
Fenugreek: Overview

The dried ripe seeds of Fenugreek, Trigonella foenum-graecum, are a mainstay in Middle Eastern and South Asian cooking.  The seed contains saponins, flavonoids, oils, proteins and a high amount of mucilage.  It is the mucilage content that makes it good for soothing mucous membranes; especially those of the digestive tract.

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Fenugreek is found in several internal and external products, usually for its soothing effects.  Fenugreek seeds are "Approved" by the German Commission E to stimulate appetite, and externally (poultice) for soothing inflammations.

Why it is Recommended

Fenugreek is a nutritive and digestive tonic used where there is digestive debility and poor nutrition.

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Fenugreek can help with the following:


Anorexia / Starvation Tendency

A nutritive and digestive tonic used where there is digestive debility and poor nutrition.

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