic

Antibiotics a treatment
“...Some antibiotics attack aerobic bacteria, while others fight anaerobic bacteria...”


...recommendation Aerobic Exercise
“Regular aerobic exercise lowers fibrinogen levels – a risk factor for atherosclerosis of equal or greater predictive value than cholesterol...”

Chronic Fatigue / Fibromyalgia Syndrome

...recommendation against Aerobic Exercise
“...Medical opinion has been divided on whether CFS patients should attempt regular exercise or not – some believe that gentle exercise is helpful, while others caution against any form of aerobic activity at all...”


...the condition
“...Make sure you are ... Getting regular aerobic exercise...”

Coronary Disease / Heart Attack

...recommendation Aerobic Exercise
“...Aerobic exercise reduces cardiac risk by lowering LDL- and raising HDL-cholesterol levels, and by reducing blood pressure, body fat, blood sugar, mental stress, and blood clotting...”

Creatinine Monohydrate a treatment
“...Aerobic athletes such as runners or bike riders benefit as well...”

Diabetes Type II

...the condition
“...Aside from those recommendations listed below, lifestyle changes which include weight loss, rigid restriction of sugars, replacing refined-grain foods by whole-grain foods, and one hour of daily aerobic activity seems to control Type 2 diabetes in a majority of people unless they have serious damage in their pancreas or insulin receptors...”
...recommendation Aerobic Exercise
Aerobic exercise reduces the risk of diabetes and improves the diabetic condition through several different mechanisms.”

Exhaustion Caused By Emotional Upsets

...the condition
“...Reduce your consumption of alcohol and caffeine, and exercise aerobically – fast walking, jogging, swimming, or bicycling twenty minutes every other day...”


...the condition
“...Aerobic exercise 3-5 times per week...”

Low Back Pain

...recommendation Weight Training
“See the link between Lower Back Pain and Aerobic Exercise.”
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More topics Related to Aerobic

Myasthenia Gravis

...recommendation Aerobic Exercise
“Available literature indicates that patients with myasthenia gravis may benefit from both a strengthening as well as an aerobic/cardiovascular fitness program...”

Non-Aerobic Exercise / Weight Training a treatment
“Even today after years of research and application, some still maintain the belief that weight training lacks any aerobic benefit.  The fact is, lifting weights increases blood pressure and heart rate, representing some aerobic stimulus...”


...the condition
“...Laboratory findings ... Ascitic fluid – turbid, bloody, may contain fat globules; increased WBC; Gram's stain and aerobic and anaerobic cultures show multiple organisms; increased amylase; increased mononuclear cells and decreased glucose occur in tuberculous peritonitis...”

Phosphorus Deficiency

...our question about Energy/stamina
“Sodium phosphate or potassium phosphate is often used by endurance athletes in order to increase aerobic capacity and athletic performance...”

Poor/Slow Wound Healing

...the condition
“...Aerobic bacteria are more closely identified with superficial epidermal layers but may also be involved in infective processes and include staphylococcus epidermis, corynebacteria, propionibacteria...”

Post-Polio Syndrome

...the condition
“...Some individuals are able to participate in some forms of aerobic training, while many others may benefit from gentle stretching or yoga...”

Problems Caused By Being Underweight

...recommendation Weight Training
“...Aerobic type exercises will just burn off those extra calories without much weight gain...”

Syndrome X / Metabolic Syndrome

...the condition
“...Aerobic exercise is especially good, and includes activities such as walking, cycling, jogging, swimming, and Tai chi...”


...the condition
“...The constant burning of energy by these patients mimics intense aerobic exercise; exercise that goes on for every minute of every day...”

The Effects Of Overtraining

...our question about Your HDL cholesterol level
“Very vigorous exercise and regular long-term heavy aerobic exercise can cause HDL levels to become especially elevated...”

Varicose Veins

...recommendation Aerobic Exercise
“Regular aerobic exercise provides benefits for the circulatory system.”

Weight Loss a treatment
“...Research shows that you burn more stored fat for energy when you do aerobic exercises on an empty stomach...”
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