Dr. Susan Brody, a New York resident, currently practices in a multidisciplinary clinic in Jerusalem, Israel. As the only chiropractor on a staff that includes internal medicine, pediatrics, gynecology, surgery, cardiology and urology, she enjoys contributing a biomechanical dimension to the facility. However, chiropractic has much more to offer than just the treatment of back pain, the most common reason for seeking care.
Chiropractic approaches health from the perspective of the spine, hence the misconception that chiropractors are only back doctors. The basic premise is that if the spine is not aligned or moving properly, the nerves that exit between its bones are irritated and therefore also not performing up to par. The most obvious consequence is pain and limited movement, but other bodily functions can be affected as well. Since most diseases are caused by a variety of factors combined, it is impossible to predict in advance what percentage of any given condition is caused by spinal malfunction. However, functional loss in the spine is certainly a stressor, and it is safe to say that any condition can only benefit from having less stress on the system.
In order to differentiate between what will and will not respond to treatment, chiropractors are trained as primary health care providers, much like family medical doctors. After meeting undergraduate pre-medical requirements, chiropractors complete their doctorates in a four year program, with a one year internship. They must pass both national and state board exams for licensing and are required to keep their knowledge base current with yearly continuing education. In addition, there are post-graduate fellowships in the specialties of nutrition, radiology, orthopedics, neurology, rehabilitation, internal practice, and sports medicine.
While chiropractors by definition do not use drugs or surgery, their training aside from these topics is almost identical to that of a medical doctor. (In contrast, medical doctors get virtually no training in manipulation or nutrition.) As in any responsible profession, chiropractors are also trained to recognize what falls outside of their scope of practice, and refer to appropriate specialists as necessary.
Dr. Brody graduated magna cum laude, class valedictorian, in 1987 from Palmer College of Chiropractic-West in northern California, after majoring in chemistry as an undergraduate. She holds a certificate from the Southeast Back Institute in treating disc disease and failed back surgeries.
With children ages 9, 11, 16, 17, 19, and 21, Dr. Brody applies her wide experience as both mother and doctor to treating a relatively poor cross-section of the city. Besides the opportunity to work with a superior staff, she choose to service a lower income clientele because it is compatible with her philosophy of health care: to minimize the patients' dependence on treatment by teaching them how to take care of themselves. Additionally, she volunteers for a local post-partum support network and coaches an occasional childbirth in area hospitals.
Dr. Brody enjoys immensely her interaction with patients via "Diagnose-Me.com," and can be reached at Dr. Brody's email address.