More topics Related to Testosterone
...the condition
“...Testosterone (from the testes), human growth hormone (from the pituitary), and DHEA and androstenedione (from the adrenal gland) levels all begin to drop...”
...our question about
Fatigue after light exertion
“Lethargy and lack of vitality are early signs that your anti-aging hormones (such as testosterone) are diminishing.”
...relationship to
Syndrome X / Metabolic Syndrome
“Testosterone levels in men generally begin to decline in the fourth decade of life during the period known as andropause or male menopause...”
Book Reading
“For more insight, The Testosterone Syndrome, by Eugene Shippen, M.D. and William Fryer, provides a persuasive argument in favor of hormone modulation in the male andropause.”
“The April 2004 issue of the journal Urology published the findings of Italian researchers that the amino acid carnitine was more active than testosterone in improving symptoms of aging in men, such as sexual dysfunction and depression, associated with the decline of androgenic hormones...”
“...This increase in PSA is as great as that seen with testosterone. Increased PSA production was specifically inhibited by 2-methoxyestradiol, the beneficial estrogen metabolite whose production is promoted by DIM...”
“...It has also been reported to increase the body's natural testosterone and luteinizing hormone (LH) levels...”
“Testosterone levels decline gradually with age in men...”
...relationship to
Low Male Testosterone Level
“Researchers at Columbia University Medical School found that serum testosterone levels were about 90ng/dl lower in patients who had suffered myocardial infarctions (MI) than in those who had not...”
...related topic
“...BPH is common in men over fifty and can be the result either of diminished production of complete testosterone or poor pelvic circulation...”
...the condition
“...Examples of these include: tocotrienols, fish oils, curcumin, gingko biloba, grapes and grape juice, testosterone, Coumadin, vitamin E over 300IU/day, vitamin B6 over 150-200mg per day, too many essential fatty acids, garlic, taurine and gugulipids...”
Test for Hormones
“Testing for estrogen, progesterone and testosterone may help to properly evaluate breast and ovarian cancer risk...”
...the condition
“...Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome: The liver uses a specific enzyme system to convert cholesterol into a master steroidal hormone called pregnenolone, from which hormones such as progesterone, DHEA, and testosterone are derived...”
...relationship to
Low Male Testosterone Level
“Several studies have found that sufferers of cluster and migraine headaches tend to have subnormal levels of total testosterone, DHEA sulfate, and pregnenolone.”
...relationship to
Low Female Testosterone Level
“Several studies have found that sufferers of cluster and migraine headaches tend to have subnormal levels of total testosterone, DHEA sulfate, and pregnenolone.”
“Some research suggests that testosterone therapy may help alleviate the pain of migraine and cluster headaches.”
...the condition
“...Although the hormones estrogen and testosterone slow skin collagen loss, a number of beauty treatments, including vitamin C and ceramide creams, can do the job without the side-effects...”
...the condition
“...There is good evidence – particularly in the case of women (menopause, loss of estrogen) – that sex hormones (estrogen, progesterone, testosterone) play a role in DDD...”
“...In addition, DHEA is the precursor for estrogen and testosterone, which also enhance mood...”
...related topic
“...DHEA may be transformed into testosterone, estrogen or other steroids...”
...related topic
“A highly active form of testosterone, which influences many aspects of manly behavior, from sex drive to aggression...”
...the condition
“...Throughout their lives, men produce both testosterone (an important male hormone) and small amounts of estrogen – a female hormone...”
Saw Palmetto
“...This enzyme converts the hormone testosterone to DHT...”
“...Zinc has been found to inhibit the activity of 5-alpha reductase, the enzyme that irreversibly converts testosterone to dihydrotestosterone, a form which binds more avidly to the prostrate and stimulates greater growth...”
Natural Progesterone
“...Progesterone prevents the body from converting testosterone to dihydrotestosterone by inhibiting the enzyme 5-alpha reductase...”
...the condition
“...Testosterone, the principal androgen, regulates sexual function in men and is a sexual libido booster in women as well...”
