Sauna Detoxification Program

Sauna Detoxification Program: Overview

Most sauna detoxification programs use exercise, nutrients and low-temperature long duration heat exposure.  The combination of these promotes the mobilization of stored toxins from fatty tissues and enhances their excretion.  Mobilization of stored chemicals is not desirable if the routes of elimination are not also enhanced.  Chemicals are excreted through many routes including feces, urine, sweat, sebum, and lung vapor.

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Function; Why it is Recommended

Heat stress is a means of increasing circulation and of enhancing the elimination of compounds through both sweat and sebum.  It is documented that methadone, amphetamines, methamphetamines and morphine, as well as copper, mercury and other metals and compounds appear in human sweat.  Enhancement of this elimination route is a key purpose of the sauna aspect of this program.

In addition to an increase in sweat production, increased body temperature results in heightened production of sebum, the material produced by the skin's sebaceous glands.

In patients exhibiting chloracne, a specific skin disorder caused by chemical exposure, the causative compounds may be detected both in adipose tissue and in sebum of the skin.


The minimum acceptable program length is two weeks, but longer programs are typical and may extend up to six weeks.  The average time spent per day in the sauna is 3 hours.  Although this sounds like a lot, it is usually well tolerated.  Completing such a program is difficult when working at the same time.  It is best accomplished during a vacation period.  The greatest benefit will be gained by following an established program under a doctor's supervision.

Expected Outcome

After a sufficient number of days, chronic heat stress will reduce the body's burden of fat-soluble toxins.  Various chlorinated and volatile hydrocarbons have been measured in the sweat of those undergoing sauna therapy, and fat tissue biopsies clearly support this claim.  An added benefit is that detoxification continues for several months after the program is completed.  This is probably explained by a continued enhancement of elimination through the skin.

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Sauna Detoxification Program:

Sauna Detoxification Program can help with the following:


Environmental Illness / MCS

To decrease the fat stores of chemicals, a heat (sauna) detoxification program has been developed consisting of selected nutrients, colon cleansing, heat therapy and massage.  The protocol of nutrients, colon cleansing and heat therapy can often reduce the serum levels of these chemicals to "non-detectable".

Environment / Toxicity


Body Odor

Since toxic overload may be one of the causes, try taking steam baths or saunas frequently as part of an overall detoxification program.

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Sauna Detoxification Program can help prevent the following:

Tumors, Malignant

Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma

Programs using low temperature environments (like special saunas) have clearly demonstrated the ability to reduce or remove chemicals commonly stored in the fatty tissues of modern man.  Such chemicals include recreational drugs, pesticides, herbicides, and many solvents.  These chemicals are often carcinogenic, and non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, in particular, has been linked to herbicide and pesticide exposure.  By avoiding contact with these agents or removing them from a body already burdened with them, the risk of health consequences including non-Hodgkin's lymphoma should be reduced.

Soft Tissue Sarcoma

Sauna detoxification programs rid the body of stored toxins known to increase the risk of sarcoma.

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