
Piracetam: Overview

The world's best-selling nootropic (brain nourishing) drug, piracetam, is purported to prevent and correct memory loss due to old age, sharpening memory and improving clarity and attention to detail.

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Piracetam is supplied most commonly in 400mg, 600mg, 800mg, and 1200mg tablets, and in an oral liquid form.  Trade name preparations include Avigilen, Axonyl, Braintop, Cerebrofort, Cerebropan, Cerebrosteril, Cerebryl, Cerepar N, Cetam, Ciclofalina, Cuxabrain, Encetrop, Flavis, Gabacet, Genogris, Geram, Geratam, Memo-Puren, Noodis, Nootrop, Nootropyl, Normabrain, Norzetam, Novocetam, Pirabene, Piracebral, Piracetrop, Psycoton and Sinapsan.

While some of the generic forms of piracetam may be acceptable, generic piracetam may be a "hit or miss" affair.  There are now a growing number of piracetam look-alikes, including Oxiracetam, Aniracetam, Modiracetam, and Pramiracetam.  Oxiracetam is the industry standard in Europe and when new analogues are developed they are compared to Oxiracetam.

Function; Why it is Recommended

Piracetam brings about important metabolic modifications in nerve cells, which results in greater receptiveness and increased use of chemical energy.

Piracetam's anti-aging benefits include treatment and prevention of age-related mental decline, protection of the brain against aging damage and environmental toxins, increased potential lifespan, and improved alertness, awareness and short-to-medium-term memory.

Side-Effects; Counter-Indicators and Warnings

Side-effects may include nausea, dizziness and headaches.

Patients with renal disorders should use piracetam with caution.

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