...relationship to
Low Male Testosterone Level
“Without sufficient testosterone the penile muscles atrophy, with the result that insufficient blood is trapped for developing or maintaining an erection, which in turn leads to poor performance and the anxiety that...”
Test for Hormones
“Testosterone is the major hormone produced by men, but does not directly affect a man's erectile ability as much as it does libido or sexual desire...” a treatment
“...Testosterone, which benefits libido and bone health, may also be prescribed...”
...relationship to
“...The fatigue may be due to anemia, depression, the HIV virus, secondary infections, hormone deficiency (testosterone, adrenal exhaustion), malnutrition, poor sleep quality or quantity, inactivity, or drug side-effects.”
...the condition
“...One form of fat that the liver produces is called triglycerides, which are important for new cell production for making hormones such as estrogen, testosterone and the adrenal hormones...”
...the condition
“...Most modern medical research leans toward the position that a male hormone called dihydrotestosterone (DHT), which is converted from testosterone, binds to sites on hair follicles and is a primary instigator of hair loss...”
...the condition
“...Major Related Diagnoses: Alzheimer's disease/demyelinizing diseases, anemia, arthritis, breast cancer, carpal tunnel syndrome, decrease in testosterone/spermatogenesis, altered vas deferens/testicular growth, decreased dental arch, dental crowding, delayed tooth eruption, diabetes insipidus, diarrhea, Down syndrome, early onset of...” a treatment
“...Some evidence suggests that gamma oryzanol increases testosterone levels, stimulates the release of endorphins (pain-relieving substances made in the body), and promotes the growth of lean muscle tissue...”
...related topic
“...These include estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone. These hormones amplify sexual characteristics that are dormant before puberty...”
...the condition
“Testosterone is an androgen steroid hormone that is usually linked to male sexuality...”
...our question about
Level of motivation
“Excess secretion of testosterone (a hormone associated with male aggressive behavior) is reported in Type A personality patients.”
...relationship to
Breast Cancer
“One study reported that women with the highest levels of testosterone were twice as likely to develop breast cancer as those with the lowest levels...”
...relationship to
Ovarian Cancer
“When testosterone levels are very elevated, ovarian cancer can be a concern.”
...the condition
“Higher levels of testosterone can have significant health benefits for some men, such as being less vulnerable to high blood pressure, heart attacks, frequent colds and obesity...”
...our question about
Level of motivation
“Excess secretion of testosterone (a hormone associated with male aggressive behavior) is reported in Type A personality patients.”
...relationship to
Breast Cancer
“...The same study reported that women with the highest levels of estrogen and/or testosterone were twice as likely to develop breast cancer as those with the lowest levels...”
...the condition
“...Although some women with hirsutism have increased amounts of male hormones (e.g. DHEA or testosterone), most have normal levels...”
...relationship to
Ovarian Cysts
“ the BBC in April of 2009, found that 70-80% of cases of female Hirsutism are caused by polycystic ovarian syndrome, an abnormality of the ovaries where many small cysts appear due to elevated testosterone levels.”
...relationship to
Low Male Testosterone Level
“An estimated 45% of men with untreated AIDS and 25% of asymptomatic, untreated HIV-infected men experience low testosterone levels. Both men and women may be negatively affected by testosterone deficiency.”
Test for Hormones
“Several studies have shown that testosterone levels are generally lower and that testosterone administration alleviates fatigue and depression in men with HIV/AIDS...”
...the condition
“...Androgens are the male sex hormones (controlling male characteristics), the main one being testosterone. Androgens are also present in women but in smaller amounts; they are the precursors to estrogens in both men and women...”
...our question about the thickness of your scalp hairs
“...Hair follicles are very susceptible to excessive DHT, which is a super-dense form of testosterone. Healthy men produce very small amounts of DHT, which is not naturally present in healthy women...”
Hormone-altering Drugs
...related topic
“...Examples include Metformin, which affects insulin levels; Tamoxifen and Arimidex which affect estrogen levels; LHRH agonists which affect testosterone levels; and propylthiouracil (PTU) and methimazole(MTZ) which affect thyroid levels.”
