Indian Long Pepper

Indian Long Pepper: Overview

Alternative names: Long Pepper, Pippali

Indian long pepper (Piper longum) is a traditional Ayurvedic herb that has long been used for its anthelmintic and carminative actions.  It is also widely used for diseases of the respiratory tract.

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Indian long pepper is sometimes used in combination with other herbs in Ayurvedic medicine.  In cooking, it possesses a sweet-and-hot taste.


Indian Long Pepper is native to North-eastern and Southern India, and Sri Lanka.  The whole plant is usable, especially its berries and the roots; the fruit is more useful and active when it is picked unripe and dried under the sun.

Function; Why it is Recommended

Indian Long Pepper is a powerful stimulant for the digestive and the respiratory systems, having a rejuvenating effect on the lungs.  It helps increase thyroid hormone levels in the body and increases the absorption and bioavailability of certain other medications, both pharmaceutical and herbal.

It is thought that the root and the fruit may possess anti-amoebic activity.

Indian long pepper is used for the following:

Unconfirmed uses include:


Indian long pepper interacts with certain drugs, such as Phenytoin, Propranolol, and Theophylline.  It may increase how much of these drugs the body absorbs, increasing the effects and side-effects of these drugs.

On This Page

Indian Long Pepper:

Indian Long Pepper can help with the following:


Giardiasis Infection

Researchers Tripathi et al assessed the antigiardial action of Indian long pepper in vitro, and found aqueous extracts (250mcg/ml) and ethanol extracts (125mcg/ml) demonstrated 100% giardicidal activity.

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