...related topic
“...Examples include adrenal hormones such as corticosteroids and aldosterone; glucagon, growth hormone, insulin, testosterone, estrogens, progestins, progesterone, DHEA, melatonin, and thyroid hormones such as thyroxine and calcitonin.”
...the condition
“Male hypogonadism with a deficiency of testosterone is a relatively common disorder in clinical practice and has significant effects on the fertility, sexual function, and general health of affected men...”
...the condition
“...On testing, blood levels of testosterone are low and should be replaced...”
...related topic
“...Gynecomastia and various degrees of testosterone deficiency are usually noted.”
More topics Related to Testosterone
...the condition
“Testosterone was once considered an exclusively male hormone...”
...the condition
“...Replacement of the hormones which decline with age, such as growth hormone, estrogen and testosterone, is an important part of any antiaging program...”
...the condition
“Low testosterone affects almost every major system in the male body and has potentially serious long-term health consequences...”
...relationship to
Alzheimer's Disease
“Baltimore Longitudinal Study showed a strong correlation between low testosterone levels and dementia, as well as increased risk of Alzheimer's disease.”
...relationship to
Zinc Requirement
“(This relationship of testosterone levels to zinc status does not apply to women...”
Testosterone Levels, Test
“Unfortunately, there is no general agreement on the threshold of testosterone value below which a man would be considered hypogonadal...”
“In patients with below-normal serum testosterone levels, physiological levels were reached after treatment with Tribulus...”
“DIM helps to balance the sex hormones estrogen and testosterone. The usual dose range of DIM for men is 200-400mg per day taken with food...”
...the condition
“Melatonin is a hormone in the same category as estrogen and testosterone and should not automatically be used as liberally as its current availability suggests...”
...the condition
“...All steroid hormones in the body (estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, DHEA, aldosterone, cortisol, etc...”
...relationship to
Low DHEA Level
“DHEA is the precursor to testosterone. Low testosterone levels, which reduce sex drive, may be due to low DHEA levels.”
...relationship to
Low Male Testosterone Level
“Many studies over the years have shown that testosterone is critical to sexual desire...”
Test for Hormones
“...This is often due to declining hormone levels, especially testosterone. Hormone replacement is particularly effective at this time for restoring libido.”
“Low testosterone levels are frequently the reason for diminished interest in sex, both in men and in women.”
...the condition
“Sex Hormone Binding Globulin (SHBG) is a protein produced by the liver which binds to three sex hormones found in both men and women: estrogen, dihydrotestosterone (DHT), and testosterone. SHBG carries these three hormones through the blood to where they are needed...”
“...These patients are relatively testosterone deficient...”
...related topic
“Anterior pituitary hormone stimulating estrogen production by the ovary; promoting formation of progesterone by the corpus luteum in women and stimulating testosterone release in men.” a treatment
“...Maca does not work through hormone-like effects, and does not increase testosterone or estrogen...”
...the condition
“...Most modern medical research leans toward the position that a male hormone called dihydrotestosterone (DHT), which is converted from testosterone, binds to sites on hair follicles and is a primary instigator of hair loss...”
Pumpkin Seeds
“Pumpkin seed oil may affect the activity of testosterone in the body in a similar fashion to saw palmetto...”
Stinging Nettle
“It is possible that radix urticae influences the activity of sex hormone binding globulin and its binding to testosterone. Because of this small amount of evidence some people have taken radix urticae as an alternative treatment for androgenetic alopecia...”
Saw Palmetto
“This extract has been found to counteract the conversion of testosterone to DHT by inhibiting DHT binding to cellular and nuclear receptor sites, thereby increasing DHT breakdown...”
...the condition
“...infertility in men; Bicycling – blood vessels and nerves may be damaged due to the pressure from the bike seat; Marginal zinc status is associated with poor sperm count and motility (especially if testosterone levels are low)...”
...relationship to
Zinc Requirement
“Zinc increases sperm count and motility as well as raising testosterone levels when low.”
...recommendation against
“Testosterone causes suppression of spermatogenesis and can lead to infertility.”
Test Zinc Levels
“...Marginal zinc status is associated with poor sperm count and motility (especially if testosterone levels are low).”
...relationship to
Syndrome X / Metabolic Syndrome
“...With reduced SHBG levels, greater amounts of bioactive "male" sex hormones – androgens such as testosterone and DHEA – begin to circulate inside a woman's body...”
...the condition
“...Testosterone. In men, testosterone may be used to increase bone density in hypogonadal osteoporosis...”
...relationship to
Low Male Testosterone Level
“Some 30% of men with spinal osteoporosis have long-standing testosterone deficiency, and one-third of men with testosterone deficiency have subnormal bone density that puts them at risk of fractures.”
...the condition
“...Substances that reduce platelet aggregation include tocotrienols, shark liver oil, curcumin, gingko biloba, grape seed extract, grapes and grape juice, testosterone, Coumadin, fish oils, vitamin E at 300 IU or above, B6 at 150-200mg, EFAs, garlic, taurine and gugulipids...”
...the condition
“...It also results in an increased production of the male hormone testosterone by the ovaries...”
...our question about
Early or late puberty onset (female)
“...When girls with premature pubarche have been followed throughout the rest of puberty they have been found to develop excess testosterone production and irregular periods consistent with PCOS...”
Weight Loss
“Weight reduction can not only reverse testosterone and luteinizing hormone abnormalities and infertility seen with PCOS, but also improve glucose, insulin and lipid profiles...”
Test for Hormones
“...It is for this reason that a measurement of total testosterone and DHEA is recommended.”
...the condition
“...Modifiable factors that increase risk for bone loss ... Low levels of estrogen in women or low levels of testosterone in men...”
“Several types of memory can benefit from supplemental testosterone: Working memory, which allows you to manipulate information over brief periods of time in order to make a response; verbal memory, which helps you recall lists of words; and spatial...”
...relationship to
Premature/Signs of Aging
“...Also, premature hair graying is less frequent in ethnic groups, notably blacks, who also tend to have higher testosterone levels in both sexes...”
Test for Hormones
“...The hormones most likely to be involved include estrogens, progesterone, testosterone and DHEA.”
“...This two-month study also demonstrated that 7-Keto does not significantly affect blood sugar, testosterone, estradiol, liver or kidney function...”
...the condition
“...Hormone therapy is based on reducing the level of testosterone, which stimulates cancer growth...”
...recommendation against
“Testosterone supplementation causes the acceleration of pre-existing prostate cancer growth...” a treatment
“...However, testosterone is not found in sarsaparilla, despite the many claims of its presence...”
...related topic
“A glycoprotein, synthesized in the liver, which binds testosterone and 5 alpha-dihydrotestosterone strongly, and estradiol somewhat less strongly...”
...the condition
“...Steroids are synthetic drugs that mimic the actions of testosterone. Often used by athletes and others to build muscle mass, abuse can lead to steroid addiction...” a treatment
“Hormone testing for sex hormones such as estrogens, progesterone, testosterone, DHEA, LH, FSH, prolactin and binding globulins (SHBG) is an important step in determining hormone abnormalities that may be causing or contributing to symptoms...” a treatment
“...With men, the issue of concern is testosterone deficiency, while with women the concern is excess testosterone production...”
...related topic
“Egg-shaped sex glands in the scrotum that secrete male hormones such as testosterone, and produce sperm.” a treatment
“Testosterone levels can only be confirmed through lab testing...” a treatment
“...In 1981, Tribestan was incorporated into mainstream medical treatment in much of Eastern Europe for improvement of libido and erectile function, increasing serum concentration of testosterone and luteinizing hormone (LH), and stimulation of spermatogenesis with increased concentration of sperm and an increase in sperm motility and viability...”
...the condition
“...Vitamin B3 is necessary for the manufacture of the hormones cortisone, thyroxine, insulin, and the sex hormones estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone. It increases the production of prostaglandins, which are hormone-like chemicals that tissues produce to help control such physiologic processes as blood clotting and inflammation...” a treatment
“...The hormone testosterone plays a major role in muscular development...”
GLA (Gamma Linolenic Acid)
“GLA can help reduce candida-induced hair loss by suppressing conversion of testosterone to its derivative DHT, in the hair follicles.”